: : : : : CHEETAHS Thursday FUN : : : : : :


Wendy! – Ah no, I hope my enabling post didn’t upset you –eek! I’m really sorry! I was just being silly trying to heavily persuade you and Shelly to join us BUT I really do understand your decision to keep the plan with the 18 miler and I know you’re gonna do great!! So I’m echoing Cathy in you won’t get anymore pressure from me! :7

Shelly – KERBOING! HRRRMMPUH!– That’s the sound of your realtors being drop-kicked to the curb by me! }( lol Really need to get some new ones…sheesh, WTH WERE they thinking? Um, and sorry I had forgotten your plan about the Philly marathon, so it makes sense that you and Wendy keep your 18 miler plan – so no more pressure for you from me either… :7

Cathy – Awe dang, I was hoping I’d open up my post to lotso red marks! lol. Isn’t it cool Kristi is coming too? We just need to work further on Jackie, Lorie, and Linda. I won’t be officially starting my training calendar for Chicago until mid June. Until then I’m just going to work on the weight loss (hardcore) and keeping a solid routine with weights/core/running/spinning throughout the week, and yoga at least once per week.

Judy – LOL nah, I’m not a night owl – ok I am..lol. Part of the late post is because my schedule has changed and I don’t get off of work until 8 pm M-TH so I’m usually not heading to bed until midnight. I did stay up a bit later than usual this time because it takes me what seems forever and a day to read the posts then type a bazillion personals..lol. Hey, you’re really rippin’ it up with your running too! How come you’re not coming to marathon in Chicago? huh?...

Lorie – Ah, sorry you have to get up extra early for the meetings. Ya know, you are a good candidate for my favorite bumper sticker of all time: “This is the earliest I’ve ever been late”. Unfortunately you have not yet been removed from the Cathy/Posh Chicago enabling list, so, um, yeah….SIGN UP ALREADY! WILL YA?....lol…just kidding..sort of…lol. I hope the nausea (Cathy, is this spelled correctly?...lol) dang, makes me nauseous just trying to spell the word! Anyhoo, I hope you are feeling better!

Dallas – Awesome, you’re going to lose more of the doubt after your kick-off. The other deal is that with TNT, you’re going to be having a night before the run pump-it-up dinner party (that seems to always have John the Penguin Bingham as a speaker) AND a victory dinner party the next evening after the marathon. You know, you can always PM me or email me if you want to chat further about TNT stuff. YAY DALLAS! Go Team! lol

KRISTI!! AWESOME you’re coming to Chicago! Sorry you’ve been so busy lately and having to endure pity parties – I know how you feel as it happens to me sometimes. Let’s get the injury healed so you can RUN the marathon… I agree with Jackie; you are earning your Super Mom cheetah name! Check in when you can!

Christine – So cool you and DD got out for the run. LOL’ing about the Santa Cruz bumper sticker. Although, I never put any bumper stickers on my car, there’s some I think are really funny like the one in my post to Lorie and this one: “A$$hole, not just a name, it’s a lifestyle”…..

Carole – Yeah, I will only take the time to bother with Ebay to sell the Cathe DVD’s that are prime. I just gave away all my VHS and actually I gave away my Cathe basic step/body fusion too. I figure why not try to get some cash for the better ones since I have the 2 trips planned. By the way, I meant to tell you, I used the Quorn crumbles in my vegetarian chili over the weekend and I must say, they are so much better than the other brand…um, Morningstar farms.

Jackie – I hope the Pow-Wow went well. I’m sure the body was all for the marathon, but the mind probably tried to play tricks, huh? Well, I sure hope they came to a Windy City agreement!...lol. Your house seems to be coming along – how exciting!

Wendi – lol, weeeell, I guess I won’t be catching those 4:00 to 4:30 am infomercials since I’m only about 4 to 5 hours into my sleep at that hour…lol. With my different work schedule now, I usually go to bed about midnight but I don’t have to wake up until 7 or 8 am. PST. I think a RT crash sounds good for some of you Cheetahs – I hope it works out for ya. It would be SUPERB if you could go to Chicago…hint..hint…enjoy your NY sunrise…

Have a glorious day friends!


