Cathe ? on my Routine


Hi Cathe! I've been doing IMAX3 & Kick Max in my rotation each week for 3 weeks & then I usually like to take a recovery week. I've also been jogging too. I do my weight training w/split routines & do Gym Style Legs (entire workout) once a week. Is this too much on my legs? I'm still "new" to jogging & still have a lot of soreness in my calves (no shin splints though). Am I overtraining?

I'd much appreciate your input on this.

BTW: Since doing the HC's I've become stronger & dropped some more BF thanks to you!! See you in July! Kathy:*

Oh & just so you know, I'm going to try to be one of the ladies that will be in the front row instead of the back in your classes!!:7

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