"Round the Watercooler.......(formerly Xers)


Hi all,

Just a quick post to get us started. I guess Traci is still zonked out with the Vicodin, but hopefully the migrane is gone. BBL,


Migrain is now a mini migraine....I'm friustrated...Gotta work this morning back this afternoon....XXOO to all!

MORNING TRACY!!!! & all to follow

Hi again,

Yesterday I went on an easy longer run with both DSs. Older DS is just starting to run and hates it, but knows it is good for him, so we kept the pace a little slower. It was nice, then I had to do some yoga. I put in Eion, but wasn't feeling the love for that, so I did my own thing and held the poses a little longer, which felt really good.

Today is younger DS's bday (19). I guess we'll do a dinner and a cake. He ordered car parts and they haven't come yet.

I'm doing S&H today I think (upper), unless I decide to do MM/pullup/ chin up / pushup something. And I'll do some yoga.

I was looking at the blog. I guess I'd forgotten that STS is quite so long. I definitely will not be starting until after the summer. I like to be outside when it's nice.

It's clean up for me at least for a couple of hours, then off to the store because the cubbard is again bare along with the wallet. Thank goodness I get paid in a day or two.

Jeanette - I hope Tillie gets OK. It always seems to happen when you are going away doesn't it? My Jessie got really stiff at the end. Glad your hill climb went well. I'm sure you are loving getting out again. Younger DS loves to run because of being outside. It makes it go so much faster than doing indoor cardio. He has been riding the trainer, but doesn't like it. I can hardly stand the eliptical because of the boredom facter. Luckily DH has been using it and loves it so I don't feel so bad about the purchase.

Sandra - I probably will not order that pull up thing from Cathe. I have a bar (even though it's in the garage) and a bench. The only thing I can say about it is that it would be REALLY hard to do pull ups and hold your legs horizonatal like is shown in the picture ( at least for any length of time). Chin ups wouldn't be as difficult, but still quite a challenge. I'm not sure, is she advertising it as a pull up bar or just chin ups? For me there is a huge difference in the difficulty, although I can finally do a few pull ups in a row without assistance. I did the first 2 combos of Amy's Hi/Lo and it was good. It's her typical style. I have to modify some of the moves she does because I just feel they are boardering out of control. The one thing that I noticed about her stuff is the inordinate amount of arm movements. I know it increases the intensity, but it also, for me, chews up hard earned muscle. Once I cut back on her cardio, sort of mid X this last time, I saw a huge difference in the way my upper body looked. In the end, it's all good and variety is the spice of life.

I guess I'll get back to my ACE book. There is so much info to just plain old memorize. And this field seems to be like every other one. They have several names for the same concept and not everyone agrees with hardly anything.


Good morning Cool ladies! It is cold and rainy here today...What the heck happened to the 75 degree weather we had yesterday?? And all the sunshine?? Although, I can't complain about he rain, since we really do need it. I got some bedding plants in the ground yesterday, so I am sure they are enjoying a bit of water...I also bought a few small trees, but now I have no idea when I will be able to plant them. Most of the mulching project is done...although we ran out of mulch, so part of one bed isn't complete yet. I am hoping to get the retreaters too drunk to notice that...LOL!

I never did get to yoga yesterday...busy with the planting and the laundry...which let me add, I still have 5 loads left to do...How is that possible when I have been working on it all week???? Anyway, I am not sure if I will do yoga today or SH bis and tris...whichever I don't do today, I will do tomorrow. Tomorrow is CleanMax, too....dusting, cleaning the bathrooms, bombing DD's room, vacuuming and mopping. Anyone want to volunteer to help??? Nicole, maybe, since she has had a lot of practice with that lately!

Onto personals........

