Damage Control


Started a new thread for us. I'm still working my way through STS. After today's workout I still need to repeat M3W3 and then will just have the last week to go. I knew it was too much to hope to have this done before my trip. I did a BR w/o yesterday and got outside for a short walk. Hopefully I can get outside today too. Work is so busy and I spend so much time tied to my desk and headset.

How is your week going?
I completed STS D33 SBT. I used 57.5# for the barbell curls-that definitely a max for me at 6 reps.

What are you up to?
I did LITE PLB on Tuesday and Wednesday I walked to work at lunch and home at the end of the day. My goal is 200 days this year. It was a brisk walk, but I got done at 4 due to a meeting on Friday, so it was still light out. I can't wait for the time change!

We got Lucy last night. She is in hiding mode. Hopefully she'll start venturing out further today, but it's up to her.

Nice work on STS. My heaviest for biceps on Tuesday were my 10's! Are you getting the new program-Perfect 30? I'm tempted.

I did Ramped Up Upper Body after work yesterday. Been trying to get my veggies in and moving everyday somehow. Tonight is clean the house movement! It's supposed to snow here this weekend. We're not planning much. I do want to spend some time reading about using the BART system in San Francisco since we're not renting a car. Other than that...soccer, food prep, laundry, all the usual fun weekend activities!

What are you guys up to?

How is your weekend? I slept over 9 hours Friday to Saturday and Saturday to Sunday nights. I'm tired of getting up at the same time every day to stay on a sleep schedule. Maybe I need 9 hours a night and should start going to bed at 9 instead of 10. Plus, I actually slept-didn't have to get up to go to the bathroom, was warm, and was not worrying.

I've been doing good at keeping away from processed foods and eating 7 fruits and veggies, too. My sugar intake is really low and maybe that's helping with sleep? I did have a few chocolate chips yesterday but otherwise no desserts or junk. Roasting a big chicken today to eat off of and planning on doing a few trays of roasted veggies for the week. Yesterday I did some hard boiled eggs and sauteed a big bag of kale.

I did the Low Impact Metabolic circuit workout from live. It was good! I'm still doing what I feel like, but trying to get one upper and lower body weight work in a week. I might do a total body today-PHA or Giant Sets. Something that works the heart while is also strength.

I'm back from my trip and we had a wonderful time with the girls!!! We also can have the girls for spring break! I only worked out once in the gym, 20 min elliptical and 20 min of weights. Yesterday I did STS D35 C&B and today I did a Cathe Live circuit. Tomorrow I will finish up STS with D36-SBT. I did D34 before my trip. I'm ready to move on from STS. It's such a long program when repeating each week twice. Not sure exactly what I will be doing, but will include some Cathe and BR w/o's. I signed up for NOOM before my trip and am getting up to speed on their program. If you aren't familiar, its a weight loss app and it has really good reviews. I'm frustrated with just maintaining my weight the last 2 years with WW.

Wow, I can't remember the last time I slept through the night. I get around 7 hours but would prefer 8 to 9. I'm back to eating more fruits and veggies too. You have a great meal plan for the week! So organized. I try to workout 5-6 days each week. I need some cardio included for my mental health. With my knee, cardio is just getting harder to do. My elliptical doesn't seem to bother it too much.

Glad the trip went well and so happy you can see them again at spring break! It's always nice to have something planned and looking forward to.

Congrats on finishing STS-again! I just don't have the time to devote to those longer workouts right now. Maybe when/if I retire?! I have heard of Noom. You make changes and make them into habits with the phone/check in app? Sounds promising.

This week I did LIS Lower Body on Tuesday, Athletic Training Extreme premix on Wednesday and Pure Strength combo of the two upper body workout for 45 minutes last night. So I feel like I got some decent workouts in. Doing lower body gets my heart rate up so I like to count that for cardio!

Tonight is a going away dinner for my favorite coworker from this past year. She's going to a job closer to her home which will be good for her family, but rots for us. Oh well...she's the type to stay in touch which is good. I think DH is going....He is back to cleaning the house again starting this week which is great.

Well my workouts didn't go as planned. I'll have to finish STS tomorrow. I went to WW this morning and was up a bit which I already new. We ate out for every meal. I'm back to IF an tracking in both WW and Noom. I'm cancelling WW but have already paid for the next 4 weeks. Noom is pretty straight forward, but they have my calories at 1200, which is very low IMO.

You got a lot of great w/o's in this week!!! Hope you have a great time at dinner.
Dinner was nice. We got a roasted cauliflower appetizer and split a salmon burger. 1200 calories is really low for someone who weight trains as much as you! I guess it'll be protein and veggies to stay that low.

Off to do wash, make chili, and workout later. I'm thinking Low Impact Step Circuit DVD.

WOOT WOOT!!! I finished STS this morning! I did Disc 36 SBT and a BR circuit. Ready to shower and head to a pedi appt. I'll be making a grocery list later but probably will not go shopping until tomorrow. I'm going to try to tackle cleaning out the 2 upstairs bathroom vanities. I'm the only girl and I have a ton of stuff.

Noom breaks the calories down even further into Green (fruits/veggies) Yellow (meat & grain) and Red (nuts, snacks, cookies etc.) I'm still working on getting the right ratio. It's a learning curve.

Glad you had a wonderful dinner. I sure do miss stepping. Enjoy the weekend!
I'll didn't sleep very well last night. I had a glass of wine after 4 weeks alcohol free. That may have had something to do with it. I did a BR circuit and struggled my way through. The lack of sleep was definitely apparent. I did work for 3 hours last night and will have to put in about 3 hours today.

How is your weekend going?
I seem to sleep better on the weekends and then fall apart all week. My car started being really hard to turn. Dan thinks it's a tire iron or something that costs quite a bit. He, of course, wants to get a replacement. I really don't want to. I want to see how much to fix it. I only drive it to work and back.

