A Long Time Coming


Its been a while since I've been on here and I wanted to thank Debinimi for reaching out to check on me. I've been super busy lately, I'm taking online training to learn to become a physical therapy aide in hopes of landing a somewhat decent paying entry level job in the medical field that has benefits.

The truth is my life has slowly been falling apart over this year. To say that this has been the most challenging year of my life is an understatement. I've had to come to terms with the fact that I'm married to someone who has mental illness and lives in a delusional world. He's self employed in real estate but won't look for deals. His nephew told him he needs to get a job, but he won't do that either. I can't reason with him either. He's invested in a gold treasure hunt in the Philippines and has been waiting on the supposed millions for years. In fact when I saw down at the computer, I saw a message he sent to all his friends that he got to invest in this thing that they need to make sure their passports are valid because once a recovery is made we will all charter a plane with our attorneys to set up trusts to receive the funds coming in. He reads travel magazines, watches youtube videos about faraway destinations, private jets and has made all these plans to run a Christian charity and give away millions to worth causes while we live the good life in a big house, nice cars, vacations. He's mentally put a lot of people he knows to work for his charity in various capacities. All the while things are falling apart. He sold his frequent flier miles, he cashed out of his long term care policy and even spent through some money I'd had saved for if something happened to him because there is no savings, no investments, no life insurance. Not even a stable place to live because he bought the house from a friend who owner financed and hasn't made a payment in 5 years. The friend died and now the sons have sent him a letter saying that he has to pay the loan in full to the tune of around $300,000 on April 1. Our power even got cut off for one day in October because we didn't have the money for the bill. But he's not even trying to find deals or work because he believes in his heart that the gold is imminent. I've heard this year and year time and and time again.

I'm at a breaking point mentally. I've been married for 17 years and spent most of it waiting for things to improve. I've worked off and on, but he's always wanted me to tend to running the house and helping him with his business, which as of late has been nothing. I've put myself on the back burner and I have nothing to show for it except a little savings that I didn't tell him about because he could spend through anyone's money. He's borrowed probably a hundred thousand or so dollars from friends and family and he's taken quite a bit of money from me as well. Plus he's run up my credit cards racking up around $50K in debt and hasn't paid our taxes which is around $7K. I'm in a mess and I want out. I can't take living like this anymore. The chronic stress has probably been the reason why I went into menopause so early and I drank to cope with the stress. Thank God I've been sober since June 2020. Hardest thing I've ever done, but by far the most rewarding. I have to figure out how to exit this marriage. The last thing I want to do is file bankruptcy, but at this point that might be the only way I can wipe the slate clean and just chalk it up to a bitter lesson learned. Living with my mom and step dad long term isn't an option because their 5 bedroom house is packed so full, my mom jokes that one day the whole upstairs is going to come crashing into the downstairs.

And to make matters even more complicated, Kevin (remember him) and I have come to the realization that we have feelings for each other. I guess I was subconsciously attracted to him all along and kept trying to suppress things and protect myself. He told me he hasn't been happy in his marriage either and almost moved back to Wales this past summer, but he kept holding out to see if there was anything between us. Which 3 days before my birthday in October, exactly 2 months ago today, it all came out in the open. I really don't know where that situation will go because his schoolteacher wife out earns him and right now his kitchen and bathroom remodeling business has slowed down. I'm sure there are jobs he could do here because he has a green card that won't be affected if he divorces his wife.

STS2.0 was a god send for me this summer. I got lost in the heavy lifting and the feeling of empowerment when things around me were so bleak. I still don't know how I'm going to do all of this because I've felt trapped in this marriage for quite some time. Its just that things aren't getting any better and there's no sign of improvement. He can't work or look for deals but he can go play golf with his buddies today. A few weeks ago, he told me he was going to send an email to all his real estate colleagues asking for a job of some capacity. I was elated and thought even if nothing comes from it, at least its effort. A few hours passed and instead he had conjured up a plan to borrow money from friends and pay a high interest rate on the recover from the gold. A friend wrote him a check for $10K and another zelled him $2500. The only people who ever had the courage to tell him to work were his brother and nephew.

