Damage Control April!!!


Hi Ladies,

Wow, its April already. Yesterday I did CLB as my extra leg day. Today should be BR Day 5 and STS Disc 16-CST. I need to get of the computer and downstairs soon if I want to get those in today.

I took DS2 to buy his new car last night. Oh my goodness...he bought a subaru wrx, 6 speed manual...fun fun fun. This car can move! Yes, I got to drive it home since he doesn't really know how to drive a stick shift. I totally want one of those now! I'm sure he'll pick it up in short order. DS1's first car was manual, and I had a manual at the time. By the the time DS2 was old enough to drive, we only automatics in the family. Of course, DS1 wasn't going to let his brother learn/drive his manual.

Tina-We also have March birthday bonanza in my family too! What a great influence you are on your DS. Glad to hear he is seeing strength gains! I think most of the snow is behind us know. I'm ready to pull my bike out. :) On the travel front, I'm not really looking forward to going by myself, but I will manage. You are getting in some awesome w/o's!

LL-I had just gained about 5lbs from the time I picked up the girls. I usually do fine when I am in control of my food. We ate out more than normal and also had big family dinners so everyone could come and see the girls. Fortunately, my weight is back to where it was. My gym also has many challenges and nutrition programs (herbalife). I prefer to get my protein from real food and not pre-packaged meals/food/etc. They have some awesome boot camp classes that are free. They make their money from selling herbalife.

Beth-you must be working a lot this week.

Hi all!

Thanks for starting the April thread, Diana. You are making me want to get my bike out, now! DH needs a new one-his gears are on backwards and it's in really rough shape. So maybe soon we'll be out more. Glad your weight is back under control after the GDs visit! Your double workouts are making me feel lazy. You and Tina both do doubles a lot!

Today I worked 10 hours and came home and did Leaner Legs and Abs-from CTX. I had put disc 14 in the workout manager, but didn't feel up to it. This is one reason I like 8 hour shifts-sometimes it takes 10 hours to wrap up everything from an 8 hour shift! This weekend is going to be tough-there is no scheduled person to work after me on my hall. I already scheduled cards Sunday night to avoid working, but Sat. is going to be tough to say no to. My DH just wants me to say no right off the bat. Working 8's allows me to have more to my day than just work. Anyway...I did another 100 rep challenge today too. I've started making up my own! I did plie squats where you put the dumbbell down in between on the floor. It was harder than I thought it would be. It got my heart rate up and was a good challenge. Tomorrow is some sort of upper body...I'm thinking I'll do a chest and back workout-maybe S&H or the BodyMax 2 or LIS Chest and Back. I just do better figuring it out right before I do it!

On the nutrition front, I bought a bag of chocolate shakeology and will try 1/2 scoop with soy milk and ice days I work. So tomorrow is day 1! We'll see. I put extra stuff in my lunch in case I get hungry.

Did you ride today, Tina? It was pretty nice here by the end of the day-after the rain went through. It's supposed to get pretty cold again by Sunday.

Diana, your son's new car sounds wonderful! I drive the stick when DS2 is home; but took it today since we had to get a new battery last week. I've decided to drive it Friday's regardless if he's home or not. They are fun to drive, for sure!

LL, what are you up to? Don't get too discouraged about your weight. You must be putting on muscle with all the workouts you've been doing!

Today was boot camp class, tomorrow will be too. Baseball season has started! Tonight was a tournament about 30 min away, and volleyball before that where I joined in! It was really fun! I would love to join some kind of league, but I'm sure it would be too time consuming....tomorrow I pick up another boy and drop them at baseball practice, thankfully it's on the way to boot camp. Then I need to get a meal to a friend before heading back to the second game of the tournament tomorrow evening. Hubby is getting up super early to take JTrain to his tournament 40 or so min away. More tournament games for each of our Hillcats teams on Sunday in frigid weather!

Did I mention that I graduated from Villanova?? I think we will tape the game since Hubby will be probably coming straight to the 9U tournament from his 14U Hillcats tournament. I will probably not stay for the whole game because I had Little K out until 10 tonight.

Diana- I wonder if that's how they make theirs too. Have you ever done Herbalife? I did it close to 20 years ago, not for me, drinking 2 meals a day...

