3 or 6 1/2 Month Rotation


I am starting STS on Saturday...and still undecided as to which rotation to do! Now, is the 6 1/2 month rotation a repeating of the weeks of each meso, or is it just doing STS twice? And any thoughts/suggestions? :)

I'm doing the 6 1/2 month rotation and just finished Meso 1. You repeat each week twice, then move on. I like it because it gives me a chance to work in modifications to my weights, set up, or timing the next week and the workout is better and more efficient. The next time I do it, I'll use the 3 1/2 month rotation because I'll know the system better! I take notes with each workout so I know if I need to increase or decrease weight. I haven't needed to make many alterations, just a few. I did do the 1RM tests and I'm glad I did!

Hope this helps you make a decision!

Enjoy your STS!
3 or 6 1/2 rotation


I also have decided to start the 6 1/2 month rotation. Just a quick organizing question- When you take notes do you put them in the Workout Manager directly or do you write it on your workout card. I also had a difficult time organizing my equipment. Today while doing disc 1 M1 - I had to keep pausing to put my equipment back and get the other equip out because I kept missing the first part of the exercises. Any suggestions/ideas.
That's great Iris! I look forward to hearing your thoughts as you go!

Monexs - I put my notes on my paper Workout Card, then transfer them to WM later, usually at the end of the week!

I review the workout a day or two in advance and make some notes as to the order of what I need and what weights need to be on the barbell or dumbbell first. That helps me a lot! I also use wrist weights for the odd increments and set those up as well, then I have everything else on the floor in line as I need it, extra plates, extra weight bars for the wrist weights, etc. Even with all that, in Meso 1, I had to pause to change out weights at times. I would say about half the time. 30 seconds sounds like a good amount of time, but it's not!

I start Meso 2 on Monday and I'm looking forward to the full 1 minute rest between sets! LOL! I'm hoping THAT will be enough time for changing things out! We'll see how that goes!

Hope that helps!
Hi everyone,
This is my first post ever. I joined a contest where I work, for 12 weeks. We are calling it the Big Loser. I decided to try the STS discs, but am new to weight lifting (have done dumbells with BLF women - but only do about 3 times a month). Since I am a beginner should I do the 6 month rotation? My discs will not arrive until next Thursday. Thanks for the advice.
If you get bored easily I would do the 3 month rotation. That way each day is something new. I did the 1rm and looked at my wo card before starting each disc and did not have to pause. Of course I had dumbbells instead of barbells. No changing of weights. I have 5,8,10,12,15,20,25lb dumbells and just had them lined up. I did not use pace weights until Meso 2 when there was more time to change.

Scook- If the contest is to lose weight, diet is more important than STS. I lost 2" off waist, 2" off hips and 1 1/4" off each thigh but didn't lose any weight because I didn't cut calories. Meso 2 &3 were more effective for me, so I would do 3 month rotation.
Thanks JoanC - I will try the 3 month rotation b/c of the motivation factor for my contest. I am not overweight (but could lose the 45 year old 6 lbs) so it is not as much as a weight loss contest for me, as a motivation factor. (I ran 2 --1/2 marathons last year, (Run Like a Girl!) so am a big cardio person).

What I really appreciate is the fact that you gave your dumbell #'s, I just need another 20 and 25 and feel like I should feel like I be able to be successful :)

I certainly feel upper body weakness, since I mostly just run - this is my goal for the contest. Thanks for your help, it is appreciated.
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