Gardening Question


Has anyone tried Topsy Turvy or any other upside down planting container? It would help so much with my space issues! And also the fact that I am terrible gardener. I'd like to plant tomatoes, peppers, squash and cucumbers in them.

Any advise would be great!

I have not, but my SIL has. She loves upside down planting. Why not it try it with one plant (I'd pick tomatoes because fresh from the garden tomatoes are one of my favorite things on earth) and see how it goes?

I made my own upside down planters with buckets for my tomatoes. I love growing them up side down. No pests, no diseases and the deer don't eat them. Upside down just seems to thrown them all off!
Hi Susan - I bought a couple and tried tomatoes in them. I followed the instructions and watered religiously, but my results were pretty poor. :(
Thanks to all!

Linda, can you give me some pointers on how to prepare a bucket? I was actually wondering if they would work, or maybe some type of sack?


Your welcome. Hope you have a bumper crop of tomatoes and whatever else you try!:D:D:D:D:D You can let me know how the other veggies go if you try them.


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