(PS – this broadcast was previously recorded)…..lol
posh-nah...i don't mind being enabled. yes, i still have that gross nausea! it's really frustrating becuase it's BAD but, otherwise, i feel fine. i just took some anti-nausea meds and am hoping they kick in soon so i can workout.

so, we will see if this is going to be a forced rest week. if the meds kick in soon, i can workout. i didn't do anything yesterday! if not, i am just going to try no to puke while i shower/get ready for work.

i was enabled to buy that famous dave's self tanner and it arrived last night. it is AWESOME!!! the color is GREAT! anyway, i'll bbl for personals. gonna try and get up the gumption to workout.

gonna go catch up with catheland...
Gm, my cheetah sole sisters! :7

Posh :: I would love to see what your training plan looks like.

WT :: sending feel better vibes your way! Are you going to school today?

Wendy :: :7 Smiling at the tini-induced tickle-fest. Glad it did the trick for ya! Some days are like that. :) Ah, we were thinking: hey you're already doin' 18--SPSHHHT! what's another 8.2? ;):7 Ha! But it's cool. :) We can text each other during the race. *lol*

Wendi :: OH, I would so love it if you had a change of heart about the distance. With this many people going now, it would just be such a hoot to run it together! The strength of the pack will get us through when the going gets rough.

OK, I'm caught up, I think. Today the plan calls for a walk. We'll see. Might sub some other cardio.

Have a fab day!

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Good Morning Cheetah Babes!:)

Posh: No worries, girlfriend! It's all good! I feel really bad that I won't be there in person to cheer Cathy on but I'll be thinkin' of her and all of you as well!:) I'm sad that I won't get to meet more fabulous Cheetah women but I know another opporunity/race will roll around again sometime when I *WILL* be able to do it. Remember...I have to run my first full mary too one day! ;) *hint hint* ;)

Lorie: OMG, have you thrown up AT ALL? You know, you'd probably feel better if you did. Yeah it's gross but true! I hope that anti-nausea med kicks in FAST! I HATE feeling like that. I feel for you! :-(

Cathy: Tini-tickle-fests are fun! You should try it sometime! LOL :p OMG, texting during a race. You know, I have considered it but I think I'd trip and fall on my face!:7 My race starts several hours after yours does (and is there a time-change too?) so perhaps you will be DONE by the time I am starting! I want a text telling me how you did for sure!!!!:+

Today's work out is a CTX upper body part or 2 and a run this morning. I may also do yoga this afternoon or this evening.

After my morning work out I have to get to the grocery store (or we may well starve!LOL) and I'd like to get Joey outside to play for a little while again if it's nice out. I finally folded that mountain of laundry so now I get start all over again and wash more. ACK! x(

Time for that 2nd cup o' energy!
Good morning Cheetah babes!

Another super quick fly by this morning. Had a magnificent run this morning...6.4 miles in 56:20. That's the first time I've ever been sub 9:00 pace for a 10k. I have no idea where the speed has come from all of a sudden but I like it! Now I have to find more time in my schedule to get out for the longer runs.

Anyhoo, I've gotta jet. I have a monster of a riding list today and bowling tonight. Can we say "comatose" by bedtime tonight LOL!

Have a fantabulous day ladies!
Greetings Cheetah Friends :)

Wendi- Oh, I would love it if you could meet us in NJ on your Birthday! I will share details as soon as I get them! Did you have a great sunny run this morning?

Wendy- Ah, I had many days and nights as you described! You handled it well. Kids sometimes just get so frustrated from either being tired, or not knowing what they are feeling, or who knows what else. And of course they lash out at the people they are most comfortable with- Mom and Dad. If it makes you feel any better, I had a neighbor who suggested we have 'happy hour' one day in our circle while our kids were on their little bikes. We had this great happy hour with Vodka gimlets and a posse full of kids on little trikes and roller blades ! (only we did the drinking) Now I really only drink socially, but on that day it was a good idea!

Shelly- I am sorry about the disappointing real estate agent. Are you doing more research?

Posh- Ya know I would so love to run with my Cheetah friends. I am just not in a stage of my life where I can take off as I please. In just a 3 years I will be an empty nester and will consider. I sure hope there will be willing Cheetahs to meet me for a race somewhere then!

Christine- Your DD did well! I have had a similar experience with DS14. He only know how to sprint.

Kristi- I missed your post. I ma sorry about your knee, but I gather you are headed to Chicago too? Great!