Sorry Lexie has an ear infection...Polly gets those all the time...I am sure she will be feeling better in a day or 2. I can certainly have wine available if that is the incentive you need to help me in the kitchen!!! No problem! I saw all kinds of flavored wine at the farmer's market yesterday...strawberry, blackberry, apple, etc. All from local vineyards...Kind of yummy sounding. You may want to set something up with your friends from here on Thursday morning...Everyone starts arriving at 12ish...Laurie is first, then Wendy then Traci...all about an hour apart. And it will just depend on what time Tracy leaves what time she gets here, since she is driving. So if your friends are available, maybe you guys can go have breakfast or something....Just a thought. I did have on gloves, but I got this pesky blister anyway....I was obviously working waaaaay too hard! Glad your parents were so excited with the KFC...that sure is an easy way to make them happy!!

Ooops! Look at the time! I have to go get DD from my mom's...back in a little while to finish up personals...Have a great morning everyone...And Traci...go back to bed with whatever meds you need after your clients!!! Poor girl!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn


Ugh, woke up to snow. Can't wait to get to NC where they shut down work and schools with 1" on the ground LOL! Don't think this little flurry will amount to anything. Better not, I have outdoor activities planned. Need to decide what I want to do this morning for a workout. Probably some upper body weights and some fun cardio.

Traci, glad you feel a little better, but big migraine or mini-migraine, it's all bad.

Debra, I just emailed my friends to see about breakfast or coffee or something on Thurs. morning. If that doesn't work, I'll figure something out. I'm sure I'll hear from them soon. Thanks for the good wishes for Lexxie. She seems better this morning, but maybe just cuz she was glad to see me.

Tracy, how good that must make you feel to be able to run with your kids. I would love that, but they aren't into such things. I definitely need to do some shopping sometime soon.



Okay...back for the rest of personals....

I figured out why the preventative meds are suppositories....It will get absorbed into your system faster...and keeps your stomach getting upset from the strong medicine. So...even though it doesn't sound like any fun, I am sure it will help prevent more migraines from occurring!! I hope you got some sleep on the vicodin...I don't like it since it makes me INCREDIBLY edgy..and I typically don't need any help in that department...lol. I hope that the mini migraine is better...Please take it as easy as possible today so that you will feel good for your birthday tomorrow.

Happy Bday to DS!!! Hope you guys have a great day together. Good you have both boys running with you now. Get those men in shape!! Have you gotten the new Eoin yet? I am sure you will like it whenever you do...You can try it out while you are here if you like. Good luck with the studying today. I am starting my first anatomy/physiology class this fall. I will be studying some today and tomorrow for my communications test on Monday...and then I have to prep for yet another 2 presentations this week! I am hoping to get one done on Monday and the other on Wednesday since I am taking off on Friday to be with you guys.

I'm with Sandra...Some sort of bodily emission??? Hope you are well...Are the in laws still there??

I am sure there will be plenty of down time to visit your friends if Thursday morning doesn't work out for some reason...I have XDH's car here for you to borrow if you need. Although it is like driving a bus. Snow?? Yuck! I don't feel so bad about my 45 degree weather now. It is supposed to warm up again here starting on Monday, thank goodness. I am soooooo ready for spring! How are those legs feeling today??

Let's see...Jeanette and I will be having some wine on Wednesday evening while we are cooking...and then I guess we will all be having a little wine on Thursday as we are snacking and munching on the yummy things I am planning on making for the weary travelers...so feel free to join us...Maybe we should try to hook up the webcam...Now that's an idea!!! I will play with it again since I had some problems with DD and XDH on it...but then again, I didn't try to hard to figure out the problem....But if it means you could join us for a glass of wine, I will work on it!! Do you use Skype?? I am glad you have at least ridden the bike...even if it has only been inside. Since your thesis hasn't sent you a postcard...we will all send you one from beautiful NC so that you still feel loved! I decided against the maid service...It is actually furniture market here that week...which without going into a long and drawn out explanation is a huge influx of people to the area...High Point has a population of about 75,000...during furniture market, we have a surge of 100,000 extra people in town and surrounding areas...So the services are pretty booked up getting ready for that. I also decided since the major projects were done...except for that pesky mulch, I will have all day tomorrow to clean...My house isn't THAT dirty...LOL! If I don't get my trees planted by the time everyone gets here, I will just put them to work digging holes for me. I don't know about the pull up bar...I will have to see how it is different from the one I already have...I haven't checked that out yet.