I know this sounds bizarre, but this has been my life. Thank you all for your support and Merry Christmas!
OMG Ashaw, I am so sorry that you are going thru all that. I had been missing your
posts as well, & actually started to PM you, but then I saw that you had posted on
the forums about something, so I assumed that perhaps you were busy, etc. So glad
that Debinmi did reach out to you. I don’t know exactly what to say, except keep your
strength up, your head up, and somehow, hopefully things will turn around for you.
again, I am so very sorry for all you are dealing with.
It's hard to know what to say. I am sorry for your situation too. Please stay safe! I know it can be cliche, but I'm sincere in saying I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I'm hoping 2024 works out for you alright as you transition out of the relationship and financial situation.
I am so very sorry to hear all that you're going through.

Honestly, what you describe sounds like you need to find yourself away from anyone else and their issues. Then take a clear look at who a good partner for you would be... as you WILL BE ....with your new strength and independence.

Take all the time you need to heal from your current relationship.You may not even be aware that you're seeking someone familiar who seems better but is in fact a Pete Repeat. Please don't rush into a relationship regardless of your feelings. YOU are worth waiting to find the BEST partner.

I wish you strength and endurance as you forge ahead. You can do it all on your own...as you've proven already.
Thank y'all for your concern and support. It means the world to me. This is my fitness family and I've always been an open book, keepin it real whether it was about my uphill battle to sobriety or anything else going on in my life.

When I saw my gynecologist a few weeks ago, she told me and I quote "your husband is bipolar, impulsive, delusional and needs psychiatric help". Its been hard to accept the slow downward spiral of things but I've finally been able to, I'm getting a good education in a field I've always been interested in and I've been able to tell my mom a lot about what's been going on. She's known that things haven't been good and that I've just been staying and putting on a happy face.

I know that I'm doing a lot to prepare. I've been selling a lot of things on eBay to raise extra money, I've been studying my butt off, also wanting to take a few extra classes on HIPAA and soft skills to set myself apart from other job candidates. I'm looking forward to the CPR and AED training. And I'm hoping to take the PT Tech/Aide certification exam. Again, not really necessary, but I want to make myself stand out by being totally job ready.

I don't know why I found myself subconsciously attracted to Kevin. But I'm certainly not going to jump from one disaster to another potential disaster. One of my favorite songs is Hailee Steinfeld's I Love You's. The line that echoes to me is "No more I Love You's, until I'm OK".

Tomorrow is one of my all time Cathe favorite.....Butts & Guts!

Here is my rotation this week

Today was RWH Upper Body circuit and Abs #1

Tues- Butts & Guts

Wed- X10 Cardio Blast and some type of stretch/recovery

Thurs - Muscle Endurance (*$%# those leg presses on the high step!)

Fri- Perfect 30 Low Impact HIIT

Sat - RWH Lower Body Circuit

This was one of Cathe's rotations, but I can't remember when its from, I just took a screenshot because I knew it was gonna be a goodie!