I had a pleasant outside 5 miler yesterday. I am still slower outside than I like to admit but every now and again I look at the Garmin and pick up the pace. ah well at least I can run, even if I am slow. Today is NROL

TaTa friends,

[font color=lime green][font size +3]Judy "Likes2bfit"

***Eat Food. Not too Much. Mostly plants. Michael Pollan[/font]

Morning Ladies!

My stomach is bothering me this morning. We’ll see how it goes. I’ve been lucky this year *knocks on wood* and haven’t really been sick. BUT - I got Athletic Step Jam yesterday and would like to try it today. But, depends on how I feel.

Cathy – the Cult continues, but I’m stopping reading. What a crock. Yeah, Cali is unique – we’re filled with fruits and nuts – and the produce, too! :p EKB is fast, yes! But it is fun and works ya hard.

Dallas – hope you get a chance to breath today! Yeah, CS is not one you pop in on a whim. You have to be ready for pain. :p The run with DD15 was fun.

Wendy – Ahhh, the wonderful whinies! Sooo irritating when the kids get them, isn’t it? There were a few days that I remember where motherhood was not all cake and cherries, but thankfully, they all go through phases and those phases tend to not last too long. Hang in there sweetie! Enjoy GroceryMax and LaundryMax…

Wendi – enjoy your run this morning and sunrise! Nothing like running through the sunrise. Makes me wonder why all those lazy folks are still in bed! Thanks for the compliments on my dogs. One of my coworkers yesterday said that he wanted to come back as one of my dogs. :+ So happy to hear you’re pain free and full of energy after your working hours! :p

Thomasina! Two days in a row – we’re honored!!! :D I’m not a bumper sticker person either, but I’ve often wanted a license plate holder that flashes messages for other drivers – but I guess it’s a good thing I don’t have one of those – it would get me in a lot of trouble!!!

Lorie – I hope you start feeling better. I’ll have to try Dave’s! Sounds fabulous.

Judy – Good job on the run! And enjoy NROL today! I know with DD15, part of the California standards are that they have the ability to run a mile, so they’ve been running this mile since they were in 5th grade. It’s timed and their grades are based on the time – which is not right to me, but hey… So, she starts fast because of that. We’ll work on it. She’ll get there.

Still trying to figure out how I feel. It’s not bad – it’s just blah with a pain in my belly. Probably something I ate was not quite 100%. We’ll see. Kimo continues to improve. She’s snoring up a storm right now. :+ Have a great day all!
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy..I think with your enabling we will have a huge group in Chicago!! Good job with Weber's workout, I think he is the one I watched on youtube...WOW!! Enjoy your walk or other cardio today.

Lorie...I got that Dave's tanner too, I agree it is great!

Wendy...glad the martini helped. I hate days like that and I sure know the whiney DH issues...STFU????....:D..I should get my Jumpsnap today...thanks for enabling me...:) ..Have fun with your CTX upper parts and run.

Wendi...YES, you do need some weighted gloves for kickboxing, it makes all the difference in the world. Looks like dreads made another week, but I was not sad to see Kristy go. Great job on the run this morning.

Christine...Sorry about the stomach issues today, hope it goes away soon. I will book my Chicago flight for Sat through mon also. Seeing the marathoners monday could be interesting...:D...I remember my 1st! Sounds like a fun Spinerval even with Jimmy in the way...:)..I hit Subway for lunch once a week...their veggie wraps are yummy! I would think most kids run like your DD15 did yesterday...running with you will be good for her. I am so glad Kimo is feeling better.

Jackie...I think I feel better about not wanting to go to the RT as many cheetahs won't be there anyway. I do have a nice collection of workouts...:)...Good job with 4DS legs...it is a fun one.

Shelly....I am sorry about the uppity realtor's!! Fancy smancy...that bug's the crap out of me when nice upgrades don't seem to measure up to some people...I know I would love your house compared to my small one...I also believe you will find the right realtor...sending {{{{HUGS}}}}...Way to go with PUB heavy!!! Hope you enjoyed HLK and L&G yesterday.

Posh..One of theses days I might get rid of some workouts. I am happy you liked the Quorn crumbles...I use them alot. And I have started subbing seitan (a wheat protein) in many chicken recipes I have, I love the variety. I do use Morning star sausage patties, they are good.

Dallas..I will admit, I do get to laughing when I do superman to banana, but I find it fun. I bet you will get to the RT one year. It really is worth going at least once.

