Cathe, as women age..


will they always have to watch what they eat? I am 45 and have always been slender (even after 5 children). BUT I feel that as I reached the age of 38 my metabolism changed. (I'm 45 now.) Doing the exact same things, but noticing a thin layer of fat coating my body. I eat to live so I'm not a junk food person, or carb addict. I've worked out consistently for 20 years. (I do a variety of things at an intense level.) I'm always on the go, so I rarely have the opportunity to sit around. I've read books about perimenopause and menopause and the estrogen effect. But I thought you are someone who is "around" my age, you have worked out consistently and would be able to say that as you've aged you've had to increase (or not increased) the level of intensity in order to stay your same size. Or maybe varying your exercises more than before. Or does it really become a matter of counting every carb and sugar gram IN ADDITION TO working out intensely? I know it's different for everyone.

Anyone else is welcome to jump in here. I would appreciate any insight.

It seems to me that around every 10 years, I have a harder time fighting off the fat than previously. At 25, I gained weight without changing my activity level or diet much. Then at around 35 things seemed to slow down more. And now again a bit before 45. Just my personal experience, but I think you're right.
I read an article recently about metabolism (can't remember where cuz I read a lot). But it was highly discouraging. It said that the only significant change in metabolism happens at MENOPAUSE. Your metabolism can DROP 20 to 30 percent! Wish I could remember the article name. As a 53 year old just starting the change, I can tell you that I have never had a weight problem until the last two years. I ate the same, exercised maybe a bit less than my heyday and SLOWLY the weight started to go up. I needed to lose about 10-15 pounds and started the low carb thing. And I upped the exercise from 30-45 mins. three times a week to @1 hr 4-5 days a week. I lost 14 pounds in about 8 weeks. I am hooked on low carb cuz I feel so much better but I'm easy on myself. I eat more than I ever have before and I indulge in hot fudge sundaes when the urge strikes @ every 2 weeks. I've kept the weight off and fluctuate down a few pounds now and then. Getting older sucks. No doubt about it. Wait until you're in the middle of a workout and have a massive hot flash - that's lots of fun. But I treat myself kindly. I've never expected to stay the same weight all my life. Staying around the same weight is good enough for me.
I understand exactly how you feel. I really noticed the change at 38...ate the same and exercised the same (which I do alot) but slowly have gained a few pounds. I am now 40 and for the first time in my life, I have to watch what I eat. My weight isn't much higher but I feel like I have a thin layer of fat in places I never had fat such as the front of my thighs. I know the metabolism starts to slow before menopause, it just REALLY slows down then. What can you do? Just accept who you are and do the best you can. Cathe just turned 39 so I don't know if she has experienced this yet....sure doesn't look like it!!
I am right there with ya'll. I turned 40 last November and have gained 9 pounds since then which I cannot seem to rid myself of. I have never had to watch what I eat and, like all of you, have always exercised. It is very frustrating.

I have thought of low carbing and I have lost weight in the past with that very successfully and felt great. My problem with low carbs is what to eat for breakfast. I exercise about 1-1/2 to 2 hours after breakfast and I can't seem to digest protein quickly enough to exercise at that time. I always get sick to my stomach. Any breakfast suggestions would be appreciated.
A book that may be of interest on this topic has been written by a Female internist. Her name is Pamela Peek. The book is:
"Fighting Fat after Forty"
It is not a fad diet. It is based on medical research.

I've seen her speak, and I have read her book. I recommend it to EVERYONE in this age range or close to it.
FYI I am 42, and an exclusive Cathe workout person for several years. I don't weigh myself regularly, but fit into the same size for the past 20 years. With doing Cathe workouts and rotations I have firmed up quite a bit having my clothes fit better. I have noticed stubborn little belly flab over those great ab muscles as of the past two years or so.
I also think, like others that it does get harder to stay in shape. But if you have always exercised and eat sensibly, and maybe, if you are blessed with decent genetics, it is possible to maintain low body fat.

The only significant difference in my body now than at 20 is that I have a lot more muscle and my skin is wrinklier and my hair is grayer. But I work out a lot more than I used to and am very careful what I eat. As to fortunate genetics, I don't know. I have a fat parent and a thin one, my only sibling is rather fat. I have never been fat, but never really had an unhealthy lifestyle. Who knows.

Oh, I am 46.
I totally agree with the eating thing. As I mentioned above, I never had to watch what I ate. I ate pretty much anything I wanted in moderation and now I really have to watch that. I might not be in this position right now if I had watched my diet closer over the years. I'm still not overweight, but just have this layer of fat all around the waistline and abs that that I really want to get rid of. I'm going to start focusing more on the core workouts as well as my eating to see if this will help.

