303030, hi/lo, kickbox, interval w/o step, more intense...


Thank you Cathe for giving us the oportunity to express our desires for upcoming workouts. I would love to see:

1. A 90 minute intense cardio that has 30 minutes each of HI/LO (like MIC), kickboxing, and step. This would give us many mix & match capabilities for 30,60 or 90 minute workouts.

2. An interval workout without the step would be great. It could contain HI/LO, kickbox, plyometrics, moves like the terminators in Boot Camp, etc..

3. More intense core work with the stability & medicine balls added to workouts, by itself, or combined with a pilates/yoga style workout.

4. Circuit Max II because Circuit Max is so much fun!

5. Push/Pull sounds awesome. I was going to request a S&H II also.

Whatever you decide, I will buy. I only request that it be really intense, heart pumping, muscle building & burning:7


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