Cathe, what rotation for a competition?


Hello Cathe,

I am thinking of entering a natural bodybuilding and/or figure competition in the near future. Could you tell me the best way to prepare for something like this? I talked to a trainer at my gym and he took my measurements and did my bodyfat. I need to lose about 20lbs and 10% bodyfat. I have all your dvds (and a "few" others). Don't worry about it it being too tough. I've been working out for years. Include everything you think I need to do, whether it's a home workout or at the gym. Just tell it to me straight. What would I need to do to prepare for something like this?

Thank you in advance.

Hi Sanchia! Honestly, for a goal of this nature, I would hire a personal trainer to work with you on developing size, cutting weight, sculpting and defining muscles in specific areas, as well as design a nutrition program for your specific needs. These competitions are very cut throat and there is almost no room for error in each and every training session. See if you can find a trainer who was formerly a body builder or has worked with competitive body builders. This way they will have insight on all of the mandatory poses and other things that you will need to hone for the competition. Good Luck to you!
Hi Sanchia! I suggest you visit the leanandstrong website. Go into the Competitors forum & ask away! All of them compete professionally so they'll be more than willing to help you in your quest. Good luck! Kathy:D
Thank you both Cathe and KathyH for your replies! Cathe, I will concentrate more on the program the trainer advised me to do. KathyH, I will definitely check out that website!

Thanks so much!


Thank you so much for that link! I think I will be able to get quite a bit of help there too! I need all the help I can get with this!

Boy, is Cathe right about the trainer. And about the competetions being cutthroat. My SIL enters them (and places sometimes!) and she never placed till she got a trainer. She is the TINIEST, and most buff thing, and hasn't a place on her that doesn't look great, but when she asked a trainer why she wasn't coming in first or second, he told her she had SADDLEBAGS! I'm like, WHERE?!?

I asked her if she wanted me to come and pose next to her so she would look better. :+

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