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  1. F

    drill max plank pushups with 3lb weights - what's the deal

    What is the deal with those plank pushups at the end of the workout? Cathe and the crew make it look so easy, yet I cant even finish the first set, so forget the second set entirely. I usually keep up with Cathe and go even heavier, so why are these so impossible? I admit that I cant quite keep...
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    form question on specific exercise in GS legs

    Hi Cathe and educated crowd. I did GS legs for the first time yesterday, and I have a form question about the barbell stiff legged deadlifts on high step. As with the regular stiff legged deadlifts, do I keep my shoulders pressed back so they dont roll forward. It looked like Cathe was extending...
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    P90x users - rotations and instruction

    Hi everyone, Since P90X is very popular with Catheites, I thought maybe someone could help me out. I recently purchased the P90X dvds on ebay, but the listing only included the workout discs, and no manuals. I don't know how to go about getting the instructions and rotation guides. Does...
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    bloated, gassy and irritable

    I have a question for all the experts out there. Can eating way too much air-popped popcorn in one sitting clog up your digestive system? I have been miserable the last few days. Throughout the day, there are time when I cant stand up straight due to the gas pain and bloating in my gut. I ate...
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    I considered purchasing my BOSU ball for quite some time before I finally did it. BUT, I cannot find a BOSU workout that offers the same advanced level of intensity as a Cathe workout. Cathe's workouts are the best, and I expect nothing less from other instructors. I think the BOSU has great...