Any experience with vertigo?


I have been having strange vertigo symptoms lately - feeling really dizzy even after lying down for sometime (as opposed to the typical dizziness from the movement of lying down to standing up or vice versa). I am taking a new prescription for (embarrassing) an overactive bladder, so I wonder if that's the culprit? or is it more likely to be an inner ear infectin? I don't have any pain or anything. Thoughts from the nurses??

Marie, what a horrible feeling. Hope you feel better soon.

Are you dizzy or is the room spinning (true vertigo)? A little difference. Some overactive bladder meds can mess with your vision causing blurred vision and a lack of accomadation (focus). These things can make you feel dizzy. Do you have any other symptoms- fever, nausea, vomiting?

I have had positional vertigo since I was a young girl. I will get dizzy/room spins when I lay on my back. If I turn my head to one side I can usually alleviate it at least a little bit BUT turning my head to the left can also make it worse. ARGH. When I was diagnosed there was really nothing that could be done but today I think there are meds that one can take. I have never looked into it but probably should as it interferes with my life in many ways.
I had several vertigo attacks a few years back and have felt susceptible ever since. They are scary!!! I saw a doc but we never found a culprit. I do tend to have extra low blood pressure but the doc determined that wasn't a factor. (I take a blood pressure lowering medication to protect my kidneys; I've been an insulin dependent diabetic for more than 18 years.)

I could never find a distinct correlation from my activity or position to the "episodes".

Oooh I just saw you wanted help from nurses, which I am NOT. Sorry!

Good luck!!
Ladies, thanks for the feedback. It is not true vertigo, I don't think, more like waves of dizziness that cause me to lose balance. Yesterday I nearly fell over halfway through my workout and I blamed that on being on my back (chest work) and the upward motion in getting off the step. However, this morning I was just lying in bed and had that terrible bed-spinning feeling (ah, remember the days of youth and too much alcohol, lol).

I wonder if it's the meds, though? I've only been taking them for a week. I should look that up. The thing is, this has happened to me a couple of times before, but not in about a year. I do historically have low blood pressure, so I guess that could be a factor??

Anyway, Amy, sorry, I was looking for feedback from anyone and I really appreciate you all sharing your experience. My thought was there are a couple of nurses here who always have great input (calling Michele!!).


The low blood pressure could be contributing. I had high blood pressure, very high, and went on med for it. The first few mornings I took the med it was like I was drunk, I couldn't get up and walk around very much as my BP lowered. My boys laughed for days calling me a "drunk mom". Not professional help, but my 2cents. And meds can affect everyone differently - maybe low BP plus your med is the culprit?

You should search the web for possible side effects of your med and call your doc first thing tomorrow.

BTW, Michele will probably be around later today or this evening.

Hope you feel better soon.
My 85 year old mother had vertigo for decades. She said that the room would spin when she was lying down. Finally, a physical therapist told her that the "Crystals" that are in her ears had become dislocated. He worked on her somehow and got them to go back where they should be. I know it sounds crazy (I had never heard of such a thing), but she said that it helped. Her husband had the same problem.


I wonder if there is any correlation between the drugs and the possible vertigo? I started in February taking Lunesta for sleeping and after about 45 days, I noticed that I had a "lightheaded" sensation - couldn't figure out where this came from - then I took out the pharmacy instructions and wouldn't you know that was one of the side effects. I took the drug for about 75 days and then got off of it - so it has been since May 1, that I have not been on the drug and I still have the Lightheadedness but not as intense as before. I don't get dizzy or lose my balance - its just a sensation in my head.

Have you read about Meniere's disease?

>Ladies, thanks for the feedback. It is not true vertigo, I
>don't think, more like waves of dizziness that cause me to
>lose balance. Yesterday I nearly fell over halfway through my
>workout and I blamed that on being on my back (chest work) and
>the upward motion in getting off the step. However, this
>morning I was just lying in bed and had that terrible
>bed-spinning feeling (ah, remember the days of youth and too
>much alcohol, lol).
>I wonder if it's the meds, though? I've only been taking them
>for a week. I should look that up. The thing is, this has
>happened to me a couple of times before, but not in about a
>year. I do historically have low blood pressure, so I guess
>that could be a factor??

Hi Marie,

My gosh, I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I'm not sure how much help I can be but I'll try.

You didn't mention which med you were taking, but the category of drugs normally used to treat overactive bladder can cause dizziness. You said you've been taking the new medication for about a week and it is conceivable that the onset of dizzness could occur in that time frame.

Do you have any other symptoms? I'm sure you realize that dizziness/vertigo are very common symptoms that can be indicative of a a whole host of problems. Do you have any strange sounds/sensations in your ears--like a wooshing? You could also be having a type of migraine. I remember you mentioning that you're deaf. It's possible that whatever caused your hearing loss could be involved.

One thing you could try if you're up to it is stopping the medication and see if that relieves the problem. Whatever happens, I would definitely call your doctor in the morning.

Good luck, my friend, and let me know what happens. I hope you're back in the pink of it real soon.
Im so sorry your not feeling well-I had the same thing a year ago and it lasted for a few months and I took over the counter meclizine which helped me but made me very sleepy. Have you called the pharmacist yet? You could call the pharmacist and ask if you could try the meclizine until you get ahold of your doctor. HTH I hope you feel better soon.
I would recommend contacting your pharmacist who is qualified to answer such questions. You may also want to do some of your own research which would include contacting your public library as they should have the Physicians Desk Reference commonly known as the PDR or Drug Facts and Comparisons. A librarian will know which sources to direct you to and help you find what you need. I hope you feel better.
Just wanted to chime in, since Vickie (post a few above) mentioned it. A close relative of mine is just recovering from about 8 weeks of vertigo and was told about the 'crystals' in the inner ear, too. I have never heard of it before, and really thought she was nuts when she told us that that's what the dr. told her...but I guess you learn something new everyday! She's been going to a special therapist for this and has been able to get back to her normal activities.

I think her symptoms were much more severe than what you're describing, though - she was initially taken to the ER via ambulance because she couldn't even pick her head up off the bed without getting sick.

I hope you find the cause/cure of your symptoms - keep us posted!
Hi Marie,

I had something similar happen to me a year or so ago. I'd get dizzy if I went from a lying to standing postition or vice versa (made yoga tough LOL). In my case, the culprit was fluid in my ears that wasn't draining. I'd been getting over a pretty nasty sinus/head cold. My doctor recommended an OTC decongestant and/or nasal spray. The dizziness eventually went away after a few weeks.

Hope this helps. Definitley talk to your doc about it.

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