Beth- your workouts seem great! I did 2 on Thursday. I was stressed and frustrated because of the kids so I did IMAX 2 1-5 and then boot camp. My legs are feeling it today! I'm not sure what il I'll be able to get in a second workout tomorrow but I would love to try!

Hi Tina!

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Hi Ladies,

No workout yesterday...ended up having to work through my lunch to complete a task. Oh well, it happens. Today I did tabatacise 1-5 with core premix, and STS Disc 15-CST. The rest of the day is chores. I have to take the recycle and continue gathering items for a donation pickup on Tuesday. My house is really coming together...it has taken a long time but the slow and steady purging is starting to make difference.

Beth-You are definitely not lazy! I like your 100 rep challenge. It's easier for me to get in double w/o's since I work at home. I still do my morning w/o's, and if I can fit something in at lunch I will-otherwise I work through lunch but still have to be online until 5:30 or 6pm.

LL-Herbalife has a variety of products, most of them contain soy which I can't have (thyroid condition). My gym doesn't "make" you purchase herbalife products. With their different challenges, what they say is that they "can't guarantee your results if you don't use their system" (herbalife). Regardless, if you follow the macros and calories you will still lose weight, lose fat, gain muscle etc. In addition to herbalife, they have nutrition classes and break down the macros and calories needed to help you meet your goal. My gym is results oriented and the coaches and classes are amazing! I prefer to get my nutrition from whole foods and not pre-packaged junk if you will.

Tina-what are you up to???

Diana- I'm still getting to know my gym. But the coach said I don't have to take their products but he also didn't say that he couldn't guarantee results either, which I like. He tells me not to worry about calories. The challenge meal plan for slow and steady loss of 1-2 a week:

Veggies: 6-12 cups a day
Protein: 5-6 servings, br/l/d 4-6oz size servings, 2-4oz servings for snacks
Fruit- 2 servings
Starch-1 half cup serving, like squash, sweet potato, beans
Whole grain-1 half cup serving
Dairy- 2 low fat variety servings
Good fats-2 servings, 1/2 avocado, nuts and good oils

I can't do low fat dairy so I'll omit the dairy, which the coach actually recommends if you can do it.

I did boot camp this morning. It was the toughest in yet! I was hoping to do another one when I got home but I ended up being on the phone with Apple Care for 2.5 hrs because JTrain pranked my phone and iPad. Changed the text replacement! So every time I would type the word you, the AutoCorrect would say "little boy next-door ". And when I would type the word good, the word "bad" would come up. Funny and a great prank I only wish I didn't take me 2 1/2 hours to fix everything. And I wish I knew how to get into text replacement in settings. I ended up resetting many of my settings and had to put in all the new passwords and the thumbprint it was just kind of a pain. And now I have no time to clean or do much else besides shower before I need to make an early dinner for the boys going to the tournament tonight.

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Hi Ladies,

This morning I did Imax 2 and STS disc 17-legs. Imax 3 is definitely my favorite, but I decided to change it up a bit threw in Imax 2. I was supposed to go to my sisters, but she must be busy since I never heard from here.

I did take out DS2's car, super fun!!! I also picked up my cousin went and looked at the house I want. It's the same one from last year, none of the houses I've looked at recently even compare to it. I really want 3 bedrooms and an office on the main floor and this house has that. It also has almost a 2300 sq ft. unfinished basement and a 31/2 car gargare! DH looked at it last year and really likes it too. We'll see if we move forward. Until then I will just keep purging and boxing things up.

LL-OMGosh, I would be so mad if one of my kids did that to my phone/tablet. Good luck on your nutrition plan, I'm sure you will do great!

Hi Beth and Tina!

Thanks for starting a new thread Diana! This weekend was a bike ride on Saturday and STS on Sunday, disc #16. This week I'm doing RWH for cardio and finishing week two of Meso 2. We're adding in abs every night this week too. This morning was PH#2 and tonight will be STS legs and STS yoga abs.

