building leg/thigh muscles


Active Member
Hi everyone! I have been an advid exerciser for many years but since I had my son in 2011 I just can't seem to bet back to my pre-son body, especially my legs. I have been able to tone my upper body quiet nicely but just can't seem to tone up my legs/thighs. I don't necessarily want to slim them down but build some muscle and tone up. I have tried everything from very heavy weights to barre workouts. Any suggestions?
Thanks! Marnie
I'm on the last four weeks of a three month rotation using STRONG CURVES: A WOMAN'S GUIDE TO BUILDING A BETTER BUTT & BODY, by Brett Contreras and Kellie Davis. It includes great exercises that target the glutes and legs; hip thrusts, deep squats. My legs are more defined and my butt has lifted. Other than this book, my progress has come with heavy weights. Two days of Hiit a week, is all the cardio my body needs. I'm like you, I have to work my lower body harder. My upper body will become super defined, while my lower body will still need work. Hope this helps. Good luck in your endeavor.
Hi Karen - I have this book as well but am having trouble putting a rotation together with it. Would you mind sharing? I only have a home gym so it wasn't clear how to substitute.
Hi everyone! I have been an advid exerciser for many years but since I had my son in 2011 I just can't seem to bet back to my pre-son body, especially my legs. I have been able to tone my upper body quiet nicely but just can't seem to tone up my legs/thighs. I don't necessarily want to slim them down but build some muscle and tone up. I have tried everything from very heavy weights to barre workouts. Any suggestions?
Thanks! Marnie

Hi There,

  • Would you mind sharing what heavy exercise you have tried?
  • One piece of advise, try something different. What has worked in the past is not necessarily going to work now cause the body does get used to same routines. New challenge is what is going to help.
  • Try squat rack if you have one at home. If you go to gym, speak to your trainer.
  • I would take what Desertambrosia has advised. Most importantly give yourself a realistic timescale of consistent workout to see result. Change does not happen over 8 weeks.

One more detail to take into account. You need your nutrition to support what you are trying to achieve. IF you are a hard gainer. i.e you do not gain muscle easily. In that case you need to EAT. No junk, clean food with a significant ratio of protein 40-40-20. 20 fat from essential fat.

All the very best,
Please keep us posted on the outcome of your quest ;-)
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I was actually working with a personal trainer for almost a year and it was a struggle for both of us because my lower body was much different than my upper body. I invested in a squat rack once I started working with her. Here is the breakdown she had me doing for legs:
squats: 4 sets of 20 reps with 135lbs
lunges: 4 sets of 20 reps with 105lbs
step ups: 3 sets of 15 reps with 105lbs
jefferson squats: 4 sets of 15 reps with 135lbs
dead lifts: 3 sets of 15 reps at 125lbs
hamstring roll-ins - 4 sets of 25 reps

I do eat clean a majority of the time (I'm probably an 85-90% person) because I have found that if I go too clean, I binge eat so it's taken awhile to balance things out. The one thing that the trainer stressed a lot was maintaining my calorie intake when I was eating clean. I also don't think I eat enough protien. I have been trying to have a scoop of protein powder a couple times a day because sitting down to eat 6oz of chicken or fish just seems like a lot to me.

I will keep you posted!! :)
Hi everyone! I have been an advid exerciser for many years but since I had my son in 2011 I just can't seem to bet back to my pre-son body, especially my legs. I have been able to tone my upper body quiet nicely but just can't seem to tone up my legs/thighs. I don't necessarily want to slim them down but build some muscle and tone up. I have tried everything from very heavy weights to barre workouts. Any suggestions?
Thanks! Marnie

Hi Marnski,

How are you?

I have read your previous post listing your rotation from your trainer as a reply to my question. The weight load is pretty heavy. I am sorry to hear you did not get what you were looking for. I suggest you carry on and eventually try both free weight at home and machines at Gym. I am not sure you have time to go to the gym. High rep workout (Barre workout are high rep light weight...) are not going to help you build defined and toned legs. If you are a hard gainer, meaning you find it hard to build muscle, keep cardio to a minimum cause you need to send a CLEAR message to your body!:D

I would confidently suggest you keep circuit to a minimum i.e once per week. It is just not the best approach for building muscles regardless of the the natural ability to build muscle or not, regardless of the body type (somatic body type ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph)

Here is something for you to read should you wish to:

Cathe Friedrich - Does Circuit Training Have Cardiovascular Benefits?

Cathe Friedrich - Weightlifting Myths Debunked

I noticed you did not mention cardio. Is there any reason?

I found you post interesting. Slimming the thighs is usually what women are looking. This is not the case of you:):):) It is certainly not the case of some of us:D:D:D

All the very best and please keep us posted,
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Hi Marnski,

How are you?

I have read your previous post listing your rotation from your trainer as a reply to my question. The weight load is pretty heavy. I am sorry to hear you did not get what you were looking for. I suggest you carry on and eventually try both free weight at home and machines at Gym. I am not sure you have time to go to the gym. High rep workout (Barre workout are high rep light weight...) are not going to help you build defined and toned legs. If you are a hard gainer, meaning you find it hard to build muscle, keep cardio to a minimum cause you need to send a CLEAR message to your body!:D

I would confidently suggest you keep circuit to a minimum i.e once per week. It is just not the best approach for building muscles regardless of the the natural ability to build muscle or not, regardless of the body type (somatic body type ectomorph, mesomorph or endomorph)

Here is something for you to read should you wish to:

Cathe Friedrich - Does Circuit Training Have Cardiovascular Benefits?

Cathe Friedrich - Weightlifting Myths Debunked

Cathe Friedrich - Are Free Weights Better Than Weight Machines for Building Strength?

I noticed you did not mention cardio. Is there any reason?

I found you post interesting. Slimming the thighs is usually what women are looking. This is not the case of you:):):) It is certainly not the case of some of us:D:D:D

All the very best and please keep us posted,

Hi there!! I think I have unfortunately found myself in a "only cardio works" mode and doing cardio 4-5 times a week. I never thought that doing too much cardio would reverse the lifting work I'm doing. I will definetley cut back and see if that helps :). I know when I first had my kids I was so cardio driven because of the fact that I want to loose weight and I've just stuck with it. Thanks so much for the advice and I will keep you posted :)

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