Chapters not playing in Blender

aqua girl

It was working fine this afternoon, but now most everything is saying File cannot be played with a black
screen & error codes. Jump Rope Bonus, Killer Legs, Killer Legs Barre bonus, Gloved Up & Sweaty, etc.
Hi Aqua, I'm not seeing any issues, but we replaced all of the chapter files a few hours ago because of an audio sync issue, and my guess is you cached the bad files when you were trying things out earlier. I would suggest clearing your browser's cache. I would also recommend waiting to create any premixes until we finish our work and have had time to check everything.
It’s when you bring the chapters down into a workout you are blending. They will not
play then. Everything is cleared….they play when you bring the video over and click
on a chapter to preview, but when you move it down into the new workout you are
creating, you get the error code.
Correction from above, if you click on the Jump Rope Bonus on the left, it starts & will
play. But if you bring the picture over to middle, and click on a chapter to preview or
move it below, it gives the error code
Hi Aqua,
We were able to see and duplicate the problem you were seeing and I think we have now fixed the issue. The problem was pretty simple once we figured it out. It seems when we uploaded the new files the encoder software for some unknown reason inserted a blank space at the beginning of some, but not all chapters. We renamed the files with this issue and they all seem to be working now. You should only have to refresh the WB browser page for this to work now, If it doesn't try clearing the cache.

We're still working on the new OnDemand files, but hope to finish over the weekend or early next week. However, most things should be working now except for rotations.
We were able to see and duplicate the problem you were seeing and I think we have now fixed the issue. The problem was pretty simple once we figured it out.
Yay! I'm happy to report that it seems to be fine now! Thank you for getting it fixed. I am
so glad it was an easy fix for you, but I tell ya', trying to explain it wasn't so easy....;)
I am so used to clicking, moving, switching, etc. in this blender, I probably could do it
with my "eyes closed", but then explaining it, well, that's a different story....for
least. Merry Christmas!

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