a few suggestions..


Hello, I have been doing your videos during quarantine. So helpful! I have actually done your workouts since the early 90s'. Now that I am older and have back and knee issues I appreciate the low impact stuff. But, I have a hard time keeping my heart rate up for aerobic activities- I guess because I'm used to them. But, I can't jump and run a lot -a little is okay. I really liked the cardio party video because the music was upbeat, in sync, and the workout is just fun. I reach for your kickboxing workouts a lot. I like they have cardio and an element of core and I use my arms. After burn is still a favorite also. Can you do some more high heart rate, low impact stuff that is meant to be fun? I was sad in the body weight video that it had all the bands. I flip myself with those things and get frustrated. I would like to see body weight exercise without bands and weights. I would like a video with balance work, core, body resistance. I hate lifting weights. I can tolerate it with circuits and the metabolic weights workouts. Could you mix some yoga with weights and with body weight and maybe pilates? I just wanted to give some ideas - you probably already thought of it. I have really appreciated having the videos

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