@DAILY CHECK IN June 27th@


Hi gals,

Today I practiced my low impact Kickbox Circuit workout for the gym class. Then went to the gym for 45 minutes of weight work and 10 minutes on the stair machine.

It poured the rain while at the gym. It quit thankfully before we left.

Have a great day!
rest day for me today ladies. i went out of town for the weekend - after my clients on saturday. yesterday was my birthday. I turned 50!!!!! I am back today. rest day for me both yesterday and today.
Hope you really enjoyed your birthday Cecififi!
Today I did x10 the low impact segment plus some of the exercises from Gym style chest, back and shoulders. I mainly worked the back using the band or light weights. That is just what I can do right now but little is better than nothing...
Hi ladies!
Shiobhan - congratulations! I hope you had a lovely birthday and will have a great and fit year.

Annette - good work on the circuits. Maybe when you have a little experience you can record your class and we can w/o with you from the comfort of our own homes across the world

Sandy - X10 is one of the w/o that has been on my wishlist for a long time now. I must stop buying w/o when I see bargains and save up for the Cathe dvds I am missing.

Today I did Cathe Live Total body tone up. I've been meaning to do that one for a while... But always ended up doing another w/o. I loved it! It worked my body so hard... Esp matching Cathe's weight or even trying slightly heavier. Near the end during lying tricep extensions my arms were shaking real hard!

A couple of hours later the gym/game room was in use, so I brought my mat and band into the living room and I did Jessica Smith Fusion band 40 min w/o on Youtube. Very different from the first but still very good. She said it was a good w/o for experienced people if they've done a tough w/o the day before... Well in my case a couple of hours before.

I really like taking the time to do doubles even though it eats out a huge chunk of my evening or some nights the whole evening.

Have a great start to the week.

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