Search results

  1. S

    Karen Voight facelift??

    I saw Karen last December and she looked different from the picture on the web site. Could it be that the picture is airbrushed? You know the magic of taking out the wrinkles..ect? She does look different in the nose and cheekbones.
  2. S

    New Video Clarification

    Thankyou Cathe for making us feel like we can play a part in choosing what you decide to make. 1)I would love a long step workout with all new choreography. I have been using the all step option premix from Cardio and Weights because I wished you had come out with a new Step workout that was...
  3. S

    Question about interval training

    Hi Cathe, What are the benefits of interval training? I'm really clueless. If you could be specific that would be great. Also, I tried doing your Imax 2 outside on the grass. I turned up the volume on the tv and I could practically do it without looking at the tv your cueing is so great! I...
  4. S

    Long step workout

    1)I would love a new long step workout with all new choreography like Rhythmic step or Step Works with a traditional Cathe abs at the end like Step Heat. With alot of oblique work and more lower body ab work. 2)If you do any type of strength training, PLEASE include floorwork like Pure...