Diana, WRX's are one of my favorite cars on the road. A neighbor has a white one and every time it goes by it catches my eye. A new house sounds so good right now. We spent five hours yesterday trying to replace the pipes to the tub faucet, not fun. Nice job on decluttering your house. I wish we could rent a dumpster and just fill it up, pretend like we were moving out.

Beth, I love those CTX workouts. I think I may add them in soon. My favorite is the PC workout, but really, they're all fun.

LL, nice job on keeping up with the BC at the gym. You're nutrition guide sounds great!
Hi all! I made it through another weekend at work and got workouts in both days. Sat. was X train Burn sets-chest and back only with 100 rep lying tricep ext. Sun. I did a Cross Fire premix-no tabatas. It was the warm up, fitness blast, circuit, and abs/upper body sections. Today was my favorite High Step Training workout of warm up, cardio, cardio with legs and then 300 walking lunges. I looked at the upper body premix from that dvd and may do that tomorrow. Wed. is my scheduled rest day.

I was pretty excited to weigh myself this am and all the weight I gained was gone. Is it from the Shakeology? Is it from cutting out those cereal carbs? I don't know. I did have a busy work weekend and drank a lot of water. Anyway-I was happy! I'm feeling pretty solid right now with all the extra weight work.

LL, that diet sounds a lot like the 21 day fix containers. I still have them from Hammer and Chisel, but haven't used them. Let us know if you like the program! I can't believe the April Fool's joke your son played on you! Kids are so good at the computer/technology stuff. Mine are way better than me!

Diana, your dream house sounds marvelous. As many double workouts as you get in a week, unplanned rest days probably don't matter! You will be in England for almost a whole month! What are you going to do for workouts there? Will you be by the gym you used last time?

Tina, does you tub faucet work? I'm still working up to RWH cardio-it's tough! Glad you could bike this past weekend. It looks cold this coming one.

Hi Ladies,

Today I did BR Day 7 this morning and STS Disc 19-CST at lunch. DH wanted biscuits and sausage gravy for dinner tonight. I had 2 biscuits and it will definitely show on the scale tomorrow. Nothing makes my weight go up like bread!

I'm putting my tablet up for sale as well as workouts I'm not using-like turbo fire and tracey anderson's metamorphosis. Other folks sell stuff all the time, I'm going to give it a try. A little money is better than nothing. I want a few new things but we are really working on paying off a couple student loans. We have 2 years left on them and are trying to pay them off in 9 mos.

I've signed up for 2 5K's in April. One is the graffiti run at the end of the month. The other one is this Sunday, April 10th. I plan on walk/jog and see how my knee does.

Tina-I would love to rent a dumpster too...but would need the rest of the family to pitch in. I'm sure my DH will be shocked the next time he's in the basement. I just go through things little by little, but it is really becoming noticeable now! You are getting in some nice w/o's! DS2's WRX is white, and super fun to drive. He's still getting used to driving a manual, but I'm sure he will love it soon!!! I'm with Beth, I'm still working up to RWH cardio too.

Beth-yay for the weightloss!!! You must have some awesome gams with all those walking lunges! I will have access to a gym at the first location. I think the second location has a nearby gym as well. I haven't received the trip approval yet. My colonoscopy is scheduled for the 29th. I received all the pre-procedure materials and it sounds terrible. I feel like I will be starving for a week! I am scheduled to fly on May 2nd and am trying to push it off to the following weekend just to make sure things are back to normal. The dr. said to wait a minimum of 24hrs before flying.

LL-what are you up to?

Hi all,

Glad to hear you got some rides in, Tina.

LL...have you stopped celebrating Nova's victory, yet?!

Diana, good luck with the colonoscopy prep. If you don't have much in your track, you won't have much that needs to be expelled! It's a bugger of a prep...but worth it in the end if it catches problems. I had one at 41 and have decided to have another at 55. You should be able to fly by the 2nd. They usually don't put you completely under for the procedure.

I was back up the 3 pounds I thought I lost today. Oh well, I'm maintaining within 5 pounds so will just have to be satisfied with that. On the plus side, my diet has been good. I may change up my routine. It feels like my body is getting used to this one of the cardio, legs, upper, cardio, legs, upper, rest. Today is my rest day so I will work on a new rotation. Yesterday I did Slow and Heavy Chest and Back and was able to go really heavy (for me). Today, I don't even have major Doms. I'm missing ICE so may go back to some of that. I have to think about it.

