Recent content by Tmj75

  1. T

    Upper body recommendation (during lower body injury)

    Well, I'm just revisiting this...always looking for new workouts to try! I'm now 6 months post-injury and not recovered. This is a brutal injury (high-grade proximal hamstring tear...I basically tore 2 of 3 hamstrings off the pelvis). A million times better than initial injury and still making...
  2. T

    Upper body recommendation (during lower body injury)

    Her doctor might consider an MRI to see exactly what's going on. Or maybe look into proximal hamstring tendinopathy, which is more of a chronic condition as I understand it. My tear was an acute, high grade injury that caused the pain, but I think tendinopathy would cause similar issues. I don't...
  3. T

    Upper body recommendation (during lower body injury)

    Stairs is a new trick, and I’m not great at it yet. Just a few of weeks ago, I took a normal step without thinking about it, and it was immediate pain, weakness, shakiness (I did this a couple of times). Now, I can do a few steps at a time in physical therapy. It’s not really bad pain anymore...
  4. T

    Upper body recommendation (during lower body injury)

    Thanks for sharing! I also have a high-grade tear of proximal hamstring (left). It was an acute injury--tore it sprinting (leg collapsed, hit the ground) and knew immediately it was bad news. But I probably also had some overuse and am very tight. Worst pain I've ever had. Could not walk, stand...
  5. T

    Upper body recommendation (during lower body injury)

    Thank you! These are great suggestions. Because my hamstring has a high-grade tear where it attaches to the pelvis, almost anything leg-related has been completely out. I can't even walk very well (but couldn't walk at all at it's improving). Standing is actually the easiest, but I...
  6. T

    Upper body recommendation (during lower body injury)

    Thanks, will give those a try! I know I've done the ICE series before (a few years ago). I also love Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire! I still pop those in once in awhile (pre-injury)! I cannot do the Cathe step workouts however...I'm way too uncoordinated for those! :)
  7. T

    Upper body recommendation (during lower body injury)

    Thanks! These are great suggestions. I love the metabolic and PHA workouts (especially some of the Live/no repeat ones) but still a bit more than I can do for lower. I'll definitely look at some of the upper body moves from these and maybe just create something of my own in Workout Blender. I'm...
  8. T

    Upper body recommendation (during lower body injury)

    Thank you! These are all great suggestions, and I will look into them! It's been so hard being sidelined and not able to even walk very well. Really looking for ways to get my heart rate up/body moving even if it's not much. It's a long recovery (high-grade proximal tear), but slowly getting...
  9. T

    Upper body recommendation (during lower body injury)

    I'm recovering from a torn hamstring and looking for a good upper body workout that is all standing (I know lots of them involve mat or bench work--and I don't get to the ground easily), preferably fast paced or lighter weights/high reps to get my heart rate up seeing I can't do any other...
  10. T

    Workout recommendations/favorites (coming back after cancer treatments)

    Thank you! I appreciate your response, those are good suggestions. I have worked out with Cathe in the past, so I do have familiarity with some of her DVDs. That's definitely a good base. I'm hoping to expand my list by adding some more Live workouts or maybe DVD workouts that I haven't tried...
  11. T

    Workout recommendations/favorites (coming back after cancer treatments)

    Thank you for your thoughtful response! I love this! Yes, it does sound like we have similar style, and I definitely would like to develop a "flexible rotation" like you described, pulling from whatever type of workout I'm doing that day. Now the key is building that list. I'm trying to develop...
  12. T

    Workout recommendations/favorites (coming back after cancer treatments)

    I’m trying to pull together somewhat of a modified rotation, or just compile a list of some favorite workouts to pull from (DVD or Lives). Can anyone suggest some favorites? 46 years old, just finished radiation for early-stage breast cancer a couple of months ago but given the all-clear. I...
  13. T

    Workout Blender Issue/Question

    Thanks for your replies! I don't know why I thought I had done this before, but I must be wrong. I ended up starting from scratch. It would be a nice feature to have!
  14. T

    Workout Blender Issue/Question

    Hello! I'm been using Cathe workouts for several years, but this is my first time posting. I'm having issues with Workout Blender, and I'm hoping someone can help. I am no longer able to use an already created workout and modify/save as another workout without losing the original. For example...