Books for Interviews??


Hi everyone! I'm graduating in May with my accounting/business degree, and it's almost time to find a job. There are a couple of companies I'd really like to get on with that do recruiting through my school, and they're coming in September. I've already done a ton of research on the companies through their websites and things like that, but I want to start preparing myself for the interview questions themselves. I know there are a lot of books out there with this kind of information, but I was wondering if any of you know of some particularly good ones? TIA!!
I can't recommend a book off the top of my head but here are some thoughts.

Have you checked with your school to see what other preparation they can help you with such as practice interviews? Take full advantage of any career services offered by your school and remember that you can call upon them in the future. I just read an interesting article in the New York Times about alumni, having graduated some thirty years ago, taking advantage of career services now that they are facing unemployment.

I think researching companies and asking questions that reflect that you have done your homework on that company is a big plus. I'd also be prepared to answer the most direct question of all with out hesitation "Why should we hire you?" And that horrible question...."Where do you see yourself in five years?"

Also, I recommend scanning the news and keeping abreast of developments in the field and any interesting news stories that would lead to discussions.
Thanks Beavs!! I do use my school's career development website, and it's been helpful. One of the companies doing the interviews has interview tips on their website that I've reviewed, but I'd like to feel more prepared.

I really appreciate all your advice!!! I think I'll go to Barnes & Noble and just pick a couple books to try out. It's not like those kind of books won't get used more than once anyway, right!!

Thanks again for your reply!

I found this link and I think it might be helpful. These are VERY typical interview questions that you might be asked. I know I've been ask almost all of them over the course of my career (ironically, in accounting).

My advice to you is to answer all questions directly, speak in complete and grammatically correct sentences - this is something I always listen for when I interview potential employees, look at the interviewer while speaking to him/her, and present a very positve attitude and outlook. Also, think of a few questions to ask the interviewer.

Good luck!! I've LOVED my career in accounting! It's (almost) always interesting, it's challenging, and it's always in demand! :)



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