Have a wonderful weekend...Visit us with your thumbs if you get the chance!!

Well, today is my day off from housework and yard work...well, except for laundry...so I think I am going to take a little nap. DD always gets excited when I take a nap since that is her computer time. CBL and I actually got a good night's sleep last night (after the tune up)...but the weather is making my eyes very droopy! And ttom started today...which I wasn't quite expecting, but certainly explains my voracious appetite over the past couple of days!

Kisses to all the missing Xers and Coolers!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn


Happy Saturday gang….. Well The Watercooler vibes are beginning to work or I’m just so fuzzy & numb that I feel no pain…. I think its amazing how many drugs my poor body has endured the past week since normally I take nothing for pain….Why do drug-addicts find this fuzz brain enticing? After catching up here I am heading off to bed to try & sleep off the drugs (yes I’ll take the low-end meds!) and with any luck at all I shall awaken pain free! ….What happens if you take a suppository orally??? Anyone ever goof & do that???

I have barely eaten a thing the past 3-4 days with this head & yet the scale is down only a tad & I still look preggo…..The meds must have slowed down my metabolism so much that I burned no calories “to live”…..

Please tell me it aint so…Youre gonna clean & make me look bad??? STOP THAT & just study!!!! ~ Funny funny thing happened this morning w/ DH…I was putting lotion on after my shower & wendells hangin’ out (pretending he has stuff to do in the closet-really peeking!) and he says…Honey- Your butt & breasts look so perky today!!! I burst into laughter…..I said Wendell, do want want nookie-night? He just smiled…So I told him about YOUR DH & the idiotic mention of drooping face…Wendell said..”HE NEEDS LESSONS ON HOW TO GET SOME!” ~~~ Happy Birthday DS!!!!!

All your healing vibes are working! THANKS!!!! ~ Glad you seem to DOMS free now although I’m sure that all the yard work has taken its toll! ~~ Is DD excited about the Xer visit or is she afraid???? Does she know she has “goodies” hidden away??? ~~ That nasty weather has about 4 days to get the heck outta there! ~~ Funny how meds make each of us feel differently isn’t it? OTC ones that say Make You Drowsy- wire me…Ones that are Non-Sleepy make me go right to sleep! Maybe that’s why I didn’t like drugs in HS… Coke made me fall asleep & weed hyped me up! – OF COURSE I’m joking! I never did the stuff- ever ever never ~ Hope you find the dirty laundry culprit who OBVIOUSLY is taking clean clothes from closet & throwing into laundry room!

Happy DD Birthday!!! I LUV Aries girls!!!

I am planning on the Cathe contraption…mainly because Wendell wont hang a pull up bar for me & this appears to be multi-functional… I will have to take it apart to store most days tho….I also need to ask Chris if there are pull-ups in Meso 1 or if I can wait a bit to get it. I want to start off right as rain. ~~ You make me blush! You sound like a woman that every man wants a real"…Do It In The Butt Girl" ! ~~~~~~~~~~ LUV the new flavour sensation! Never would have thought of adding that to yogurt! ~~ I don't “do cardio” w/ clients except for wt/HIIT cycles w/ some… I do provide them with cardio plans but must say none of them do much on their own….If they blow it off I add in 30-60 HIIT every few exercises & remind them WHY we are having to do it…They all hate HIIT! ~~ LMAO! Amys cuing sucks! Say no more…..I’m sure I’ll say the same thing about In the Ring if I ever do it…& The new HiLo.

Oh poor Lexie! Its so hard when the pups are sick…just like infants as they cant communicate…I’m sure Tillie is keeping a watchful eye- cant have you giving out too much attention to the sick child ya now!? I bet they are going to miss you up a staorm next week! Mine do not like when mom leaves…AT ALL! Although they do get McD burgers most nights!

WENDY::: – again
Hope your weekend away is TERRIFIC! Cant wait to see the new cut!!!!

Glad you could “kick” it up a notch yesterday…Sit back & relax!! The house is cleaned, painted & appraised!

HUH??? What’d I miss????

