Daily Check In, Wednesday February 24


Hi everyone,
Sorry I have been MIA again.

Let's see-
Monday - TF STretch 40 and abs.
Tuesday - Rockm Sockm and BB
Today - ICE Metabolic Total Body and Core 1.

Hope you are all having a great week so far!

Today my rotation had Xtrain Ride or other cardio, so I did Rockin Step Party 2. I hadn't done this w/o in months but it remains great. I had planned on doing the extreme premix of 10 combos with finished product so 73 min, but after the 6th combo (last of step party 2) it moved to combo's from step party 1. I have never done step combo 1 and immediately it involved grapevines over the step and back facing tv etc. so I decided not today.. and wanted to check my HRM before finishing the regular w/o. Silly me was so out of it from the unexpected step combo's that I pressed the wrong button on my HRM, so my monitoring today was all for nothing. Based on the times I checked my HRM throughout the w/o I am guessing an average of 150rpm and judging by my soaking wet hair... a good burn and more importantly fun. But next time I will definitely just click play instead of this premix.

Annette - I love Hard Strikes. Can't wait to do it again. It's been six months if not a year since I did it. Fortunately it's on my rotation for next Monday. I also love Rockout Knockout... think that one is also planned next week instead of the Ride which I do not have.

I am considering having a small break from Cathe after these 4 weeks (this is week 1). Maybe I will do Insanity Max 30 for 30 days... or hybrid it with Body Beast.

I have so many w/o's but no time nor energy to do all that I want and I still keep getting tempted.

Elsie- how long have you been using FitnessGlo? I like Amy Dixon... her Breathless series is great and some of her stuff on FitnessGlo looks real good. Then again, Cathe Live also looks superb... and totalfitnessdvd streaming is also tempting.

Any of you girls have experience with streaming w/o's?
Hi ladies, today I did Sts meso2 week 3 disc 20 legs, it's an endurance w/o with 3sets of everything. Then I did abs circuit with no equipment. Henriette, I will certainly go for Cathe live toward the end of my first Sts series. There's seems to be so much variety in there. I dont think I will ever try Insanity, from the reviews Ihave read it's not for me
Hi gals,

Today was the Taebo Express Kicks (because my ds was taking too long to get ready for the gym), then at the gym I did 32 min. on the Elliptical and then 20 min. of weight work, where I ran through 2 exercises 2 sets for each body part but back. I also crammed in abs for 5 min. It was a rush but I did a workout.

Have a great day!
Hi everyone,

I have not been working out. I have the flu. It's been a doozy. No work this week. finally went to the doctor and still need more time. I am shocked at how hard I've been hit. Oh well. Ive done a lot of reading.

great workouts everyone, I have had times when I've moved to other instructors but never for a long while. I always need a cathe fix. it's her energy that I love.

see you all soon.
Nice to see you all & read up on your workouts. :) You are all so consistent and it's motivating for me. Annette, you are so consistent with your wieghts at the gym. Good for you!!
Oh, Siobhan ...get better soon! A flu can really knock the life out of you right?!
Today, was Rest from a scheduled workout. I did a LOT of housework though till my back basically gave out & then got in a leisurely 45 min walk around sunset.

Elsie- how long have you been using FitnessGlo? I like Amy Dixon... her Breathless series is great and some of her stuff on FitnessGlo looks real good. Then again, Cathe Live also looks superb... and totalfitnessdvd streaming is also tempting.
Hey! :) I am on a 15 day trial and it's been fun. A lot of variety & instructors that are really excellent. I really enjoy Amy Dixon's UB KB. Most KB is beat the clock stuff but some of hers are for power & strength which I love to do. I have also been taking advantage of their excellent foam rolling and pilates. Patricia Friberg is an excellent instructor for rehab work and the like. My only complaints really are the UB workouts aren't nearly challenging enough except a few but they are great when I do not want to spend over 20 mins on a workout. Also, my streaming connection has had problems here & there ..I am using chromecast. I would recommend them just for the variety really. Just great variety. There are also great videos to learn step, which nobody really does any longer. They have included balance based workouts which I like & that is also something different that they offer. Before fitnessGlo, I tried a Gaiam trial although didn't stick with it. I was nearly all yoga & the yoga wasn't great for experienced people like myself. It wasn't all bad. Just not for me. If I can get the connection things ironed out, I will probably stay on with it till the variety isn't a thing for me any longer. I am also looking into Cathe Live which looks like a lot of fun. I cannot afford On Demand, but Live could be doable! I'll have to check out my finances! lol.

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