Today I will be doing PUB sho & tri's, abs, freestyle legs, and 40 min on my EXT.

Have a great day...:)
Good morning to all my fabulous cheetahpals. You all are better then an expensive visit to a psychologist! The cheetahs make the bad days bearable:) Anyway, yesterday was much better for me. I was still in a funk in the morning but got in a good workout with HLK and did some more painting... Actually I am now about 90% done with that:) We called a realtor who actually lives just down the road from us!! A very nice decent man who was very honest but supportive too :7 We've hired him and I feel so much better now!
The market still sucks of course and it is likely it may take a while selling this place even tho it is priced very fairly.... just not very many buyers around, but that's okay... I'm prepared:)

Carole- Saw your note to Posh and I gotta add how much I LOVE being Vegan _well almost Vegan anyway, I still do have some dairy products
but have cut WAY back on it. How's this for a testimonial... I have already HALVED my blood pressure meds!! I've used seitan and quorn in many recipes and like them much better than any meat!
Thank you so much for your inspiration and helpful knowledge!! Jerry told me yesterday out of the blue that he read that my "diet" will cut cardiovascular risk by 25% ( I personally think it's more than that) but he's still unwilling to try it himself... oh well!

Christine- Sorry you're having stomach issues today:( I think you could handle ASJ... it's not tricky to learn but oh so much fun... it'll be a good distraction! Interesting first run with your DD... you can teach her alot! A breath with every step????!!!! I get dizzy just thinking about that!

Judy- Followed your advice and got ourselves a different realtor:)
T minus 3 wks til the move.... getting to be crunch time:eek:
Very nice job with the 5 miler... it really isn't speed that counts!!!

Wendi- speaking of speed... you are smoking there Cheetahbabe! :eek:
Hope your long work day goes well and you continue your amazing performance at the bowling alley!! So are you planning on a little GTG at Cathe's gym around your Bday??? did I get that right?? I absolutely will make sure my calender is clear for that!!

Lorie- Oh dear... I've been reading about this famous Daves... I think you've made me cave and I'll be ordering soon! I've been quite unhappy in the past with my attempts at tanners. Hope that nausea med works for you!

Posh- You absolutely never fail to make me laugh and feel good!!!
Big smile at the thought of drop kicking those realtors;-)

Wendy- That was some awesome magic martini! Guess I'm going to have to work on my text messaging skills! That will be such fun communicating with the cheetahs in Chicago while we're doing the LBI 18 miler! Thanks so much for the Jump Snap link!! I think I'll be ordering that when I've relocated... looks like fun!

Cathy- See above note to Wendy re: text messaging! I'm not the pro you are at texting but I'll give it a try.... should be interesting!
Have you tweaked out a good marathon training plan yet?

I think that about catches me up for now. It'll be a 4DS day for me!! I'll be doing BC Bi and Tri this morning. Heading out to the Dentist for one last cleaning and then errands around town. Later will be HIS C&B.

Wendy....My bad!!! When I read your post about the whining yesterday, I thought you were referring to DH and not DS!....as I have no DS's...DH does all the whining in my house...:)...so disregard that part in my previous post...and sorry about Joey's whining yesterday.

Shelly...I did not remember you took any meds for BP, but kudos to you for cutting them in half do to the diet!!...and thanks...:)...My DH will come off with comments similar to Jerry's, (DH does eat a bit of meat, mostly what he hunts) I think your cardiovascular risk would be cut at a higher % also. My favorite though is when somebody asks us about being vegetarian and DH launches into how long WE have done this!!....LOL...what a goofball...Enjoy your 4DS marathon...:D

I have been cleaning and decluttering and need to get going on my workout. Luckily I go into work late...:)
Hi Cheetahs!

I got up early because the carpet guys were coming. They got here early and I wasn't quite done w/my workout. The good part is that I'm having them make a 5x5 bound piece of the old carpet for the workout room. Looks like I'll need it for STS. :) Do you think that's big enough. I've been using a towel for P90X when it calls for sliding, but it always gets bunched up. Anyway, I started out w/40 minutes on the EXT, then B&G floor premix (minus the abs - didn't need to work those....ha ha), and PUB - chest and one set of back :( That's where the interruption came. Don't know that I'll get tot finish that. The rotation calls for XStretch, so may do that before I go to bed tonight.

Carole ~ I workouts looked similar!! :) How weird!?!?! I laugh too during that exercise.

