high blood pressure and exercise


I just got back from the doctor's office and, for the second time in a row, my blood pressure was high - 140/84. I used to consistently have low blood pressure so this is new.

Is it ok to exercise at higher intensity with these numbers? I forgot to ask the doctor and feel funny calling back to ask. I run most days and cross-train by spinning or using the elliptical with Cardio Coach or iclimb.

I'm newly diagnosed with high blood pressure and after about a year of trying to lower it with exercise, diet, etc, I had to start medication. :-(

I would say it's fine to exercise at the same intensity, although you probably better verify this with your doctor. They won't mind the call - -that's what they're there for. Anyway, just listen to your body, and if you experience any discomfort that's out of the ordinary then stop immediately and call your doctor. I'm thinking here about things like jaw, chest, back, or arm pain, undo shortness of breath, headaches, etc.

I really think you'll be fine, though. ;-)
Erica- I'm such a dork, but there are different ways to make your blood pressure reading higher or lower while they're taking it.

If you're sitting with your legs crossed or your back away from the chair, it will be an inaccurate number if you've always had both feet on the ground and leaned against the chair in the past. Watch for that since you said you're getting numbers unusual for you.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, I'd call your doctor back; what else are they there for? It's a really simple question and can probably be handled by the receptionist running back to the doctor and asking. (I know since I used to be the one running!) I'd do it today since the doc will still know who exactly you are (since you saw them today!) and won't need to wait for your chart, etc.
Thanks for the replies! Now I'm wondering if the high blood pressure could be caused by overtraining? I don't take rest days.

Michele - I'm sorry that you had to go on meds. How frustrating.

Amy - Today, I was on the examining table when I had the BP reading done. I can't remember how I was positioned the other time I got a high reading (it was a different doctor's office).

Both of my parents have hypertension, so I know I am at risk, but I thought that I would be older before I would have to worry about it. I'm almost 41 years old.

Thanks again.

Erica, you could be experiencing white coat syndrome where you have high blood pressure in a clinical setting but not at home. If you have a family history of hypertension it might be worthwhile to get yourself a device for measuring your pressure at home. Omron makes some good ones for around 80 or 100 dollars.
My doctor's office takes bp twice. The nurse takes it the first time when I first get into the examining room, then the doctor takes it again when she arrives. It always drops by a significant amount by the time the doctor gets there.

My B/P is borderline high, which bothers me because I work out a lot and do lots of cardio, but as my doctor said; I have a family history of hypertension and despite the fact I eat right and exercise, I'm still at risk.

I'm just watching it for now, and I do have the "white coat syndrome" so the doctor isn't concerned yet. One thing I do have to cut back on is my salt intake. I'm salt sensitive and that probably effects my B/P.

It doesn't look like you lift weights, but holding your breath while lifting can also cause high blood pressure.

I just went to the dr and I've had what I thought was white coat syndrome and my BP was always high 120's / mid 80s (not considered prehypertension, but something to watch). I've been doing yoga consistently for over a year now and it was 120/74. I was so excited because there is a history of hypertension in my family.

This talk about white coat syndrome made me think of two recent visits to the doc I made. I know I have this little syndrome, by the way.

Anyhow... during the first one, I was escorted back to the exam room but then had to wait quite a bit before a nurse came in to take my BP. Believe it or not, I spent the time meditating. It had been a stressful day. :) When the nurse finally came in and put on the BP cuff, she took longer than normal, then took a second reading. She said something like, "I was wondering if you had a blood pressure." I can't remember the top number, but the lower one was in the 60s. Really.

Then during a second visit, my BP was taken right away. The top was in the 120s, I think, and the lower was in the 80s. And those numbers are typical for me during a doctor's visit. Happens every time.

But if I take it elsewhere, they'll be much lower, more like the first one.

Anyhow, sorry to get a bit off topic here. I guess the point is, like other people have said, there are a lot of environmental factors that can influence BP. I'd say the most accurate readings would come after maybe 10 of 15 minutes of relaxation.
I don't think I have white coat syndrome because I'm usually feeling pretty relaxed at the doctor's office and I used to always have lower readings.

I do lift weights regularly as well as doing cardio.

I am a very anxious/high-strung person and I'm wondering if that has anything to do with my blood pressure being higher. I feel like my body is in a constant state of stress.

Thanks for the replies! :)

Goodness! If you feel that way, it probably would affect your blood pressure! I hope you find some way to relax. Have you ever tried yoga or meditation? Just a nice, quiet walk outside can help. Or something like painting, if you're artistic. Take care!
Shannon - I use running as my time to relax. I haven't tried yoga or meditation. I have four kids and my house is too noisy! :p I don't think I have the personality for it anyway - I'm high-strung!

In addition to the normal things that stress me, my father lives far away and has been having health problems. He's alone and has no one to care for him, but he refuses to move closer to me. Also, my SIL has had Stage IV breast cancer for a long time and is doing very poorly right now. :-(


It sounds like you might be running on pure adrenaline. That could definitely make your pressure go up. ;)

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