Recent content by Belean0809

  1. Belean0809

    Amazing, finally starting STS 1 :)

    Sample LB workout was taken care of this morning. Lordy just figuring out which DB's to have handy is enough of a mental workout but I moved things around in my She Cave and I'm good to go now. Due to the (L) knee (got scoped in November & still dealing with some swelling & discomfort) I have...
  2. Belean0809

    Amazing, finally starting STS 1 :)

    Stretching is one thing that I am definitely making an effort to do after every workout!!
  3. Belean0809

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for February 2023

    I am right there with ya when it comes the knee pain. I had mine scoped for a torn lateral meniscus which was 75% removed back in November and I am still dealing with swelling and pain although today it's better. I am a runner so being sidelined from running hasn't been fun. I am registered...
  4. Belean0809

    Amazing, finally starting STS 1 :)

    That old saying "better late than never " is beyond appropriate for me. I have had STS 1 since it first came out but for a multitude of reasons I just never did it. Anyway really fast forward more than a decade and here I am getting ready to start it and use it as a foundation for when my STS 2...
  5. Belean0809

    Finally going to commit- bought in 2014 and getting to it- any advice

    AVeyRa thanks for your reply. I want to finish the rotation that I am doing now but I will definitely contact you when I am ready to start. I know that STS 2.0 will be out before I am doing with 1.0 but I don't care. I am determined to do it at least once in my life :)
  6. Belean0809

    STS 2.0 Fierce Faces

    Oh boy now I know I will be in great company
  7. Belean0809

    Finally going to commit- bought in 2014 and getting to it- any advice

    Hmmm just thought of something. I need to do the 1 rep max. I may be able to get it done tomorrow. When are you starting?
  8. Belean0809

    Finally going to commit- bought in 2014 and getting to it- any advice

    Oh my gosh I am so glad that I decided to take a peek here. I wanted someone to start STS with. I have had it ever since it came out and have never done it. I would so love the company. I would not mind doing it as a 6 month-er either which will help me get ready for STS 2.0. I can do this...
  9. Belean0809

    Workout Series for Menopause/Post Menopause (Based on Cathe's advice in her recent article)

    I also second this!! Turning 59 in 4 weeks and the idea of slightly longer recovery is great. I tend to get a little frustrated with and quick change from one exer to another and sometimes end up doing my own thing while the DVD keeps going.
  10. Belean0809

    STS 2.0 Update

    Just what I needed to read. I have been contemplating finally doing STS 1.0 and this has now opened up the motivation door for me!! I am prepping myself for the awesomeness that will be STS 2.0!!
  11. Belean0809

    Need some encouragement and motivation

    That is the funniest thing ever!!!!