Shipping Update - Sat, Oct 22nd

SNM Videos


We have some really good news to share with everyone tonight. We made a lot of progress today in shipping out the pre-sale orders thanks to our hardworking crew. We would also like to thank the employees of the postal service that have been on site all day scanning each order as they came off the production line and then organizing them on pallets so we could load them onto their trucks. Normally, the last pickup for the postal service is around 1pm on Saturday, but the postal workers stayed here working with us and the last truck will roll out of here around 9pm tonight. The postal service employees will be here again tomorrow (Sunday) and since they’re scanning everything here and delivering directly to the regional center it should help most of you to receive your package more quickly. About 60% of the orders shipped out today and we should finish the rest tomorrow. We will then circle back and try to catch up our customer service tickets.

We’re still here working now and will try to help everyone with download issues before we leave. We will also try to post a video Cathe made later tonight showing you what your order will look like and taking you behind the scenes of what the pre-sale shipping process looks like here at Cathe dot Com.
It continues to amaze me how you can organize this and the effort that every body puts in to get this out in such a short time. Thank you so much to everyone involved for the incredible hard work over a weekend no less and to Cathe and SNM for sharing this interesting process.
Cathe's behind the scenes video message to us

Hey everybody, Cathe left us a behind the scenes video message showing the packaging for the dvd's and demo-ing the slide and glide discs. If you get a chance check it out. Very cool.

There is a link to it on the home page and on her facebook wall. She recorded it last night. Now I'm even more excited, if that's possible.
Wow!! Thanks to you and your crew! Can't wait to get these I know that they are going to be worth the wait.
Elena :p

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