Daily Check In - Apr 28/06

Hi again Girls!

AllStep Abs & one hour of push mowing.....CHECK!!!:D
If there is time later, I'll add a walk.

Tomorrow and Sunday we'll be camping. Lot's of reading and relaxing but also GOOD powerwalking and TRYING to eat semi healthy! HARD when you are taking 2 teenaged girls who LOVE junk food! ackkk:eek:

See you back here Monday morning!! Have a great weekend everyone!!! :7
Morning (or good afternoon) ladies. Today was a rest day for me. Tomorrow it's back at it though.

Heather - Sounds like a great place, especially if there are truely clean options and not just "not as fattening as the rest, but still not great for you" options like so many of the other restaurants offer.

Hope everyone has a great day!

My first run after my two week hiatus from exercise and doing nothing more strenuous than tour walking.... it was not pleasant!!! I ran 35 minutes with a 10 minute w/u and c/d and then walked an additional half mile. I hate it when I lose cardiovascular endurance.... it is painful to get back!!! It should come back quickly, I pray!!!

Still have weight work to do and abs but I have to get some supper ready now....

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