Cathe ... time for an update please!?

I'm not really going crazy about the lack of updates...I am kind of surprised. This is not how Cathe has done things in the past. I just hope everything is all right with her...I understand life happens and things can's just not how she has done things...lo these many years...and I have been following her for 20 years!
....I am kind of surprised. This is not how Cathe has done things in the past. I just hope everything is all right with ...
I agree ... I hope everything is ok too. Maybe it was a mistake to share this idea for a new series at the Road Trip last Halloween cuz this has been a long time with few updates. Even a sneak peek at the new filming set would be nice. However, I understand that building supplies and contractors/electricians, etc are in short supply in our area, so maybe so in NJ too.

Hoping for an update before the end of summer ... ha ha ha
Kind of surprised & confused too! At this point and time in the year, I don’t feel like we will see any new workouts this year. Unless they are filming before any announcements,
it will be almost impossible for them before the end of the year…..especially since
apparently there are going to be quite a few workouts in this series…
I just hope they are available in DVD form and not only streaming.
Me too! I do not get reliable internet which is why I still can't get her On Demand. I also travel a lot and having a DVD is just more reliable. Dare I say I also hope each day gets its own STS 1.0?

To prepare, I completed a round of STS and am currently in the middle of a 2nd round. I don't believe STS 2.0 will be released by the time I am done with this 2nd round, so will do a round of Beach Body Beast...which also builds great muscle. Whenever 2.0 comes out...I will be ready!
From what I remember about Cathe's new releases and I might not be 100 % correct on all this, is she usually films during the summer and by the time all the filming and editing is completed and the masters get sent to the replicator, the DVD's usually don't ship until later in the year, around November or December. For some reason, I think when I preordered XTrain it was in mid 2012, but by the time the series was finished and shipped out, it was near the end of the year. I remember starting it in January 2013.
However, I understand that building supplies and contractors/electricians, etc are in short supply in our area, so maybe so in NJ too.

It is awful, isn't it? And the high cost of materials is no joke.
I am excited like you all about Cathe’s new set. I just can’t imagine what that would be since she had so many sets over the years.
I'm pretty excited about a new set, too. But the 'old' one was fine to me!

I just wanted to pop in to echo the sentiment hoping all is well with Cathe and crew. But also to let her know whenever she updates...I'm more than ready to listen! :cool:

thanks for the update!

If it is like the first STS it will take longer. It is a massive undertaking. Set, cast, rehearsals. music, choreography, the list is huge. I can't wait to get an email announcing the series. I recall she said that she would be announcing more this fall.

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