OK gang….as much as I’d LUV to play more I must go have a nap…. DH working a Trade Show today but will be home in about 2 hours…… XXOO

Hi all,
Just checking in real quick. Finished my workout which was the weight work from SJP (love that DVD, that just might be my favorite because of the music). Then did Amy's 3rd and 4th combo from ASCI. Loved it!!!

Sandra, I didn't look on ASCI, but is there a chapter where she puts all of the combos together without breaking them down? I would like to do that.

I must run for now as I ragged on DH to get some stuff done today. He ran off to town to get a caulking gun as his was broken (yeah, sure, whatever). Don't want him to come back and see me squandering time on the computer after gently reminding him to GET THIS STUFF DONE! LOL!!! Boy, it's sure tough to be an ant when I really want to be a grasshopper. I also have some shopping to do today.



Hi all,

After making waffles, I hurried and went out to Costco to beat the crowd. I didn't add up what I was spending as I went along and it was quite a bit more than I thought. Everything is going up up up. I'm glad that's done though. I didn't buy anything we didn't need; the cubbard was really bare. DS asked for an angel food cake and it's cooked and cooling in the pan. I started that early in case it falls and I have to go to plan b. Jerk Chicken is in the bowl marinating too. I must say the cake and the chicken were an odd combination of smells.

Traci - Your story cracked me up. Men are so shallow. DH just about drug me into the bedroom this morning right after I commented that I was hurrying to get to Costco early. I'm like WTF, well not literally, needless to say, that went no where. Glad you are feeling a little better. I just can't take pain meds. A normal dose knocks me out for hours on end.

The kids are still teasing me about our whole retreat as being like something out of a movie and they are trying to decide which person is the stalker/killer. I keep telling them they have nothing to worry about!

Jeanette - Sorry I had the wrong dog! Yeap, if DH is a little pissy about anything, my being on the computer just makes it a 100 times worse. Does your DH use the computer? Mine doesn't. I was trying to teach him because it is really painful to, as he calls it, 'run the internet' for him.

Debra - I am starting to feel guilty that we are all decending on you. You are doing all of the work and I'm leaving all of my mess behind. The only good thing is that it will all be done. The bad thing is cleaning never lasts.

I'm going to workout. I've decided on chest and back of some sort.

Happy Saturday to all,


Well finally some time to catch up with you all! My friend and I did a 7 mile run this morning. Tomorrow I am going to start the recovery week as planned except for maybe a couple of runs. I'm planning on redoing my measurements and the fit test at the end of the week which I'll share with you all. We're getting a winter storm with a weather warning in effect. Yuck!

I just spent the last hour and a half reading the last weeks worth of posts to catch up with you all!

Tracy I was so sadden to read about DH's sister, what a hard way to live. I'm glad that had a nice Easter visit with your FIL. That's great that you're finished your exam, but your still studying? I guess that the course isn't finished. How come it was such a slow week at work? Happy birthday to your DS!! That's neat that you get to run with both sons! My ds son running club this week so hopefully will run a bit with me this spring.

Jeanette That is so sweet about the scarves that your grandma made Definitely something to cherish. You asked about the oreo cheesecake recipe, I didn't make that dessert although I quite enjoyed it. DS was asking if I could make it for his birthday so if I find a recipe that is good I will share it with you. Congrats on having the house paid off, we have 3 more years to go on our mortgage! There was an article in the paper today about the increase in mortgage foreclosures in the USA. All your outdoor activities is making me crave spring time. You sure are the outdoorsy girl! Hope Lexxie is feeling better! Do you think she has arthritis in the hips? We give our dog daily glucosamine which seems to help her knees. Did you read about KFC switching to healthy grilling? Should be interesting to try it and see what it tastes like. Good luck on getting that promotion settled that sounds stressful!

Lea Glad you had fun at SeaWorld!!

