Commit to Get Fit and Lean - Fathers Day


Good Morning Ladies

Happy Father's Day to all your DH's!! What's everyone's plans today?

Ok so I figured the easiest rotation to keep up with *in case I need to skip workouts because of moving, or split them ,or whatever* is one of FF's One Body Part/Week rotation. Yesterday was PS Chest/BM2 Chest (x2)....ouchhhhh! Then did CTX All Step (wow...what a fun step routine!).
Today is PS Back/BM2 Back (x2), then some kinda cardio. It called for Step Blast, but believe it or not it's not my favorite workout. :eek: I think it's the

Still putting my applications in....talked with some of my clients (again!) yesterday... So I put my app in at Home Depot (where my Dad works), and they ask all sorts of questions, and it's hard for me now, because I've been on my own working AND I've never even worked for a big corporation, so when one of the questions was "What would you do if you saw co-workers talking amongst each other when not on break"? (or however it was worded). Ok....there was not an "I don't give a s***" option. :rolleyes: I have a feeling I wont' be getting

BRB with personals....
Belinda- I'm trying to recall what link I gave you? Harpers Ferry....hmm....I've heard of that in VA?

Helene- No problem about yesterday. But tonight might be out to, considering it's Fathers brother and I are cooking dinner for my Dad. :D What are you guys up to? How was Great Escape? One of these days, I'm tagging along!! Love that place!! :eek: And I have concerts every Monday night for the summer. And the coolest thing is, our last piece is always a march of some sort, and the kiddos get to come up and conduct the band. :):cool: Your DS would love that!

Kristin- Yeah the boys always wanna bang out heavy weights right out of the gait. ;) I've noticed Omg you did Imax 3 twice this week??? You go girl!! I know this is a clean slate....but's like...everything I've worked for or worked towards led up to this?? I'm sure we've ALL felt like that at some point in our lives....just hard when it's you, you know? lol

Have a great day!
Hi Girls,

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am still alive. I haven't been feeling well at all. I have been either sleeping or making annual trips to the washroom:confused: So of course my workouts have been nonexistant either. I will try to pop in when I can. Im 8 weeks now so hopefully this won't last to long!:(

Take Care!
Morning ladies!

Happy father's day to all the DHs :)

Iris: :( about how everything feels lately. I know how hard it must be. I really look forward to you turning all this around (which I know you will :D ). I would love to have you tag along to GE with us. We had fun. That water is cold but you get used to it! We had a blast! The concerts sound really good too. Will have to plan that. I'll have to think a bit about whether I take just DS or both. Their attention span is still not so good :rolleyes: Have a nice time BBQing with your brother. :rolleyes: At your response for the home depot application. That is just so wrong on so many levels that they should ask something like this!

Kristin: No green lantern ride at the six flags by us but lots of good stuff. We really enjoy going every weekend (season passes of course ;) ). Glad you had a nice Bday. And wow on the workouts. I am so proud I know that first combo in Imax3 now. :)

Lori: Oh no! So now it kicks in. Last time I was pregnant they put me on medicine to stop throwing up they usually give to patients having surgery or chemo. :confused: I was even throwing up water. The medicine worked great and I gained a whole bunch of weight. :confused: Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon.

Waiting for DH to wake up here so I can go and do my workout. :rolleyes:

Hi to everyone else, have a great day ladies!
Happy Father's Day to all your dads and DHs!!!!!

Quick check-in for me AGAIN before I rush out...I have been seriously slacking on personals! This morning was Kick Max. Now we are heading to CT to my parents' boat to celebrate Dad's Day! The weather is supposed to be beautiful :D Have a great one ladies.

BBL for personals, I promise! ;)
It's me again ;) I'm checking in multiple times on the weekends to make up for my few posts during the week :p

Iris: You were my inspiration today. See below. :D Funny, I like SB but the music is also not my favorite. Can't say the all step music is much better though. ;)

Melissa: Out on a boat on a day like this sounds wonderful. Enjoy :)

Did Chalean extreme burn circuit 1 this morning. That was no joke as Amelia would say. Thought I'd do 30 mns of cardio after and did CTX all step after Iris' post of this morning. That almost killed me because my legs were like jello by that point. But that is a fun routine. And it was the right length. I am dragging though. I emptied the tank that's for sure.

Have a great rest of the day.
Don't know what I did wrong last night - tried to post but nothing was happening when I clicked on the icon. Oh well.
Belinda, were you able to be with your dd today?
Iris, it must be challenging right now, but we're here for you. It really is a fresh start for you, isn't it? I think HD wanted you to say you would pick up one of their hammers and break up the talking!
Helene, it was beautiful today! What's your review of Chalean? I have Supreme90 and really like it, especially how short they are. Only afterwards my wrists are often sore. Have you noticed this?
Lori, how long were you sick with your other pregnancies? Hope the sickness passes soon.
Amelia, see what you started with Chalean?!! How are things going with your mil and with your coworkers?
Deb, I've been wanting to get back into running also. I used to do it, not as much as Lori does, but a lot for me and loved it. Are you doing it outside or on a treadmill?
Kirstin, hope your dh had a wonderful day.
Melissa, how was the date?
Trish, how are you doing?
Yesterday I did Lean, Hot Body and had a good sweat. Had to modify in a few places because of the it band. Then did a lot of gardening, and my quads were sore from the squatting. This morning, inspired by Deb, decided to try a run, went up the driveway, down the secondary road and onto the main. About a 1/4 mile down misstepped due to a crack int the pavement and seemed to have pulled a muscle. OMG, it went from my hip flexor to my lower quad. Had to wait for a bit and then tried to walk it out. My dh saw me when he was returning from his run, went home and got the car for me. I iced it and have since been able to walk gently, about the speed of an 80 year old. Thursday morning I sliced thru my left index finger to the bone and had to get stitches. No way was I going back again so quickly with another injury, especially since 2 weeks ago I was there with the it band!

I've been stuggling with this tooth issue all weekend been to the drugstore several times trying to find something that would work. When we went to my FIL he gave me fixodent and that worked best. So I've cried & had a lot of laughs over this but tomorrow will call the dentist or any dentist in the yellow pages.

The only w/o I did this weekend was GS legs standing only.

Belinda - I wish DH would have taken the pic of you and the 3 dogs:) Will you live close to DD?

Iris - Sorry your going through so much but in time things will pull together for you. One thing you should be proud of is you keep going & didn't rollover:)

Lori - Ugh, it did kick in afterall, have my fingers cross that this passes quickly . . . hang in there. I'm sure your sprinting to the bathroom so that counts as a w/o!!

Helene - I'll post that info for you tomorrow. Looks like you made up for loss exercise time this weekend:) DOMS is in your future. I have Surpreme 90 too but haven't tried it yet.

Melissa - Have fun boating! I thought you lived on LI not CT:confused: Do you live near Kristin?

Kristin - Sounds like you mastered IMAX 3. Which reminds me I better start practicing step because it is a weakness for me & will look like a fool on the RT.

Cookie - I actually dreamed about you last night something to do with RT. I hope you weren't cursing me when you hurt yourself running. I do run on the TM because in my neighborhood it's mostly hills. Wondering if there are cute Dr.'s in the ER;) Take it easy, your plate is full.

Amelia - What are you up to?

Trish - Did you ever find help with DD's for the summer?


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