weight plate exercise

  1. forum_admin

    Cathe and Jenn D doing a front squat press during the Total Body Barbell workout

    Pictured here are Cathe and Jenn D doing a front squat press during the Total Body Barbell workout. This moderate-weight, higher-rep workout is approximately 49 minutes long and focuses on using a weighted barbell as well as barbell plates. As with any workout, be sure to increase your...
  2. forum_admin

    Cathe, Kristin, and Jenn D Doing a Side Lateral Raise With 5lb Barbell Plates Total Body Barbell

    Pictured here are Cathe, Kristin and Jenn D doing a side lateral raise with 5lb barbell plates in the Total Body Barbell workout. This intense, higher rep weight workout includes some exercises that use barbell plates without the bar for added challenge and variety. Grab your weights…it’s time...