Recent content by merary

  1. M

    Cardio with STS

    Question: is cardio from the 4 day split series enough to do it with STS? I'm on week 2 and haven't managed to do any cardio whatsoever so far. I find it hard to exercise 6 days in a row! But I know I have to. I was thinking 4DS cardio is only 30 min. So that's something that seems somewhat...
  2. M

    Doms on week 2

    Hi guys, Is it normal to not have doms on week 2 of STS? Or does that mean I went too light on my weights this week? I did chest, biceps and shoulders yesterday, and unlike last week when I could barely move the day after, I feel just a slight tingle in the muscles I worked yesterday. Is this...
  3. M

    To avoid bulkiness...

    Thanks for the advice! The article is great explaining just what I needed to hear. I will stick to 4DS for the next couple of weeks, just to get back to my previous capacity, and then get started with STS sticking to what I actually can lift, and what an honest 1RM round tells me to. Thanks for...
  4. M

    To avoid bulkiness...

    Hi all, I'm getting ready to start STS for the first time, and considering I bought it on presale, I would say it's about time! I attempted to start a couple of times in the past, what, two, three years, and I just couldn't get past week 2 of meso 1... I was overweight and hesitant about...
  5. M

    Digital download discount if ordered DVD some time ago?

    Thanks! I'll see what other videos I want to buy, to get a bundle discount then... Great excuse! Thanks for your response.
  6. M

    Digital download discount if ordered DVD some time ago?

    Hi SNM, I purchased STS during the preorder season, a couple of years ago. I have a 3 month old baby and am planning to do STS again after over a year of not doing it. I just found out my laptop won't play the ab circuits DVD for some reason. I tried with my husband's laptop too and it didn't...
  7. M

    Ab work after c-section

    Hi mommies, I had my baby 7 weeks ago via c-section. I've been incorporating light excercise little by little, but I was wondering how long have you waited before doing Cathe Ab workouts postpartum. I've been losing weight thanks to breastfeeding but my tummy is still flabby. When can I start...
  8. M

    Post partum - STS + which cardio?

    Hi all! I'm about to give birth in a week (yay! can't wait!!) and am planning on getting back on track using the STS workouts in about a month. I also have the BG-BM2-DM-LIC series and the 4 Day Split series, plus a treadmill at home. Which cardio routine would you suggest to add to STS to...
  9. M

    Recovery week done 1 week earlier

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for suggestions. I was forced to do my recovery week right after week 3 of meso 1... had several interruptions and could not stick to the program. I'm getting back on track tomorrow, but I'm wondering what to do... Should I skip week 4 of meso 1 and start meso 2...
  10. M

    The meaning of "DH"

    Hey girls... what exactly does DH mean? I know it refers to our husbands... but what does it stand for? "The" Husband.. Dear Hubby.. Daily Headache? ... or what? Thanks for clearing that doubt!
  11. M

    NOV 06 Rotation - Effective?

    Hi, I was wondering how effective did you find past November's rotation, with all the new DVDs in one month... I'm about to receive my new DVDs and I don't know if I should start the rotation right away, or if I should become familiar with the videos in their regular format first...
  12. M

    SNM - Delivery time?

    Awsome!!! My videos have shipped! Can't believe it... Guess when my birthday is? A= In a couple of days Guess when are they scheduled to arrive? A= On my birthday! Let's hope UPS delivers... Thanks Cathe and SNM... Best present ever! Happy new year!
  13. M

    Orders shipping outside the US

    Hi, Has anyone ordered through, having the DVDs delivered outside the US? I read somewhere that UPS charges something extra at time of delivery. Does anyone have any idea how much do they charge? Or if is there anyway I can find out how much will it be before they arrive? I...
  14. M

    Cathe's Fans What.......

    >I like in ME when she does that evil laugh during the >isolation curls at the end of the set for biceps. }( > >Missy I LOVE that laugh too... it cracks me up...
  15. M

    SNM - Delivery time?

    You guys are quick! I had already posted again at the Ask Cathe Forum, afraid you wouldn't check this one that often... Thanks! I'll wait... ;)