Long step workout


New Member
1)I would love a new long step workout with all new choreography like Rhythmic step or Step Works with a traditional Cathe abs at the end like Step Heat. With alot of oblique work and more lower body ab work.

2)If you do any type of strength training, PLEASE include floorwork like Pure Strength. I just love that floowork for the inner and outer thigh using the body bar or ankleweights.

3)Longer stretches. The intensity series has awesome stretch segmants but they are too short. The music was beautiful and relaxing. Please make the stretches longer.

4)Another suggestion for weight training would be like your Pyramid workout but instead of working 2 of the same exercises in a superset, work 2 opposing muscle groups.
Like 12 reps chest press with 12 reps tricep french press with light weights
10 reps chest press and 12 reps tricep french press with medium weights
8 reps chest press and 8 reps triceps french press with heavy weights.
Then move on to another chest/tricep variation like chest fly with tricep kickback.
This way you don't need to rest so much because while chest is resting you are working triceps.

With Lower body, you would work lower body with back. Like squats with lat rows using the pyramid system. Then lunges with another back exercise.

Just a suggestion.

Thanks for listening and making new workouts! I can't wait!


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