Alywyn, TT'ers, Kettlebells, Happy Memorial Day (MON 25th)


Good morning ladies,

well i have some boo-tay DOMS:7 other than that my legs are feeling good. so in a minute i am off for a run outside. not sure how many miles. just gonna run for an hour. we are having a BBQ today so i wanna burn some calories.

last night we went out for a seafood dinner and afterwards bowling (i suck). had alot of fun!!

jacque- yes, we did our legs circuit stle.

RE: Alywyn, TT'ers, Kettlebells, Happy Memorial Day (MO...

Good Morning.

Sunny: Dinner last night sounds fab. Burn those cals this morning girl! Enjoy your boo-tay DOMS :7 and your bbq. How long is your sister staying on for?

Well, the BBQ was fun. All things considered I don't think I did that bad. I ate some chicken, some turkey and some pork with 2 servings of salad and one small piece of bread for dinner (I passed up mac n cheese, hotdogs and a bunch of other yummy stuff!). SIL then brought out fruit with warm chocolate sauce for dipping so I ate some watermelon, some strawberries and some apples. I took a *TINY* bit of the sauce but for the most part, I ate the fruit plain! Then DH and I split a *SMALL* piece of chocolate cake. Other then that I had 3 beverages: 2 beers and a small mango margarita. :9 I input it into Fitday (ofcourse the portions were totally estimated) and although my cals were quite high (mostly due to the alcohol), my macros were not totally out of control. Most importantly, my FAT INTAKE was not out of control so I'm pleased. I left there not feeling stuffed or uncomfortable or upset with myself in any way. :)

In fact, just for sh*tz-n-giggles, I weighed myself this morning and the scale did not yell at me. In fact, it said I went down a pound.:)

I have another cook out to face this afternoon but it will be a very small group with limited food I am sure. The only problem is that I will probably drink multiple frozen alcholic beverages. Oh well...It's a holiday right!?! :p I am going to cut back my cal intake again through out the day to "save" it for whatever I indulge in later on. :9

My work out today is going to be slightly off. I am going for a short steady state run (about 30 mins) with my running buddy this morning and then I'll be doing my AB weights later in the day. Originally I wanted to do weights first but I am meeting my friend at 8:30 and didn't have the energy to get up early and do weights first. :p If I were to save weights until tmrw then I'd miss a weight training day this week. We are leaving friday afternoon to go to Atlantic City for the weekend. I can easily get in an HIIT run on the boards there on saturday but going to the hotel gym and trying to do the weights is more then I care to undertake on Saturday. I need to get my arse out of bed with the chickens on Friday though in order to get the final weight work out in since I have to work that morning and won't have time later. This is going to be fun!:p :p

Okay, I've babbled on long enough. Time to give someone else a turn!;)
RE: Alywyn, TT'ers, Kettlebells, Happy Memorial Day (MO...

Good Morning!

I had a rest day of sorts yesterday so my body would be prepared for the rest of the week's workouts. Today is TT big 5 circuit and intervals. We're going to friends' for a cookout - the majority of the food is clean. :)

Sunny, WOW - yesterday's workout sounded like a butt blaster - good on ya! Glad you're able to run today.

Wendy, Enjoy your bbq and your run with your friend. It sounds like you have a good plan for this week's workouts.

I'll be back after my workout. :)

A friend in fitness,
RE: Alywyn, TT'ers, Kettlebells, Happy Memorial Day (MO...

Good morning, girls!

LATE start for me today. I didn't even get out of bed until nine:eek: . But I'm heading out for my workout in a few minutes, which will be heavy squats, then two ten minutes circuits, then about 15 minutes of HIIT. Yesterday was a rest day for me, but I mowed the lawn which took me two hours. I was drenched in sweat.

Sunny, good luck with that run. It's tough when you have DOMS in the boo-tay!

Wendy, sounds like you did great yesterday! And you should definitely enjoy the holiday today. It's so beautiful...perfect for barbequeing.

