About My New Workout Series

Hi lily64,

I check the forum just about daily ... you haven't missed anything. I think Cathe will have a special posting/announcement that you won't be able to miss, as well as an email and multiple announcements in her newsletter.

I'm hoping soon !
It’s been quite a long time and not one update. Just silence. I think it’s odd.
It’s been 5 months and not one peep.
Tralaiven, yes, I agree it's been a long time but remember when Cathe delivers, what she delivers is always good. So it's worth the wait so she can perfect it and make her announcement. We know that it's coming since she announced it. But I'm with you on this one and I'm sure if Cathe is taking a little more time to make a public announcement, oh my, it's gonna be really good! Hang in there! ;)
I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis in my right hip. The report said I had a 12 percent of a major break in the next 10 years. I got so depressed that I stopped working out. Sometime my hip hurts mildly. I can't belive this has happened me since I have worked out including weight training all my adult life. I am of western European origin with small bones.

I hope I will be able to use this series. There are some workouts I can no longer do. I do like the Boss Bands and need to get off my butt and do them again. But I am so depressed.
Amy, I am sorry about your diagnosis. I just wanted to point out that as bad as this seems to you, how do you know that it wouldn't have been worse or happened earlier in your life if you hadn't worked out? In other words, don't feel like you wasted your time. Your hard work most likely did make a difference. Health issues suck. There's no doubt about it. But... I feel depression is even more debilitating. Don't focus on the workouts you can't do. Focus on what you CAN do. Working out increases our "happy" hormones. Treat yourself to something special every day (for me, it's chocolate), because you deserve it. I'm sending you a hug. :) I do Classical Stretch/Essentrcs on my active recovery day (which I call my "healing" day). You might check out some of the YouTube videos and see if they would help your hip. They are gentle movements that just kind of gently stretch me, while helping me with range of motion. You might want to see if that type of movement can relieve some of your pain. I have degeneration of the spine in my shoulder/upper back area, and it was so bad that I couldn't get dishes out of the cupboards or wash my own hair. Classical stretch/Essentrics and Lee Holden's Qi Gong made a HUGE difference. Now, those are what I do on Sunday. The rest of the week, I'm back to Cathe (most of the time). When I just don't have it in me, I do Jessica Smith. I hope you find something that works for you. I'm sure others on this site will have better advice than mine, but in the meantime, I know there's nothing that I can do to make you better, but I hope it helps to know that I wish there was. We're here for you.
I was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis in my right hip. The report said I had a 12 percent of a major break in the next 10 years. I got so depressed that I stopped working out. Sometime my hip hurts mildly. I can't belive this has happened me since I have worked out including weight training all my adult life. I am of western European origin with small bones.

I hope I will be able to use this series. There are some workouts I can no longer do. I do like the Boss Bands and need to get off my butt and do them again. But I am so depressed.
Hi Amy, I am also sorry about your recent diagnosis. But, I agree 100% with Braille!! I truly believe your workouts with Cathe and others has prevented this from happening to you even sooner. Also, with that diagnosis it really doesn't mean you need to stop, in fact, I encourage you to continue to exercise because that can stop the progression of osteoporosis. Also, there are great medications for women with osteoporosis, check and see which one can help for you. I myself am having knee issues that I never had before, even started going to physical therapy to help it. I don't know your age, but I'm 63 years old and if it wasn't for those Cathe workouts I know I would be in much worse shape. I now have to wear a knee sleeve during workouts and long walks, I no longer do anything high impact and many other adjustments and changes. I realize, at least for me, it's all part of the aging process but it will not stop me from being active as long as I am able. So don't give up, just find a way to work around it. Amy, there are tons and tons of women that would love to trade places with your diagnosis and not to minimize your diagnosis at all - you can continue to exercise and have a ton fun, believe me. So don't let yourself get depressed, that is much worse. We are all here for you and I'm sure there are lots of Cathletes that have been through similar situations and more challenging situations that can help you keep going. I don't know you but regardless I'm sending you a huge HUG!!
Teaser posted!


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