Canary Islands??


So today I decided that I NEED to visit the Canary Islands. :) I've never been there before and I have no idea what to expect. I'm planning on doing this within the next 2 months or so. So for all you well-traveled folks - any advice on which island/resort to go to???
I'd like to have something with a nice gym if possible and I of course NEED access to pools and beaches!! Any and all advice is greatly appreciated!! :)

Hi Amy! I wondered if I would surprise you! I found a travel magazine about the Canary Islands today and realized it wasn't that long of a trip. Also, I have been DYING to go to the beach for like 2 years now. And I want to spend our stimulus check on something fun. Of course you can come but aren't you going to Quebec? I'm not 100% it will happen - but it sounds like a fun trip to take pre-deployment ya know?

You should totally go. Hopefully someone here has gone and can tell you about it. Yeah, I am going to Quebec...I guess you and Jason can take a vacay without moi...but just this once! :p

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