Video suggestions


Hi Cathe,

Stylized Step sounds wonderful just as you described it. Rhythmic Step is one of my favorite workouts. Please give us some new and interesting choreography!

I'm not too interested in the Intro to Step workout, so I probably won't order that one.

For the weight video, I would love to see supersets of opposing muscle groups. For example, we'd do 1 set of chest press, 1 set of barbell row, another set of chest press, another set of barbell row, etc. That way the muscles get to rest but we're not just sitting around waiting. Or alternatively, alternate upper and lower body in the same fashion. Please make the weight work fairly heavy - no more than 20 reps per set, preferably in the 8 to 15 range. I guess that's hard to do with lower body exercises, but please consider it at least for the upper body.

Please bring back the stability ball and/or medicine ball exercises, or even some BOSU work.

I don't know how popular this would be, but I'd also like a functional fitness/injury prevention type of video that would focus on the muscles that tend to get overlooked: the rotator cuff, the tibialis anterior, the VMO, extra work for the erector spinae and upper back muscles, etc.

Whatever you do, I know it will be great. I haven't been disappointed yet.:7

>I don't know how popular this would be, but I'd also like a
>functional fitness/injury prevention type of video that would
>focus on the muscles that tend to get overlooked: the rotator
>cuff, the tibialis anterior, the VMO, extra work for the
>erector spinae and upper back muscles, etc.
I wholeheartedly second this recommendation!!!

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