Tinnitus - has anybody ever had this?


I have tinnitus for the first time and it seems like there's nothing I can take to stop the sound. I went to my ENT yesterday and he did extensive tests, even cleaned out the ear with the problem (just slight hearing loss in the impaired ear but nothing that would require a hearing aid). So I'm glad that everything is good but the tinnitus is still there. It's not very loud and I can still sleep but just wondering if anyone else had this problem and what did they do, if anything, for it to go away. Thanks!!
Yes! Try Gingko Biloba. I had a mild case for a couple of months and I think taking it once a day helped.

Thank you so much for the suggestion. I'm on a blood thinner and there is an interaction with Gingko and Warfarin so I will need to talk to doctor so that she can check my PT/INR (blood clotting factors) to make sure they are in the safe zone (no internal bleeding or excessive clotting). But at least there's something I can do - I just hate waiting for it to go away by itself; that's what I've been told that it will just go away on its own. Thanks again. :)
I've had the same problem on and off for years--mostly due to grinding my teeth (yes I wear a guard to protect my teeth). It would get worse with stress but then just disappear. This time the noise in my left ear has not disappeared for over a year now. I never tell my doctor as I've heard others go for very expensive tests with no insight or improvement. I feel that if I go to myofascial release it will help but unfortunately it is not covered by insurance and I have no money. If I ever do I'll let you know the results.
Just an odd tidbit--I find that if I ever so slightly touch certain areas in my head (underneath my left eye, a part of my scalp above the left forehead) I can feel a vibration in the ear. You may notice this as well. So far self massage on those areas has not worked.
I'd be interested to hear what insight others may have. . .
I’ve had some form of tinnitus my entire life. I’ve always had a high-pitched “screeeeeeeee” in my left ear that also has a slight hiss to it. It’s been there since I was a little kid. It’s so familiar that I barely even notice it anymore unless the area around me is totally silent. I’ve made peace with the fact that there’s really nothing I can do about it. And since it doesn’t bother me that much, that’s fine.
A few years back when my third baby was a toddler, I got another type of tinnitus for the first time that was extremely annoying. It was in the same ear but it was a “bass” sound that muffled everything in a weird way. Like when Charlie Brown’s teacher would talk “wah-wah-wah WAH-wah-wah”. I couldn’t understand people talking to me or TV. It was awful. It would sort of come and go, though. This episode lasted for about three weeks. Same thing — I went to my ENT Dr and he checked everything out. Nothing could be done. It eventually just cleared up on its own.
I’ve had a couple more episodes since then. And — same — I just waited it out. It always goes away by itself.
I wish I had better news for you! But at least you have a little comfort knowing that it’s not permanent?
I also have some recurring tinnitus. Mine is a low pitched rumble, and most of the time I don't hear it unless the room is very quiet. I have also noticed that it seems to get better or worse depending on where I am in my menstrual cycle. Knowing that it will get better in a few days helps me deal with it. (Same with my insomnia.)

Like Abveyera, at one point it was really bad and was a really low sound that muffled everything and I was really worried, but it did eventually get better on its own. And there wasn't much my ENT could do. I also grind my teeth, and she told me to make sure that I keep wearing my night guard for my teeth.
Hello, thank you all for sharing your experiences with tinnitus. Yes, I've read that your brain can learn to ignore the sound and that's what I'm going to do. Eventually, it will go away so I am not going to let it influence my quality of life - I can still walk, talk, exercise, eat and sleep, so life is good. Thanks again, I truly appreciate you sharing this with me. :)
I had tinnitus for years. I think it is related to stress. When I started using an Alpha-Stim AID a few years ago, the ringing went away.
Funny fact. When I went through a really bad episode (I know due to stress) I had a hard time even watching a bit of television because the sound became distorted. What I found I could watch that actually made me feel better were episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation when they were on the ship. They always had a sound for the ship and it matched the noise I was hearing. I still jokingly refer to the fact that I have the mother ship in my head.
Funny fact. When I went through a really bad episode (I know due to stress) I had a hard time even watching a bit of television because the sound became distorted. What I found I could watch that actually made me feel better were episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation when they were on the ship. They always had a sound for the ship and it matched the noise I was hearing. I still jokingly refer to the fact that I have the mother ship in my head.

Snowlover - I LOVE Star Trek: The Next Generation -hmmm, I may just do that, it will definitely block out the sound in my ears. :)
Funny fact. When I went through a really bad episode (I know due to stress) I had a hard time even watching a bit of television because the sound became distorted. What I found I could watch that actually made me feel better were episodes of Star Trek: The Next Generation when they were on the ship. They always had a sound for the ship and it matched the noise I was hearing. I still jokingly refer to the fact that I have the mother ship in my head.

I also love Star Trek TNG, and my tinnitus also sounds pretty much exactly like that low rumble noise that the ship makes! :D

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