Looking for a tough leg workout


OK...I may be sorry that I asked for this, but lately I've been CRAVING a KILLER leg workout. KILLER! I've been using PLB (45/55/65# BB), LL (55# BB), GS Legs (70# BB). I LOVE them all, but I find myself just wanting something different. Something tough. Something effective. Did I say something DIFFERENT?

So...any premixes or mish-moshes out there that you guys would recommend??? Any other instructors (I can't believe I actually just ASKED that, lol)?

I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO trying to be patient for STS.


Amy Bento's All Pump Extreme and Slo-Mo leg routines get me everytime. Check out her clips at http://www.nrgfitness.net/ Her workouts are tough and different.

I use the same weight as you for GS but I go a little heavier in PLB. (I use db's b/c I can't get the bb over my head due to a bum shoulder) I sold CTX so I could buy some kettlebell workouts. Oh, kettlebells work the lower body and core like no buddy's business. ;)

Do you want straight weight mish-moshes or is a combo of cardio & weights ok?

A friend in fitness,
Hey, Shirl! I'll take whatever will work the LB, so a combo is fine too. I was thinking maybe one of the B&G premixes, also. I do have Bento's Slo Mo workout, so that's a possibility. THANKS!

My sentiments exactly.... Amy Bento's Slo-Mo Legs is KILLER! In my opinion it's tougher than GymStyles and PUB Legs, but that could be because I've done those for so long and so often.
Wendy-I had a feeling you would recommend that B&G premix! LOL

And that's 2 votes for Slo Mo Legs.


Hi Gayle
I recently bought Amy Bento's Slo Mo and I think her leg workout is fantastic. I love Cathe's Butts & Guts too.

Susan G.
I can't help you, Gayle, because they're all tough to me. I'm not sure if I've mentioned it lately, but...........I HATE LEG WORK!!!!!x( x( x(

Okay, continue!;-)
Gayle - use B&G, but go heavy on the weights. You'll have to modify a few of the exercises - like, when she does the walking lunges and then turns into the plies with little hops. Don't do the hops. Just do plie squats. If you use weights comparable to what you use in GSL, for example, I promise your legs will be burning. My favorite mixes for this are the original and the overall legs premix (which includes sit and stands). You'll probably have to play with it a bit to find what weights work best for her speed, etc. Enjoy! }(
My favorite leg w/out of Cathe's will always be Legs and Glutes. My legs are always tired after that one.

For a change I second L&G. I just did it yesterday after not doing it for a long time and went fairly heavy. I did slow down the step ups. It was a nice change and hit the muscles just a little differently.

What about 4ds? It has different exercises and is very effective.

All good suggestions. I think I may choose....ALL of them! :)
I may just go thru your suggestions one at a time and see how it goes!

But Carole...how EVIL }( is that? LOL



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