This weekend ended up being a heavier weight workout weekend. I did Pure Strength Legs on Saturday and PUB today.

We decided to have the family over next weekend for Superbowl. Of course we're rooting for San Francisco!

I hope you feel better tomorrow.

Monday ended up being a rest day, too many meetings all day. Plus I think I was just tired from having to put in time on Sat and Sun. This morning I did Cardio Leg Blast and abs. DS2 came by to pick up some mail last night and asked to borrow money to help pay his attorney fees for his DUI. So irritating. Why should I have to pay for his mistake. We have enough on our plate paying for the basement, the trip to Oregon, flights for the girls to come here for Spring Break etc. I'm willing to pay for all these expenses, but not dish out for his mistake.

My dear MIL had her second knee replaced today and seems to be doing okay so far. She is supposed to get released from the hospital tomorrow. My SIL is staying with her Wednesday night and my hubby will be there Thursday and Friday and I have Sat and Sunday. That's my weekend.

I agree with you. I would definitely have the car checked out before just going and buying a new one. Your Superbowl party sounds fun!
Monday I played bridge and Tuesday I was the late nurse (until 5:30). I ended up walking to work Tuesday because the battery died in our other car. Do car things happen in 3's? I hope not. DH did get the battery fixed so now we're waiting on getting the boot and the tire rod fixed on my car-hopefully today. It was not a good walk to work-people don't shovel their sidewalks and the driveways I had to cross were sometimes very icy. I was disappointed and it was slow going.

DS1 made dinner last night! I talked to him candidly over the weekend about spending time with us out of his room and we negotiated to him eating with us more often (at least 3 times a week) and he'll cook dinner one night a week. He chose Tuesday nights.

So I have not worked out since Sunday. Tonight and tomorrow night will be lower and upper body and Friday I will do cardio since I don't have to clean any more.

Lucy is still hiding and hissing. It's slow going. The guy who is supposed to fix the basement steps is starting soon which will be scary for her. Oh well.

Glad your MIL is doing well! Too often people wait too long to get knee replacements. Keep her moving!

No workout to report for yesterday. It ended up being an unplanned rest day due to my work schedule. I'm off today though and went to WW this morning. I'm on the fence about quitting WW. I've basically been maintaining my weight the last 2 years. When I talked to my Dr. about it last year with all the menopause crap, she said there is nothing wrong with following the plan and eating healthy although it would be very difficult to lose weight during this time. Noom is very similar to WW, but there are no group meetings, it's all done on the app. Which makes it very similar to the WW online program. Anyway, I plan to go workout this morning and perhaps run to Costco for a few things. Then this afternoon I'm heading to my MIL's to relieve DH who spent yesterday and last night with her. I will be there tonight through Sunday morning probably. That's pretty much my weekend.

Oh no, more car woes. Sorry about that. That is great that DS1 will be participating more with the family and even cooking one night/week!! I thought Lucy would be warming up a bit by now. It's a big change so it will just take more time. What are your weekend plans?
I've been staying with my MIL since yesterday afternoon. DS2 is coming over tomorrow during the day and my SIL will be staying Sunday and Monday night. I may have to take Tuesday off work to come stay with her. She is doing pretty well and her pain is under control. She's been elevating and icing most of the time but has done her physical therapy exercises twice today. She gets around pretty good with her walker and is doing so much better this time around than with the last knee replacement. The weather was great, a bit windy but I was able to get out for a short 30 min walk.

How is your weekend going?
I feel like I've been catching up on things this weekend-laundry, sleep, working out. I did the Low Impact Circuit (step with weights and abs) yesterday-took over an hour. Laundry is caught up and I meal prepped a vegetarian shepherd's pie for the week.

It is so great you can all take turns and help your MIL! Not having to go to a rehab facility is so good because of the danger of infection, the lack of 1-1 help when needed, and just the sadness of not being in your own home. Kudos to your family.

I slept in until nearly 10 this morning-went to bed at 9:30. I did walk yesterday to try to break in some waterproof hiking shoes that I got for my trip. It's snowing here today...

Workout wise I'm still doing what I feel like doing and my legs are taking a really long time to get over muscle soreness. I'm leaning towards a kickbox today to give them a break!

Yesterday I did Tabatacise 1-3 and it was tough. I normally do all 5 but I was short on time and wanted a tough cardio, and boy did that fit the bill. Not sure what I will do today, but should be able to fit something in. My body is really slowing down and it is discouraging. Sunday we had temps in the 70's, and I was able to get in my 10K steps. Yesterday and today is snow, 6-12 inches. DS1 is out of a job and is heading over to Grandma's to take care of her today. My SIL is working from her house this week but has to in to the office today. DH will probably do Th/Fr and I will cover this weekend again. After that, we think she will be able to manage on her own with all of us stopping by daily to check on her.

I'm taking longer to recover too. When is your trip?
I did Leaner Legs from Cross Train Express yesterday and today was the Upper body premix from Muscle Max. Then I had two cookies at book club tonight! I am going to get up early tomorrow and workout for around 40 minutes before work-I'm late nurse, so won't get home until 5:30. Our town has an Academy Award Movie Festival and Dan and I have been participating in it-well this will be our second year. Basically, the local theater brings all the movie nominees in to show before the awards. We're signed up for four-1917 is tomorrow night, Saturday is Bombshell, Sunday is Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and next week is Parasite. It's fun.

Hope your MIL continues to do well! Sadly, I don't think I'll ever do Tabatacise again. I love the music in that one!

How are you? I've had a good workout week. Thursday was Cardio Party from Lite before work and Friday was STS Legs disc 14 after work. Seeing movies this weekend and hoping to take a walk.


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