<---all the downtown ladies call him treetop lover


<---morning you OAL posting fiends
<---thinks it's gonna be another hot one
<---says ay least there are some rain drop icons in today's forecast
<---will be doing the rain dance for cardio today
<---'s feeble, menopausally challenged mind can't remember if any of you have anything exciting going on today
<---asks for updates on anything <--needs to be aware of
<---will otherwise be in her own little foggy world counting her toes
<---really should take the Menopause Wisdom out of the bag
<---bets that is one of the first suggestions in the book - Read Me!
<---heads to the kitchen for an elixer of life refill
<--- waves to Robin
<--- still feels crappy
<--- is debating staying home again
<--- feels like the top of <---'s head is going to blow off
<--- should go to work
<--- waves morning to Robin and Shellers
<--- tells Shellers she should not go to work if feeling that crappy
<--- shouts get back to bed, girl!
<--- asks Robin what the song is
<--- tells Robin that <--- has absolutely nothing of interest happening today!
<--- has L&G on the agenda again today and is looking forward to it
<---hands Shelley the ibuprofen and the phone
<---tells her to call in sick and go back to bed
<---says it all quietly so as not to cause Shelley's head to explode
<---hates when that happens
<---waves good morning
<---will take a refill with Robinellers
<---tells Shell feel better dahhling
<---hopes Ronne enjoys L&G...it's a goody!
<---has no idea what <---is doing today
<---thinks it's too early for any serious thinking
<---wonders who told shmoopy to get up at 5:30? hmph.
<---clinks mugs and settles into butt glue


I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready!
<--Waves Good Morning!
<--Apparently missed a race to 150 last post night!
<--is lol
<--feels superduper today!
<--says"AWWW, Take a day off" to Shelly!
<--sends Robin some kick-menopauseal-butt vibes!
<--Agrees with debbie about serious thinking in the AM!
<--Is joining Ronne with Lowerbody work todayx( its<--lest favorite workout!
<--usually can't walk afterwords!
<--looks at the bottom of a coffee cup:( bbl!
<--waves tootalu to all who follow!
<--joins Robin in doing a little rain dance
<--garden needs to get some H20 while <--is on vacation
<--thinks Shelley should keep her arse home and rest
<--extends congrats for Ms. Sophie's report card accomplishments
<--agrees with Deb that it is too early to think too hard
<--did HST last night in the basement and had steam(!) rising off of <--
<--drank a giant glass o' lemonade and took an ice cold shower afterward
<--is off to fire up the tea pot and waves to all and threatens to be baaaaaaack }(
<---is glad the week is half over
<---had a crappy night and is tired
<---will try to cheer up - promise!
<---doesn't have energy yet for a rain dance, but promises to join Robin in a bit
<---pushes Shelley back into bed and turns out the light
<---saw that yesterday's thread had 166 posts!
<---is in awe
<---hopes Ronne has fun with L&G
<---will be doing Gym Style Legs this evening
<---agrees with Deb that it's still too early for serious thinking
<---must think seriously anyhow
<---has a ridiculous rush job and needs to start writing
<---is happy to see Amelia so chipper
<---feels better already because of it!
<---thinks Beavs is nuts for taking a cold shower
<---is cold just thinking about it
<---hopes Catherine gets caught up!
<---thinks Shannon has been getting too many rush jobs
<---sends her speedy finger vibes
<---hopes Catherine catches up with herself
<---thanks Amelia for the anti-menopausal vibrations
<---tells Ronne the song is Jim Croce's Bad, Bad Leroy Brown
<---got the idea from Tammy
<---(psssst - it was me who woke Schmoopy up early)
<--- thanks Robin for the musical education
<--- hopes Schmoops has an afternoon nap!
<--- has eight squares of white chocolate to share so better get there fast!
<--- hopes Shannon gets those fingers moving
<--- tells Catherine to run like the wind
<--- now has just six white chocolate squares left ...
<--- sends lower body strength vibes to Amelia (not that <---'s lower body has much strength left now)
<--- sends some big rain clouds to Beavs
<--thanks Robin for her PM
<--feels even more official now!
<--tells Shelley to get back into bed...NOW! No workout today except for BedMax and FluidMax
<--wishes Ronne loads of fun with L&G
<--agrees with Debbie that it's just too early for anything
<--wished <--could have some of Amelia's superduper feeling today
<--feels like crap because of bad insomnia (even though <--took an Ambien!)
<--wonders if <--is immune to Ambien
<--would love tea with Beavs
<--tells Catherine we are da diggity bomb!!!
<--sorry about Shannon's crappy night
<--can totally relate!
<--is tired and just wants to lie in bed and sleep but needs to dislodge butt glue and do MM and iCllimb
<--has a joke: why does Snoop Dogg always carry an umbrella? Fo drizzle! :D :D :D
<--ran like a mad woman to get to work before her first scheduled patient at 8:15
<--didn't have any 8:15 appointments, they started at 8:30
<--could have slowed down a little :(
<--oh well, on with the day LOL!!
<--tells Deb sorry Schmoops got up so early
<--assures Deb it wasn't <--
<--sends Shannon cheer up vibes
<--says Ronne must like that white chocolate
<--LOL at the steam rising off of Beavs during HST
<--is glad Amelia feels super duper
<--joins Robin in the foggy world



<---fo drizzle - bwahahahaha
<---what's brown and sticky?
<---oh wait, we've done that one
<---says what's green, has four legs and if it fell out of a tree on you, you would die? A pool table!!!!
<--request big rain clouds from Ronne,<--says thanks for the lower body strength vibes,will need them later!
<--would love a pc of white chocolate:9 !
<--is glad<--chipper smile cheered up Shannon!
<--joins in on the rain dance!
<--has been on computer for over two hours and butt is soarx( ,<--was looking over ebay!<--addicted to ebay:-(!
<--needs to get off computer and do something constructive,LOL!
<--- is back home
<--- had a huge dizzy spell after breakfast
<--- 's head has settled to a dull roar and is feeling pukey again
<--- apologizes for whining
<--- is going to lie on the couch but will check back occasionally
<--- clutches aching sides (really likes the pool table one!)
<--- What do you call a man with leaves on his head? .... Russell!
<--- thinks it's great dragging out all the playground jokes!
<--- is LOL at your shenanigans this morning
<--- loves a good joke but can't deliver a good punch line to save herself
<--- hopes Shelley is feeling better soon
<--- tells Shelley that <---'s DH came home early yesterday because he felt similar to how you're feeling
<--- can count on 2 fingers the number of times her DH has come home early because he didn't feel well
<--- is going to skedaddle out of here for now so she can get something accomplished
<--- will BBL

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