Hi Ladies,

Yesterday I did BR day 8 and today I BR Day 9. On days I can only fit in 1 workout I prefer to do a cardio or circuit to get the blood moving and help with my steps too. STS Legs is next. I hope I can get that in tomorrow at lunch.

My ears are hurting from wearing my headset almost all day today for meetings. UGH I did go walk and got in my 10K steps today!

Beth-I wouldn't worry about the 3lbs. I weigh daily and my weight can fluctuate up to 3lbs. It's usually back down the next day or say. I'm only ever concerned when it doesn't go back down. Yeah, they said "twilight" not completely out. They told me I probably won't remember it..which is good. How long after the procedure before things are back to normal? I'm really fretting it. Slow and Heavy is awesome, great job!

Hi LL and Tina!

I'm here and reading posts. Much to reply but little time. I will try later. Only boot camp this week. I hope to do some cathe tomorrow. I'm at a sleep study with B tonight.

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I'm really enjoying RWH this week. Tuesday was PH#2 w/ abs, Wednesday was LIHI legs w/ DH, Thursday was HCUB w/ abs premix, and this morning will be HCLB. Saturday will be a much needed rest day. Hopefully a bike ride on Sunday. I'm thinking I may do an old cardio series for next week, RS, IMAX 1, BM1, and CK, or maybe CTX cardio. I do not need to get on a scale to know I'm above my set weight. All the Easter candy is finally gone, so hopefully this extra belly girth will go away in the next week.

Diana, I'm sorry to hear you have the added stress of a medical test. DH and I will be right behind you, as we're hitting the magical 50 this year. I love the story about Steve Martin, Tom Hanks, and Martin Short scheduling theirs on the same day and spending the night before playing poker and fighting for the bathroom. I guess we all have to go through it at some point. :( We just purchased the bar bell set from BR, it should be here today. I'm really excited to no longer have to fight (DH always wins out) over who gets the bar during STS. I don't like to do bent over rows with dumbbells. How exciting that you can go back to your races this year. You've come so far on your injury! My poor neighbor is still trying to get over her surgery from last summer. I don't know how you do those 10K races. :O

Beth, I'm itching to get back to ICE too. I'm trying to rotate through each series, so it will be a few weeks before I'm back to it. I'm thinking about doing a week of S&H after we finish STS. Have you been out on the bikes lately?

Hi to LL! :)
Just wanted to add in that HCLB just kicked my butt! What a sweat fest that was! I added on LBB bonus barre at the end. I'm predicting DOMS in my future. :) Can't wait to hear what you're all up to today.
Hi all!

Tina, you are getting great workouts in. I feel like I'm working back up to RWH! We have not been on the bikes lately, but DH is getting his new one this month. Then I know he'll be up for more rides.

LL, good to hear you're still doing Bootcamp. I know how it feels to miss Cathe. When my shoulders have been injured and I went to the gym all the time for cardio I really missed Cathe!

Diana, you'll survive the procedure and after 48 hours should be back to normal.

Have you guys seen this Whole30 program? I was looking at it today on greatist. It looks tough, but maybe if we all do it together and I got support I could do it. It's basically no sugar, dairy, alcohol, grains, and maybe something else that I can't remember-for 30 days. The girl I read about said she lost a lot of weight and could see her abs. After the 30 days she went back to her regular diet. Anyone else interested?

Fitness wise I did Power Hour yesterday after the Liverpool/Dortmund game. They tied 1-1. But Liverpool got an away goal so they are technically winning. Next Thurs. is game 2. Go Liverpool!!! Now I'm on my way to do some cardio. The weekend here looks cold so lots of soccer, I'm making pizza, and controlling the damage with working out!

Since I've done boot camp 3 times this week I'm trying to figure out what to do this morning. I did get any wo in yesterday, the sleep study really got me, only 4.5 hrs of sleep and so I came back home and slept another 2 hrs! Last night I was going to try to do RWH plyo 1 and abs but I fell asleep putting Little K to bed and it was almost 10 when I came out of his room! I was think of BM2 this morning one of the premixes, I'm in the mood for something fun with cardio and wts. So I'm looking at all your workouts for ideas! I may end up doing 2 shortish ones.

