Great Glutes


I am so grateful I treated myself to the OnDemand/Live subscription deal over the holidays.

I finally did this workout for the first time, and only because today I was supposed to do STS 2.0 Body Parts Legs, however now my right elbow/forearm is getting royally ANGRY with me if I dare to hold anything heavier than 5 or so pounds (especially in certain angles). I decided I needed to opt for an endurance-based lower body workout today instead.

I was just wondering what I could do based just on the DVD titles I own (almost did the lower body premix of High Reps), but then decided to browse Cathe's other titles and came across Leaner Legs & Abs and Great Glutes.

YAY! This was exactly what I needed. I went with Great Glutes since there were a lot less compound movements in it than Leaner Legs (forearm woulda got testy with me with bicep curls, etc.). What a great workout. I can see the necessity to want to do both titles within a week, because she wasn't kidding the emphasis for Great Glutes was on hamstrings, glutes, and calves. I cheated it a bit and threw in a couple of those fun stability ball quad finishers from STS 2.0 Lower Body 1 while Cathe was doing what felt like the billionth set of hamstring roll-ins on the stability ball. That way I felt like I evened things out at least a tiny bit.

Great workout - yet another one where I'm surprised I never purchased this back when it first came out. I have a tendency to shy away from lower body workouts, only because I know they can get pretty cardio-intense and I just wimp out where cardio is concerned a lot of the time... even though I know its good for me and generally force myself to do it anyway.
I shied away from Great Glutes and Lean Legs/Abs too for awhile. My sister encouraged me to try them & I'm glad I did. They are much different IMO than most Cathe workouts so they're great for a change of pace. Maybe try Lean Legs/Abs unweighted? Hmmm, that might be interesting ...

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