Carol Well I'm glad that I'm not the only one that had too much junk food over Easter.LOL

Wendy- So did you decide if you like the hair cut or not. Where are you off to this weekend? I hear you on the leftover ham, I'm so sick of ham, I guess I should have frozen some. I'm going to end up throwing lots away. I sent raisin scones for dd's multicultural lunch and she dressed up in fancy dress with a toy tiara and went as an English lady. LOL How are you supposed to dress culturally when you're British?? DH has finished P90X he did all the weighlifting workouts but only did KenpoX, YogaX, and Plyo X the first couple of weeks so he had lots of rest days. LOL He does play hockey one day a week so he considered that his cardio.

Nicole-It sounds like you worked very hard over spring break. Were you happy with the price given during the appraisal?? I hope you do share some house pictures. Legoland sounds like fun, my kids would enjoy something like that.

Debra Physics and psychology in one term that will be a heavy caseload. Is that in the spring months? Ouch on the $300 for groceries. I usually spend about $175 a week for a family of 4. Boy, you're been a busybee with the spring cleaning/yardwork. I'm sure you're place looks great!

Traci Poor Traci, man you and Wendell have had a tough week. I sure hope that both of you feel well enough tomorrow to enjoy your birthday.

Sandra Your little toddler sounds so cute. I love toddlers too. Right now I have my two nephews (1 and 4) playing in the den while I type. I'm babysitting while my sister and BIL are car shopping. For some reason they didn't want to take their boys along. I hear you on the LLL, I do have one pair of their shorts that my mom bought for my birthday last year. I do like them but they are cycling shorts and I don't really ride my bike much. She bought them instead of the running shorts because that's what the salesperson told her to do. I don't like them for running but use them for general workouts like step or kickboxing.
Have you been watching the curling on tv? DS was watching it last night and getting quite into it, LOL

Laurie Congrats on the raise, sounds like you had a stressful week at work. Happy birthday to your dd! Did you kids have spring break last week? My ds has terrible asthma, he used to end up in the hospital every spring and fall! It's been better controlled the last few years but he has been on steroids almost continuously since he was 2. We go over 6 weeks for a breathing test. I have mild asthma and started on Advair at Christmas time and feel much better. I get very bothered by smoke, perfumes, pollens, etc.

Hopefully I'll be already more this week as I'm off work all week!

Hi all...Back for some goodnight kisses. DD and I met my mom out for dinner tonight at my favorite pizza place, so it was good to visit. I did my yoga today...Eoin's newest, which I love. Boy was I tired after that, but I am up watching Carolina play in the final 8 right now. Have I mentioned that I love ACC basketball??? No other big news to report since all I did this afternoon was take a nap. DD and I played on the Wii for a while tonight before her bedtime.

catching up on personals..........

So glad to see you tonight!! But quit with the curling talk...lol! We Americans don't know what you are talking about...Sandra has tried to explain it, but it seems to me that there are guys running around with a broom hitting a rock or a puck or something. Crazy to us Southerners! Can't wait to hear your X results! I have taken psych a million times before (I had a double major in college of psych, so I figured it would be the easiest for me to add on). These classes are actually for summer session which goes from the middle of May until the end of July. And then I will start with anatomy/physiology in the fall...and that will be my only class then since I have heard some major horror stories about the class. How much longer will you guys be getting snow??

I hate that fuzzy numb feeling...hence the reason I can't take vicodin. Hope you are right as rain tomorrow! How is Wendell...up to hamburgers yet?? Well, he must be feeling well enough to be peeking at you in the shower and making such wonderful compliments!! Hope you get a wonderful tune up tonight...LOL! No, I don't think I told DD about he hidden goodies...She is soooooo excited about you guys coming...she is cracking me up! There must be some dirty laundry demon adding things to my loads...although..I have been changing all the sheets, etc. So that is adding to my stuff...ugh. I had an idea about Sandra while you guys are hear...WEBCAM!! I will try to work it out with her so that she can participate in at least one glass of wine!!

Hope you are keeping DH in line so that he gets all of the chores you want done completed...Is he looking forward to your being gone next week??? LOL!

My dear....do NOT feel guilty about descending on me....I LOVE to entertain...I should have been some sort of event planner!! I cannot wait to have you all here!! If there is some ax murderer in the group, I think the rest of us can take her on...LOL! Tell you kids the rest of us are pretty strong and can probably overpower any freak that may mix in.