Shelly ~ Glad you're feeling better and that you found a new realtor. :) Texting while running....ha ha! :eek: I saw a few videos of the Chicago marathon on Youtube.com and was amazed that ppl were carrying cameras. :eek:

Christine ~ Sending healing {{{{VIBES}}}}. I meant to say I'm so happy Kimo is doing better. :) That is great news!!!

Judy ~ Tomorrow I'll get outside w/my new Garmin. I'm sure I'll be disappointed too. Great job on your run! :)

Wendi ~ You may have to change your name to Speedy Cheetah! Way to go!

Wendy ~ I hope you're feeling better today. Yeah, get out in the sunshine that'll definitely make you feel better. I can't go too far today (see above), but I'll take DS out in the backyard. :) Oh my....I misread your post about your DS. I thought you were talking about your DH. :7 ((((HUGS))))) It's definitely a lot of work being a mom, but well worth it!!! Hang in there. TNT obviously is for a charity. My dear sister had lymphoma 5 years ago, so I always knew if I was going to do this - it would definitely be through TNT. I've gotten flyers every year too and thought **nope, not this year**. So, when Cathe decided to come to Chicago, I had the flyer in my visor for several weeks. I pulled it out and looked it up online. I went to the initial meeting last Sat (perfect timing). They are wonderful ppl. As Posh said, I'll be assigned a coach and a mentor. We'll meet every Sat, I believe, for a long run on the trails. I've always wanted to run on the trails, but wasn't going to go by myself. They also meet during the week, but will probably do my own thing. They give you a training plan. There are clinics for nutrition, clothing & shoes, injury prevention, etc. The kick off meeting is May 3 and John Bingham will be there. :) I do have to raise a significant amount of money, but its well worth it. I'll be setting up a webpage as soon as I get the information. Being assigned a coach was such a great motivator for me. I know I'll learn a lot. I know this may not happen for awhile....great ppl all coming to one place and running/supporting one another. I also met to great gals at the initial meeting. :) I'm always complaining I can't get anyone to sign up w/me. Well, now look. :) I'm sorry I wrote a book. After the kick off meeting I'll know more. Posh has done 3 races under TNT, so I'm sure I'll be picking her brain. ;-)

Posh ~ I would be interested in seeing your plan. I looked at activetrainer.com, but I'll wait and see what TNT's plan is all about. Your posts are too funny! You should start a blog!!! Yeah, in your spare time!!! lol I know the kick off will be great! I'm so glad DH is being supportive. During football season he gets A LOT of time away, so hopefully any guilt that surfaces with this training will subside. :)

Cathy ~ I never fully understood my injury, but the podiatrist called it lateral ankle impingement. All I know after two PT's, and ART (mama-mia....ouchie!!!) I was able to start working out again. It was a frustrating time. :( Anyway, I thought I should make sure I don't need new ones before I dive into this. How long are they supposed to last? Have a great day at work!!!

Lorie ~ Have you been to the doc? That's so weird that the nauseousness is hanging on for so long. Healing {{{{VIBES}}}} to you as well.

Hi to any Cheetahs checking after this post!!! :)

ETA: Carole!!!! I think you're my Wonder Twin!!!! :7 ha ha about the DS and DH (Wendy's post) mix up! I did the same thing.:eek:
Morning Cheetahs or it may be afternoon by the time I finish this post!

Shelly - So sorry the realtors were so insensitive to a potential client. Know your home is beautiful. No recommendations from you. I have not managed to do the low plane lunges the way Cathe does them. Hamstrings won't allow. I have to start from the top of the move instead of the bottom. They still work. :) Glad you found a good realtor. My sis put her house on the market. Her agent told her people just don't want to look at anything over $220K right now. They can't get qualified. In this area, you can build a pretty nice home for that amount depending on what you put in it. Congratulations on that BP med! Something must be working.

Christine - Laughing at your Santa Cruz bumper sticker. Cool. Congratulations to DD for making it through her first run. I can feel you're so proud of her. How's she feeling today? Hope the tummy feels better. Glad Kimo is getting better.

Dallas - The mind and body are still trying to get on the same wave length. Think the mind is kinda willing and the body wants to wait and see. :) Good job with the workout until you were interrupted. Hope you enjoy that Garmin.

