Commit to Get Fit and Lean July 2nd, 2011

Yesterday I got about 3/4's of the way through 30/30, did the ankle weights for Legs & Glutes, and called it a day. :eek: Every since I moved in downstairs.....I went from a dry environment (my apartment), to a damp one (the basement). I'm getting better, but have congestion that just won't quit. :( Just enough to annoy me and keep me from breathing real

Today is D2- Back and Triceps and seriously? Some abs. Them poor

This weekend will consist of working on my business plan! I took a 2 hour class thingy on breaking away from club training to being on your own....time to put some stuff into action.

Amelia- Good for you on starting to find peace of the hardest things to do (imo) ((((Hugs))))

Kristin- Omg...lmao!! @ being at the DMV. What happened with the ticket?? I hope it got dropped!! And I hope the officer wasn't a jerk about it..... The thing with just taking clients own liability insurance has run out, I'm not sure of the laws of a release of liability forms in this state, etc etc. SO...until I get ducks in a row, I'll "help out" a little bit here and there to people I consider friends..... and still nothing from DI...he friended me, and hasn't been back on

Trish- Biceps bore you?? How so??? The only time they bore me is in PUB.....even though every other part of PUB I love!

Cookie- Time out, why'd you have to pack your office up?? What kind of job did your son take in the city?

Deb- So, this instructor is leaving fitness for corporate?? Usually it's the other way around!

Hi to Helene, Lori, Melissa, and Belinda! BBL

Hi and good morning,

Iris thans for starting us off this morning, I slept in this morning. Didn't get much sleep with 3 dogs in the bed. I never got a workout in yesterday, unless shopping for 8 hours counts:p this morning DD and I went for a 3.5 mile run with all 3 dogs.

I will be back later.
Evening! We were supposed to meet some friends this evening, but I'm worn out and just want to sit on my couch. Did a lot of gardening-type stuff, and I'm not used to it.
Belinda, great job with the runs. Hope the dogs were okay.
Iris, does a dehumidifier help? Great thinking to have taken that class. When did you do that? Hope you can get advice from either a lawyer or your insurance company. I'm just moving bldings within the district but packing is such a pain, and I move every year. One year it was four times! Oh, ds is in investments. Let me just add that part of the economy is doing very well. He not only had a job in the first month of senior year, had a signing bonus, and here's the shock, a pay raise in April! Yep, and he starts next week. I can't figure it out, but then I don't understand why we can tax millionaires either.
Did a 5 mile walk, still trying to take it easy, and then gardening. Planted 40 hostas and 200 pachysandra.
Hi all. So today we had a birthday party to go to before DH went away for work. I started doing IMAX 3 and got to interval 4 when all hell broke loose around here an dI had to stop. We went to the party, came home. DH left for work and I put the kiddies down. Then I did IMAX 3 all over again. I finally mastered combo 1, the hardest for me. I still cannot get the blast for interval 4 though. Odd, because it looks fairly easy to do on the tv, lol.

I hate that DH is away. I don't mean to sound like a whiner, but I hate playing single mom. I love my kids to death, but not having any relief at all for 5 days is going to take its toll on me. I feel guilty complaining about it, but it is a lot. I wish I could go away for work and leave DH for five days with the kiddies. Then he would get it, lol.

Iris- I did not get a ticket, but I was afraid I would get pulled over for something stupid and then get the ticket. Cops around here do not mess around, lol. I never realized about the insurance and liability. That is a PIA, but people are so sue-happy these days, you're better off doing it the way you are going about it.

Belinda- lol, guess it was not too hot for the dogs today;)

Cookie- don't get me started on the millionaire's tax debate, lol.

Okay all, I will try to relax and watcha movie. Preferable one DH would never watch. Then I wil try to get some sleep.

BB tomorrow

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