Okay..I think that catches me up for now....Hope everyone has a great evening...And I just have to report...not that anyone cares but me, but Carolina just won the game and they are headed to the final 4!!!!!!!!!! Let's go Tar Heels!!!!!!



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn


Good evening gang,

Today was one of those days that started off 2 hours too late, and only got busier. I'm socialized out and really want to go to bed. So here's my check in for the day:

Cardio Coach #3 on the bike is done, followed by 10MinTrainer Total Body. My original plan had been to do ME Upper Body today, but I ran out of time for that.

I'll have to catch up with all the goings on tomorrow.

I hope all is well in your parts of the world.

Hi all,
Got lots done today, housework and shopping. Stopped by to see my parents and Grandma. Grandma was not feeling well, very tired. Hope she has a better day tomorrow. DH and I are watching "The Invisible" right now. Seems pretty good. We were watching "Independence Day" about an hour ago and wouldn't you know it, the power went off. DH quickly fired up the generator so we were back in biz. You can tell what's important with him, huh? Have a group bike ride in the morning. Weather should be a bit nicer tomorrow, though maybe not shorts weather.

Tracy, hope the birthday party was good. DS#2 has a birthday in May. He'll be 27, oh my. I don't know of too many people that like the trainer. Cardio Coach makes it more bearable, but still. I imagine the elliptical would be about the same. I'm going to pass on Cathe's pullup bar too. I'm sure it will be a good solution for some. The Amy Hi-Lo must be a new one, and not the Dome Challenge? I really enjoyed ASCI today. Will definitely order ASCII. Yep, grocery prices are increasing like crazy. Feel so sorry for those on fixed incomes. No, DH doesn't use the computer or "run the internet". He never complains too much about me being on it. He actually surprised me with this laptop for Christmas. Nice gift. LOL about who is the stalker/pervert on this retreat. That's what my co-workers are teasing me about too.

Debra, my friends that live near you said they went camping last week, but the weather turned not so good just recently. They had a great time though. I will be hooking up with them for breakfast on Thursday morning. Any wine sounds good, but really, I'm not a big wine drinker like that lush Traci! Word is that girl can put it down! LOL!! I'm such a lightweight at drinking any more, that a glass or 2 will probably make me very tipsy. My legs are doing fine today, though my hammies were a little tight. I definitely was not going heavy enough or doing leg workouts often enough in the past. I think the webcam is a fabulous idea. Would love, love, love to see Sandra! Isn't Traci the computer guru that could figure it all out if needed? Heck, she has her own website and can do all that nifty stuff. Dang, TTOM again? Seems like it wasn't that long ago. LOL, yes, you've got it right, DH will be very glad when I'm leaving on a jet plane. A nice little break for him I'm sure.

Traci, "....burned no calories to live". Welcome to my world. Sigh. Hope you are feeling better by now. You are soooo right about Tillie not wanting too much attention being given to Lexxie. Lexxie is still not up to par. We'll just have to keep an eye on her and take her back if necessary. She seemed better this morning and then not so good this afternoon.

Kim, glad you got that 7 miler in today. How was the weather for it? Hopefully no icy water in the shoe this morning. I will be looking forward to the oreo cheesecake recipe. DS#2 LOVES cheesecake, in fact all of our kids do. My DH doesn't eat sweets too often, maybe a rare bowl of ice cream. The vet said to give Lexxie wheat germ oil, but also to try glucosamine. Yep, this promotion thing is frustrating. Hoping for a good outcome soon. 3 more years for your mortgage? That will be such a relief to have that out of the way. Our kids are not going to have it as easy as we did, I fear. I may sound like my father, but I don't think things are headed the right way at all. Enjoy your time off this week.

Sandra, sorry your day was thrown off today. Hope the socializing was fun. Looking forward to hearing from you when you get some time.

The Invisible was pretty good. Now we're watching "Village of the Damned", with Christopher Reeves and Kirsty Ally. Never have seen this one before.

Gotta run,


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