Beverly (run4fun!) ? for ya!!


Hi Beverly! I'm still new to this power walk/jog thing. The weather here in NY hasn't been the greatest so haven't been able to get outside too much to incorporate walk/jog 3x a week.

Still a little stumped as to putting a rotation together. For my strength training I do it in the evening w/P90X & HC series so I got that covered. At work during my lunch hour this is when I can do the walk/jog. However, I'm still experiencing shin splint pain in the front of my legs. Will this eventually disappear? Can you help me put a rotation together? I'd really appreciate you taking the time. My rotation now looks like this:

Day 1: P90X chest/shoulders/tris & abs
Day 2: walk/jog or if weather's bad IMAX 3 (only 5 intervals)
Day 3: yoga
Day 4: P90X back/bis & abs
Day 5: walk/jog
Day 6: HC legs & abs
Day 7: off

This isn't enough cardio. What day(s) should I put more cardio in? My legs really feel wiped out after the walk/jog. Any suggestions?

Thanks so much for all your help!! Kathy:D
Hi Kathy,

What are your goals? It looks like you do need a little more cardio. You could add it in with one of the upper body days.

What kind of shoes are you wearing for running? You may need some different shoes. Shin splints will heal.

It takes awhile for your body to get use to all the impact of running, your legs will eventually get used to it.

Let me know what your goals are and I can help with the rotation more.

Hi Bev! Thanks a bunch for responding. I'm not planning on doing this program to lose any weight. Just wanted to take my cardio outside for a change. I'm already very lean. My shoes are Nike's but their not running shoes more aerobic. They have a lot of shock absorbers on the entire bottom of the shoes. I guess these aren't right. I should buy running shoes. What do you recommend? I believe I'm suffering from the shin splints b/c I actually haven't been walking/jogging 3x a week due to weather. I'll try incorporating the walk/jog on my upper body days & see what happens.

Again thanks a lot! Kathy:D
Hi Kathy,

I think the shin splints could be from the shoes. Running shoes have a bit higher heel than an aerobic shoe which is more flat.

I think you need cardio at least 3 X a week even if you don't need to lose weight. Take it easy on the walk/run until your shin splints heal. You may want to do something that does not hurt them.

Good luck on your rotation and let us know how it goes and if you have any more questions.


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