Beth- your CF sounds good and then you added walking lunges to high step training. Awesome on the weight loss! I bet it's a combo of the shakeo and less carbs and water! I need to increase my water, I'm only drinking 3-4 cups a day. I know what you mean about the kids being better and tech stuff, I used to be really good but I have too many other responsibilities anymore to be bothered. We were all so excited about the Nova victory!!! I would worry about the 3 pounds! Let us know of your new rotation! I don't know much about the whole 30 program.

Tina - I love RWH too, I may do one of those today. I do wish I had workout blender and I'd create a really cool mix.

Diana-I need to remember to do some cardio or circuit when I need to get those steps in, I haven't gotten 10k in all week, I've been averaging 7200-8700.

We got a little dusting of snow today! All baseball games have been changed to practices, we did have 3 games! I've also joined a FB group about organizing. My goal for this weekend is de litter my Tupperware drawer!

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Ok so I was completely indecisive and did a whole bunch of different stuff. I started with Intensity premix HiiT (Lo) + boot camp, then From ICE rock em sock em bonuses mm triceps (that was tough! I had never done that one!) and the icy core 1, then GG bonus chair legs/glutes and then the stretch from GG. So according to wo manager time: 68 min and cal: 621!

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Hi Ladies,

Let's see, yesterday was Disc 20 I think, it was legs and today was the next disc Back & Biceps and HIIT DWP. I also went to a HH from my old company and came home and made brownies! It was ghiradelli brownie mix on the bottom and ghiradelli chocolate chip cookie mix on top. It was delicious!

Tomorrow is my first 5K since my injury back in November. I plan on run/walk and will just walk if I feel any pain at all. I don't want to start over with my recovery. I had a donation pickup this week, but they were early and I didn't have everything out for them. Today I'll be taking a few things to the salvation army. It is so nice to finally see that all this slow and steady de-cluttering is finally making a visible difference!

Tina-glad you could pop in and update us on all your awesome w/o's! Let me know how you like the t-bar. I think I would like that you have the option of the hammer and standard positions with the same bar. Great for variety of positions on shoulder work too! I've done HCLB as my extra leg w/o a few times. Great job.

Beth-I would be interested in doing whole 30 with you. 30 days is a long time. It's tough getting through the 21 day challenge I do. They are very different though. Whole 30 seems more like how I normally eat anyway, lots of protein and veggies. I will be out of the country for 3 weeks in May. When do you want to start? Glad to hear I'll be back to normal fairly quickly.

LL-Is B the one that also had the stomach issues? DH had to do a sleep study several years ago. He has sleep apnea. I could've told them that without the test. oy.. Great job on your w/o. Are you tracking all your food? How's that going? I was doing great until I decided to have an english muffin the other day and now brownies. I do best just not eating bread. Great job with your mish mosh w/o!!!

Diana- yes B is the one who had the stomach issues. Good luck in your 5k today! What is HiiT DWP? I love ghiradelli ANYTHING!!!!

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Hi all,

How was the 5K, Diana? Good to hear the decluttering is going well. We are gearing up for a yard sale sometime when it's warm with all the stuff we cleaned out of the basement last fall. DH can deal with it. I'm so glad you are up for this whole 30 challenge! I think we should do it when you get back from England. From what I've read, it would be awfully hard for you to find meals there. Check out Whole30.com and let me know what you think. Maybe June 1-June 30 would be good?

This weekend I've been doing what I want and doing longish workouts. Friday night was the ICE kickbox with the blast, Sat. was Viper from Intensity and today was Afterburn. My next rotation will be: days I work I'll do heavy weights and days I don't I'll do cardio-biking, metabolic, kickbox, etc. I'm going to try this for two weeks. So I'll have 8 days of heavy weights and 6 days of cardio once I start this on Tues.

LL, that was a long workout you did Saturday! Did you do it all from the blender? I think you burned off a lot of chocolate! I hope B and his brothers are all feeling well. We got 3 inches of snow here on Sat. but it's mostly gone today-40 degrees right now.


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