Chemotherapy and working out


New Member
I am midway through 6 months of chemotherapy (two days of treatment a month). Just curious if anyone has gone through chemo and how they tried to maintain a level of activity. I have about a week and a half where it's too difficult for me to really do any activity (nausea and fatigue), but then I get into an easy walking program with my dog, and finally the last 2 weeks of the month back to Cathe's routines. Then I have another cycle of treatment and start all over again. Any suggestions or just sharing experiences? Thanks.
My sister finished up a 4 month chemo treatment in December and she also kept up with her workouts. She was always a little off for 3 or 4 days following her treatments, with nausea and fatigue as well, and then resumed her walking/running. She was also seeing a naturopath too for Vitamin C infusions. I always went with her for the chemo rounds, and I was usually the one who looked like crap at the end of the day! :)
I know that it was very important that she felt good on treatment day, never wanted to have it postponed. Everyone is so different in how they cope with side effects from chemo, and you know your body best. Exercise, I think, allowed my sister to keep doing something "normal" during a difficult time.
I'm sending positive thoughts your way.
I just finished up four rounds of chemo. During my treatment, I found aerobic activities were fine. But when I added in weight training it was just too hard on my body. It would take days and days for the DOMS to go away. At one point my arms were so sore, I could hardly move my arm to my mouth, and before chemo I had done STS a number of times, along with most of Cathe's other heavy lifting DVDs. Everyone is different so do what works for you.
You might be completely fine with it since your on 2 days a month. I was 5 days in a row, followed by 2 other treatments a week later.

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