Daily Check-in, Tuesday, December 26, 2017

aqua girl

starting us off for the day, hope you have a good one! Ended up with a short 10 min on my elliptical
Last night. Hope to do a Push Pull Upper Body Cathe mix in a little bit.
I know, Ceci, what you are talking about with forum admin......besides the snarky answers sometimes,
It really bothers me when you ask a question which is clearly directed to them, and they completely ignore
It., regardless of how significant the question is, like I have asked this morning when the DVDs are
Supposed to arrive, we'll see the answer I get, if any. I know things can happen, they certainly have with
This presale, but I just can't believe they don't know when they will be there...I have always said when they
Want you to know something, you will then be told and not a split second before! I also think a little
"We're sorry they didn't make it before Christmas " would have been nice, no it was never promised, but
I feel a lot of people were probably a little disappointed, when they were here before in the last couple years.
Hi Linda,

I thought this new set coming was for late Fall. I thought for sure they would be here before Christmas. I didn't get my calendar either. I always have it under the tree for me to unwrap. I do agree that a sorry we didn't make it before Christmas would have been nice. Not sure why they didn't do that. I am okay to wait. In the grand picture of life, the dvds and calendar don't mean much to me (although they do bring daily joy). And, no doubt, Cathe is a very busy person. I can't help but continue to support her. I mean, competition in this field sure has increased and she seems to put her heart and soul into the work she does. I admire that. And I could be wrong but forum admin seems like a male to me - efficient, quick and trying to be helpful but just forgets to throw in some soft adjectives to soften the 'no' he is about to deliver..

Anyway, today I did a mish mosh of Daily Burn . I did a short intense bootcamp workout + a 30 minute cardio sculpt workout. Now, I am about to stretch.

Have a good day friends. Baby, it's cold outside today. with windchill, it's -28 here in Toronto although I think it's only -15. I will be staying indoor most of the day :)
Hello beauties! Siobhan, well said!!! I absolutely agree with your post. If I remember correctly you’ve had “words” with forum admin in the past for the same reason, snarkiness. I thought Nancy (in theLive classes) was the customer service person and perhaps she was the person responding as Forum admin. ?

I also agree with you Linda with “where are they” posts. It seems to be the loooongest presale ever. Maybe next time they can wait to announce it until filming is almost complete. So we’re not waiting forever.

Henriette I’m excited for you to go through your huge haul of Cathes workouts and post your thoughts as you go. I love Crossfire. IMAX 3 is a toughy for sure. She has such challenging workouts.

I’m still groggy from yesterday, no alcohol just lack of sleep and a lot of activity. We’ll see what I can accomplish today. I’ll check back later.

Hi to Annette, Missy and Elsie.
Hey Peg, hope your day goes good. So, today, I have accomplished the following:

Did a short kettlebell workout (from Amp'd Up Kettlebell DVD). That certainly is a "different style" workout, but
I actually like it a lot! I did a few chapters from it w/ warmup & stretch, Abt 25 min. Then I did a Push Pull
Upper body mix w/ Cathe., Abt 30 min. And then I did the lower body shop premix from Kelly's Body Shop DVD,
About 20 min. Then.......(hehe) I got up some leaves from outside around my shrubs and sidewalk.
Now, I gotta wash my hair. And maybe do a load of laundry. Hey to Henriette, Missy, Annette, & Elsie.
Hi again. Today I ended up doing Tracey Mallett Get your body back. It’s target audience is women who just had a baby. It’s pretty intermediate but at least I moved around and broke a sweat.

Linda you must have had a lot of energy today! Wow.

I spent time cleaning and putting away Christmas decorations. Eating leftovers....
Peg - you already put away Christmas decorations? I am sitting here doing case notes, still listening to holiday music, the tree lit as well as the lights outside the house. I will put my tree in the back yard for another month with lights so I can continue to enjoy it. I always have a hard time letting go of the magic of christmas.

And oops about thinking it's a male. ha ha. might be a woman.

see you all tomorrow.
When I used to put up a tree, etc. I usually started un-decorating the day after as well! My mom used to always
Say it was bad luck to leave your tree up when the New Year rolled around. :)
Hi All!

For some reason the daily check in does not always show up on my feed, hence the new check in. Here is what I wrote in case you didn't see the other:

I hope everyone has had a good Christmas.

Today was another day where we took it easy... relaxing and besides a walk, I did Pyramid Upper. Another new to me DVD. Really enjoyed it but stopped it before the core work. Got a real good burn going in my upper body.


Now that it is Wednesday I can add to that post.... boy oh boy do I have DOMS in my Upper body today! Of course lack of sleep doesn't help. I was up at 3 to feed Mick and then had trouble falling asleep as I knew my alarm was set to go off at 4.45. We had to leave the house at 5.15 as Magnus was going to Denmark with his team to play in a tournament there. I then stood for 30 min in the rain seeing the bus off together with the other parents and now several hours later I am still cold! I did go back to bed when I got home once Mick had eaten again, but sleep was limited. I may need a nap today and either a lower body or light workout.

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