Right now Cathe and my dog Luca (whose my adorable avatar pic!) are getting me through all this.
Take all the time you need to heal from your current relationship. You may not even be aware that you're seeking someone familiar who seems better but is in fact a Pete Repeat. Please don't rush into a relationship regardless of your feelings. YOU are worth waiting to find the BEST partner.
So true. Sometimes, someone will come into our lives whose role is to shake us out of our apathy and show us that we are not happy and that things need to change. They may not be the right person to end up with, but feelings can get muddled, especially when you are going through a lot and are vulnerable. You need to take time and work on yourself before entering into another relationship.
I hope everyone's had a great start to the New Year. I've been super busy with getting close to finishing my school. I'm having my annual mammogram on Friday. I've booked my hair appointment. I need to schedule my CPR/AED training. Gotta get the oil changed in my car and I think I'm going to need to replace my front shocks. Once I finish my school and get my certificate, I'm going to apply to take the PT Tech certification exam. I've also sold a ton of things on eBay to rake in some extra cash which is mainly being used to pay down some credit cards. Once I get all that done, I'm going to tweak my resume and start applying for jobs. As far as leaving my marriage, I know I want to do it at some point this year, I just don't know how and when. Its awful when I feel so trapped by the overwhelming debt. The note on the house, which is in his name because it was owner financed by a friend, is due in full to the tune of a little over $300K on April 1st. There are unpaid taxes from 2018 that with penalties and interest are probably up to around $7K. I'm taking things one step at a time and I haven't told my mom the real ugly side of things, the financial side. She doesn't know about the financial mess I'm in. Somehow I've managed to tuck away around $8000 in my own bank account that he doesn't know about. Its awful because now I look back and I see how he has taken from me in so many ways. We had a talk the other day about our situation and because he thinks this so called gold is close (I've seen this time and again) he makes no effort to look for a job or real estate deals. In fact, as I'm typing this, he's on the phone with a friend talking about buying a ranch in South Texas (when he gets his millions from the gold) as a place to evacuate and survive if the power grid were to go down. I don't know if I should just take bankruptcy when the time comes and chalk it up to a lesson learned. I just feel really overwhelmed, but I'm still rocking out with Cathe every morning. That is keeping me sane.
Ashaw, I hope you had an enjoyable holiday season, despite everything….sounds like
you have a “plan in hand”…. I thought about you today at Walmart, I had to get a new
ankle support and I remembered when you were posting about the different supports,
I think I have one for each part of my body!! :)
Ashaw, congrats on keeping up with your plan and with Cathe! April will be upon us before you know it ... I know you have a plan, but you might want to seek legal advice soon. ... if you don't think you can afford it, call Legal Aide or your local Women's Center for direction. Better to at least know your resources before you think you need them. Best wishes.
You only have to type in Philippines Gold Treasure Hunt Scam into Google to come up with multiple hits. Some of the scams are quite elaborate and people have been swindled out of millions of dollars. Unfortunately, with scams like this, it can be difficult for people who have invested large sums of money to be convinced of the scam. They need to go on believing that the scam is real because facing the truth is too devastating. Accepting that they are a victim of a scam comes with real trauma and for people who already have mental health issues, it can make things worse. I don't know what kind of support groups there are in America but maybe there is a support group for scam victims or families of scam victims who have been caught up in the financial mess. Might be worth checking out. If you can connect with others who have been through this, you may get some good advice on how to progress and move forward. Stay strong and best wishes for 2024.
Thank you everyone! I'm so happy to report that I took my final exam today and scored a perfect 100%! I now have a certificate of completion from the University of Houston for my training! My mom and step dad are so proud of me and I'm proud of me.

I've sold quite a bit of things on eBay including thinning out my fitness DVD collection. I pretty much sold dvd's that I haven't done, haven't done in ages or ones that I don't think will fit with my new schedule - long workouts, step workouts, etc - I did however treat myself and buy Total Body Barbell and Gloved Up Kickboxing.

Its just really hard living with someone who lives in a delusional world and seeing someone you love go on this downward spiral. He even met with a counselor this summer, partially at my insistence because of his explosive temper and he even told the counselor all about the gold and all his plans and I was shocked that the man didn't say anything. This was a outreach from a church with laypersons taking training to meet a need for mental health care so it wasn't a LPC that he met with, but still, considering the severity of things and nothing was said.

But I'm motivated and making progress, but at the same time not rushing into anything. I just thank God that I'm sober and although things are stressful, I'm not using alcohol as my coping mechanism. I really appreciate everyone's support on here. This is my fitness family and I can talk to y'all about anything.
I was curious this morning if I was right on You've got a Friend being recorded by James
Taylor so I went to YT and yes it was him. I sat & listened to it and remembered how much
I always loved that song. I just might have to get it on my ipad :)
I love James Taylor especially the song Fire and Rain. He’s got such an incredible voice. They dont make music like that anymore.

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