Phantom of the Opera


Okay, okay...I rented this movie and I need some help. Does anyone know who the old guy is at the end of the movie who places flowers on Christie's grave? I couldn't tell if it was the "flowing hair" guy or someone else. Plus, I am guessing that since the Phantom's signature rose was on her grave, he must still be alive and haunting the opera. I swear, I should have learned my lesson from watching "Evita" I just can't follow the entirely singing dialogues. I feel culturally impaired.

The old guy was Cristina's husband (the young guy who saved her). I guess that's the "flowing hair guy", so they end up marrying. Yes, the phantom is still alive, but I assume he's not haunting anymore because at the end he flees the gang that was after him.
Just bought the DVD and it came with the novel, so perhaps I'll read it and find out what REALLY happened!
His name is Raoul. Also, I believe, the lady at the end is the one that rescued the Phantom as a child.
Enjoy the book.
I watched this last night. I sang Christine's part in choir so I just couldn't help but to sing along with her part. The girl that played her was in The Day After Tomorrow. She has an excellent voice for her age. I can't imagine how awesome her voice will be when she is in her 30's. I prefer Sarah Brightmen as Christine though. Only just b/ce she was Christine for so many years.
Also did you know the guy that was the Phantom is Terry in Lora Croft2? Now how is that to rock the cookies?

~Reece Out~

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