Another workout idea for Cathe's gym

That was amazing - wonder how much they had to practice that.


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
Somebody posted about this a couple of weeks ago.
I think it's amazing! Looks soooo cool, especially the 'skating' move. I also wonder how long it took for them to get it (and how did the choreographer come up with it!). I hope they wore protective gear while practicing!
And they're doing it in street shoes!

You know I'm going to try something stupid on my treadmill now, don't you!?
Love it!! We saw this band on the 'Colbert Report' this week and they showed some other clips of their videos which have very entertaining, albeit cheesy dance sequences. They are choreographed by on of the band member's sister. So fun to watch. Thanks for sharing! The song will be stuck in my head for the rest of the night!:)

Take Care
Funny :+

Reminds me of the quad step classes I used to take where we travelled between four different steps during the class. It was a blast, but of course the choreography was a bit less "accident prone". No one ever got hurt.

I could see Cathe just bopping around and those of us at home rewinding more than a few times. LOL !
Thanks for sharing that. I enjoyed watching that. It must have taken alot of practice to get it all in sync.

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