The only thing I can be happy about is that I'm fortunate enough that even though I have gained 9 pounds and have a layer of fat, I still have flat abs. I have had 2 kids with 2 c-sections and have never had a tummy pooch, so I can be happy about that. These saddle bags are another story. :)
Hi Jackie! Yes you'll unfortunately have to watch every calorie & fat trying to keep your fat at 20% now more than ever. I should know I went through perimenopause where I was very bloated & started to gain weight every pants was tight. My ob/gyn placed me on Mercette 28 (low dosage birth control pill) estrogen to control the hot flashes & night sweats; well the weight came off & I was doing BodyRX at the time lost 9" all over my body. Now I'm on Natrol AM/PM Menopause Balance pills these pills work for me. I didn't want to be on the estrogen pills any longer. I felt they had done their job & after a while you have an over abundance of estrogen in your body & you have no choice but to stop taking the estrogen. Now I'm into menopause & I haven't seen any weight gain but this month I've been doing Cathe's Sept. rotation which is all high intensity & I'm also doing Leanness Lifestyle to try to lose a little bit more weight not much mind you. You should read the book its a real eye opener goes into quite a bit of depth about exercise too. HTH, Kathy:D
Wow! Thanks for all the responses and info..

It helps to know you're not alone. I am going to look into the book Kathy H mentioned. I have read the book by Debra Waterhouse(?) and thought that was interesting, but then when you see some women who are close to forty or older(how's that?) and still look lean, (like Cathe) you'd like to know if they experienced the same thing or not. If they did, but was able to tweak their eating and workouts, then you know it is an obtainable goal. If not, then you know they have genetics on their side. Recently I've been focusing more on weight training and less on cardio, and that seems to be helping to lean me out more. I have very broad shoulders and I hate the "masculine" shoulders, chest and arms I start to have when I lift weights more. So I really shy away from doing alot of weight work. I think doing muscle endurance would even be better, BUT I don't like that kind of workout. (I do add them in once in awhile.) Hopefully Cathe will add her experience as well. (Since alot of her videos are focusing on interval training, and variety, I'm thinking this is what is working for her right now.) So once we get the body blast DVD's and she sets up a rotation, we'll all look like her, or have the potential, right ;-) !!

RE: Wow! Thanks for all the responses and info..

I am just commenting on this portion of your post:

"but then when you see some women who are in their forties and still look lean, (like Cathe) you'd like to know if they experienced the same thing or not."

FYI: Cathe is not 40, she just turned 39 in July. I know before I turned 40, nobody was going to even get close to saying I was 40 until it happened. Just a friendly reminder!!

Hi Jackie! Well I'll be turning 50 on Oct. 22nd & I'm still lean. The older we get the better we look. Right? I can still live to say that I do Cathe's tapes even this Sept. rotation. I must say I gave myself a HUGE pat on the back for doing this;-) LOL Kathy
RE: Kathy/Leanness Lifestyle??..

Hi Kathy,

Can you tell me where you purchased this book. I have looked for it in Barnes and Noble and can not find it. How do you like it so far??


About your experience with Natrol...

I have been on progestin for about 4 years because of estrogen dominance. I really would like to be taking something more natural and was wondering if it is more of an estrogen replacement, or balancer. So from your previous post, for you to be "lean" was a matter of balancing your hormones, and counting those carb and sugar grams? It does seem that I'm going to have to be more conscientious about food based on what I'm reading. I also am doing the September rotation. I love how I started with MIS and MIC way back when, and that it is much easier NOW!! I will admit that I am diligent about working out, but not necessarily 5 or 6 days a week. Sometimes it happens, and sometimes it doesn't. (It's at least 4 days.) Maybe that will have to change to see a change. And I agree that we are aging quite well if we are able to workout and not let our age stop us from challenging ourselves!

RE: About your experience with Natrol...

Hi Jackie! Yes its a matter of balancing your hormones. I had taken Remifren which is black cohosh but it did nothing for me I still experienced hot flashes & night sweats & they were getting worse instead of better. The AM/PM balance by Natrol is all natural basically comprised of soy/calcium/magnesium, etc. Its been a God send for me. Thanks to Diane Sue (WD) who recommended this to me. Also watching your fat grams you'd be surprised how quickly 20% of fat adds up!!:D I was quite surprised when I calculated my caloric intake from Leanness Lifestyle how low the intake is. Most days my 6 meals are to consist of 212 cals.! I was consuming waaaay too much fat & calories. Your workouts don't have to be 5-6 days a week; you can stick to your 4 days but just make sure that its intense cardio & weight training. You think MIC is EASY!!! WOW I can't begin to tell you how this tape still to this day kicks my butt big time! Best, Kathy:7

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