Wendy - I'm so sorry DS is not cooperating. It's just a stage - mind you, an aggravating one. I'm sure all of us with children have been there too. Glad the martini did the job for you. Hope the day is better for you with Joey.

Cathy - Today is much better. Good job with the KB workouts. How many miles are you running this weekend? I printed a marathon training schedule. Does that mean the Cheetahs are getting to me? :9

Wendi - IA that Cathy's enthusiasm is catching. Great job on that run! You're burning rubber! Have fun bowling tonight.

Posh - I always giggle as I read your posts. Actually I think the mind is more ready for the marathon but the body is playing tricks. We still have not come to a conclusion yet. As I said before, let me get this moving over with, then I'll have a clearer head. But, having a group of ladies to run with may make the marathon easier for me especially if I train properly.

Lorie - Hope the anti-nausea pills kick in soon. Feel better. Glad you like your new tan.

Judy - Loved your happy hour story. Cute. Good job on your 5 miler. That's all that matters is that you can run and enjoy it.

Carole - It's just too much enablement going on in this thread. :9 Can't wait to hear how you like Jump Snap. Sounds like a long workout for you today. Enjoy it. Laughing at your DH including himself on the vegan journey. :)

I did iTread #2 40 minutes this morning. I've never done that one. After about 10 minutes, Grace changes every 2 minutes between speed and hills. At the end, she does two sprints. I stayed with the joggers so I could stay around a 10 minute mile. Got in 4 miles. Did 20 minutes of iClimb 13 30 minutes. I used the core work from 4DS as a warm up and did the stretching at the end.

Phone not ringing so much today. I was able to post without interruption. Now, that's what I'm talking about. :7

Have a beautiful day!

Dallas...I would be happy to have you as my WT...:)...as our workouts and mix-up were similar...:D...Did you get my message through Facebook?

Jackie...actually I use to jump rope a long time ago to get into shape. This is nice as you won't trip...:)...My DH can be one silly guy...Good job with iTread and iClimb. So, you printed a marathon training schedule??...:)

My workout is done so if I get JumpSnap later I might test it out after work...:)
Wendy ~ *lol* no way I can tm while running! I’ve never mastered running through a water station without splashing all over myself. :) Ah, you know me, I’m a simple girl—I stick with my CLs.

Wendi ~ sweet run! Good luck bowling tonight.

Christine ~ hope your stomach’s better...*sighs* about the cult…*lol* about the fruits & nuts…I would love to visit CA again sometime. Really enjoyed San Fran, Monterey, and Napa…Glad to hear Kimo continues to improve.

Carole ~ Oh yeah, I think you’re right about Weber…needless to say, you will not see me leaping on tables any time soon! *lol* Some of those moves with the kb are quite challenging. Laughed so hard at your mixup with Wendy’s DH & DS.

Shelly ~ oh, I’m so glad you found a decent realtor and have shaken off the funk through another killer workout. Haven’t done the tweaking yet. The Bingham book should be delivered on Saturday, so I’ll get to that this weekend. GREAT news re: the meds!

Dallas ~ interesting – I have never heard of that. I use cushioned Superfeet inserts but do not have custom orthotics. Was just thinking I might need them since the cant strips helped me with my skiing.

Jackie ~ this weekend’s “long” run calls for 4. You KNOW I read your post with a HUGE smile on my face. I imagine I would not be able to keep up with a speedster like yourself, but it would be SO GREAT to have as many of us there as possible. If one more of you on the bubble commits, I may just lose it. I don’t know how I can contain the excitement!! IA with what you said to Posh—we sort of have our own team in training right here.

I'm supposed to walk tonight, and I thought I'd do that or perhaps alternative cardio, but I am so darned TIRED. Between the late meetings and the marking period closing tomorrow, it's been a week of rather long days. So, I may just save it for the morning. See no harm in that. The good news is that I am now finally caught up with everything! So, this is the weekend I get to be a SLOTH (at least schoolwork-wise). I can't wait!!!

Have a great night!

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Hey Ladies.

I know it's terribly early to be saying this but...I think I'm going to bed! I just put DS down and DH is not home. I bought the book Lipstick Jungle at the airport for the ride home and since I don't read for any great lengths of time at once, I have not even come CLOSE to finishing it. Tonight seems like a great night to curl up and read until I fall asleep. :)

That being said, I'll catch up on personals tomorrow in the morning or after work!

Ciao 4 now Cheetah Babes!!!:+

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