Shirl, enjoy your cookout today, too. And have a great workout.

I don't have too much going on today. My kids came home last night, so we'll do a few errands and chill out together today.

Have a great day everyone ~

RE: Alywyn, TT'ers, Kettlebells, Happy Memorial Day (MO...

Good Morning....or Afternoon:)

I tried to checkin earlier but DS is comming down with something and was soooo whiny! Whenever i would get up from sitting on the floor with him, he would whine. So it got to the point where I figured we should get our run in, that way I could have a little peace and quiet!:) Im not sure what time I left the house, but I think we were running for atleast 80 mins or longer. I took a different route this time. I think I am going to change it up b/c its getting really busy on some of the st's I use to run on and I don't trust traffic. People don't even look where they are going anymore. I also have chest and back on the go for some time today. I really don't know how my day is going to go b/c DS usually as a afternoon nap, he fell asleep while we were running and I think it was just a long enough nap to throw him all out of sorts for the day.

Now who is rabbling?????;-) :)

Sunny** Im not surprised that you have some nice DOMS today! I did legs and back the other day and I had some butt DOMS going on. I didn't like some of the moves in P90X though, they were kind of sideways lunges and my knees don't really like I just sat and watched}(

Wendy** Another outing?;-) I lovvvvvve frozen drinks..but oh so many cals!}( When we went to our neighbours house the other night thats what she was made. She had just bought a new machine that made slushy drinks:9 Not sure it was worth $250 though. Hope you enjoyed you run. Sounds like you have the week planned out pretty well!

Jen** Sounds like you have a good workout planned today! I got a little sleep in today as well. After getting up 3x's at 5 this weekend, I was ready for it! Enjoy your day!

Have a good day everyone. Im not sure what we will do for the rest of the day, Im sure we will end up at the playground at some point in time.

RE: Alywyn, TT'ers, Kettlebells, Happy Memorial Day (MO...

Good morning ladies !

Bummed it's the last day of a four day weekend for me - oh well, did have some fun.

Have a NROLW Workout B on tap but think it will be later today. Got to finish the grouting before DS comes home from Vegas. Nice for him to play while we work on his bathroom floor ! Oh well, is coming out nicely.

Sunny - Hope your run helps ease the Bum DOMS today. I adore seafood, now ya got my taste buds going ! :9 May have to pick something up for tonite and forego the chicken !

Wendy - your BBQ last night sounds just like my type. Lots of foods that aren't too bad and you did great with just a taste of the "extras". Hope your workouts pan out - though you always seem to get them in somehow.:p

Shirl - enjoy your tough workout after a rest day and have fun at your BBQ.

Jen - holy cow ! A rest day that includes two hours of mowing lawns? Funny how in NROLW they mention to pay attention to the chores because they can be quite tiring. Think your lawn mowing would fall into that category.}( Enjoy today's circuits and HIIT - bet they will seem easy compared to yesterday !

Lori - Hope DS feels better soon. At least you got in a good run while taking care of him at the same time. Hope you get your UB in today too. May some pushups and pullups at the playground;) :7

RE: Alywyn, TT'ers, Kettlebells, Happy Memorial Day (MO...

Back to report my workout. I did TT circuit followed by Jillian's stage 2 shred workout and I was good and sweaty. I decided to do my intervals tonight after the cookout. Had to help DH scrape the porch - oh what joy!

Jen, WOW what a rest day! Sounds like my rest days at times. lol Enjoy your workout and chilling with the kids.

Jacque, Your DS is lucky! Hope he was as lucky in Vegas.;) Have a good workout!

Lori, Hope DS's nap schedule isn't too off today. It amazes me how drivers do not pay attention to pedestrians, especially ones with strollers! Do you have a jogger stroller? I had a single and a double. I used to love to run. My kids loved it to. I actually miss it alot. But it aggravates my rheumatoid arthritis too much. I was in remission for years and loving it. Enough of that; I guess it was my turn to ramble. ;)

Time to get some food ready for the cookout.

A friend in fitness,

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