Curious, does anyone have jumpsnap?


Saw in Self(or Shape) that Hilary Swank uses this and went to the website, It looks cool and uses no space but it is pricey. Just wondering if anyone has it and what their opinion is of it?

Thanks in advance,
Nobody's tried it???

ACK, this means myself or Laura may have to be the first to take the plunge!:p

Laura, what do you say? Wanna do this together? ;) }( :7
Oooh, I like the pink one. Am I a girlie girl or what??? I think some of us discussed these a while back, but I cannot remember the title of the thread. I have a jump rope, but no where to use it without killing someone or destroying lamps. You will have to let me know if either of you get them. :)
Um...yeah...I caved about 5 mintues ago! I'm a sucker for cool work out gadgets!

I bought the pink one Liann! :+

I cheaped out and took the FREE shipping option so I won't get it for a couple of weeks but I'll post a review once I use it!:)
>Yeah Wendy!
>I might cave today, I might not!!!

Well it's up to you but at this point if ya wanna hold off a few weeks you can get my review (FWIW) before ya buy. I have always wanted to use jumping rope as a part of my fitness routine but was not about to go outside to do it and has always been my only option. Hopefully I like it!:) If I do then I can buy the other jump rope vids out there that have always piqued my curiousity! Oh boy...this could get quite costly....:p
Ummm...I don't get it.

A ropeless jump rope? So basically you can get the same effect by holding hairbrushes in your hands and setting an egg timer. :+

FWIW - A properly sized jump rope doesn't take up much room to use. Once I figured out how to size mine right, I was able to jump in a room with a 7ft 3in ceiling. Stepping actually takes more room.

Just a thought...
>Ummm...I don't get it.
>A ropeless jump rope? So basically you can get the same effect
>by holding hairbrushes in your hands and setting an egg timer.
>FWIW - A properly sized jump rope doesn't take up much room to
>use. Once I figured out how to size mine right, I was able to
>jump in a room with a 7ft 3in ceiling. Stepping actually takes
>more room.
>Just a thought...

Lol, it's actually designed to trick your body into thinking you are actually swinging a rope - hence the ball and little plastic "rope" hanging out of the ends. It even comes with weights to made it more difficult and it makes a little swish noise to imitate the rope hitting the ground, something my hairbrush hasn't done lately. ;) I haven't caved yet, but still think it's cute. ;)
I just bought it. I actually ordered it through QVC - they had a better price than the website - it was like $36 and change on QVC and comes with the additional weights and a beginner and intermediate workout.

I am adding it to my existing program - I am on an all Cathe program that I do every morning before work and at night when I get home I do jumpsnap.

I thought this is going to be a breeze since I work out 6 days a week doing cardio & strength trainind and have for years. How hard could it be?

Oh my goodness - it is awesome!!! I have already ordered a few more workouts from the jumpsnap website to have for the future and if you opt for the FedEx 14-21 days for delivery - it is free s&h.

My husband did the program with my last night and he actually jumps a "real" jump rope and is very fast and very good at it and he even said - WOW - that was a beginner workout? - the instructor really keeps a fast pace.

Loving it after just a day - I made myself a program based on their recommendations that came with product. I'll post again as a few weeks pass!!! A great way to burn some extra calories quickly in a kick butt fashion - A complete body workout!!!

I think it is a great product and highly recommend it!!!
Do it Allison!!!!

Sometimes you just feel like you need to mix it up! I know I am always looking for some variety to shock the body!

My husband & I are going to Bermuda on a cruise in May so I am interested to mix it up and burn some extra calories.

I don't know if you are familiar with QVC - but you can order it on their website - just put jumpsnap into the search window on their website and the have a 30 day money back guarantee and the price was right - so you don't have any thing to lose!:D

Seriously though - all pressure aside ;-) I really could not believe how my heart was pumping and I was sweating! They say you can burn 100 calories for every 5 minutes of jumping rope - after last night I believe it!
I have resisted coming into this thread... but I finally clicked and DAMMIT you guys are going to make me spend money AGAIN!!! :p Bunch of enablers... *wanders off muttering curses to the Catheites*
Good for you Allison!

I will be curious to know how you like it! When you sit on the couch to watch the workouts the first time to see what it is all about - you think no probelm - then you do it - WHOA!! Good stuff!

You went to Cathe's Road trip in 2007? That must have been so incredible!!!!! I am jealous.

I do know if you are familiar with Beach Body and Tony Horton - the trainer behind P90X - but a couple of years ago my husband & I went to his weekend Camp in NY. It was intense.

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