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    Yuck...That Glucose Tolerance Test

    I had to do the 3-hour test about a month ago. It was torturous! The stuff you have to drink (100 gram glucose solution) is twice as strong as the 1-hour (50 gram) screening. I nearly passed out during the first hour. I was extremely nauseous. By the time they took my last blood sample, I...
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    Anyone have multiple miscarriages?

    Will be praying that the D&C goes okay and your recovery is quick! Tina
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    Anyone have multiple miscarriages?

    The D&C anesthesia is pretty mild. I remember that it made me vomit (all anesthesia does that to me including epidural), but I did go to work the next day. When I m/c in December, I had my original OB appt already scheduled for sometime in January, which would have made me 8 weeks. I...
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    Anyone have multiple miscarriages?

    It has always helped me to know that I wasn't alone. I know the feeling of just wanting to move on, so I applaud your decision to go ahead and get the D&C. I did learn from my blood work than I am borderline hypothyroid, so I don't know if that was part of the contributing factor to the...
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    Anyone have multiple miscarriages?

    Arancini, Hugs to you! I know exactly how you feel, so I will share with you my story. My first m/c was 6 years ago (6/00). I was 11 weeks and it was my first pregnancy. I ended up having an emergency D&C because of severe bleeding. I waited several months before trying again and had...
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    Short Luteal Phase

    Shannon, Please consider getting the book "Taking Charge of your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. This book is so enlightening and can save you a lot of time and money trying to figure out what your best option is. I can't explain everything that the book addresses, but it will give you some...
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    Mattress ?'s

    Another vote for Sleep Number. We actually just received ours earlier this week. I have slept on it for 3 nights now and I have noticed a huge difference in how I sleep already. I honestly do not wake up just to change positions or roll over! Since I am pregnant I still wake up to use...
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    Clearblue Easy Ovulation monitor

    I tried them before I read the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. At that time, they didn't help me because I didn't really understand my cycle all that well, so getting the timing just right wasn't very easy. They never gave me a overwhelming confirmation to convince me that I was...
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    Women and fertility

    Yve- The women here are so supportive and if anyone has any experience, I am sure they will share with you. In the meantime, if you don't already have the book, Taking Charge of your Fertility, get it now and read it immediately. Other women here will recommend the book as well. It is...
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    Misery loves company

    Thanks ladies. You do make me feel better. I know this phase will pass, but I feel better if I complain a little. Karen, hang in there and post often. It makes me feel better too when I know someone else is experiencing the same things. Tina
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    Misery loves company

    Hi ladies, I am almost 7 weeks pregnant and I am completely lacking in any energy or motivation to work out. It has been 5 years since my first pregnancy and I just don't remember it being this bad. The nausea and fatigue is overwhelming. I am trying not to complain, because the journey...
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    Boy, am I glad I don't live in Argentina!

    Michelle, My thoughts exactly! We should have equal concern about the obesity problem! Maybe they don't have a problem in Argentina? Although, I don't really want to see anymore heavy people wearing clothes that are too small for them! See enough of that as it is. Tina
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    A Cathe-style athlete in a half marathon?

    Amy, Just thought I would share my experience with running a half marathon. I too am more fit for power, speed and agility type movements, but I have been running for about 8 years now. Currently I include a couple 5-mile runs each week within my rotation of Cathe cardio and strength...
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    Multiple miscarriages

    Kim, Thanks so much for your encouraging words! It means alot to know that somebody understands. I am doing fine, just a little disgusted. But we are moving on and I finally got the book TCOYF and it has been enlightening. I know God has a plan and I just have to be patient. Tina
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    Whats up with the pajama pants?

    A friend of mine carries slippers with her in her carry-on luggage. She puts the slippers on when she takes her shoes off to go through security at the airport. She travels alot and can stand the thought of her bare feet on the same carpet/flooring as hundreds of other people. Her slippers...
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    Multiple miscarriages

    I am hoping some of you can help me know what to expect when I go talk to my dr. I had a m/c about 5 yrs ago. That happened at 11 weeks. Then I got pregnant and had my son, who just turned 4. About 6 months ago I had a m/c at about 6 weeks. And just this weekend I had another m/c at 6...
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    height and weight?

    I am 5'6" and I weight 145. This is my comfortable weight. I would like to be about 140, but would really have to restrict my diet to maintain. 145 sounds heavy (atleast to me), but I am very muscular.
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    need help/advice from moms

    As the mom of a VERY active 4-yr old boy, I do understand. Some kids have a high energy level and need to have a physical outlet for their energy EVERY day. My son is this way and he can be pretty miserable when the weather gets bad and he can't get outside to burn off some of his energy...
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    Just a little bit of motherly advice -- since you have had a miscarriage, your OB may want to do a trans-vaginal ultrasound at your first prenatal appt. This was certainly a relief for me when I got pregnant after my miscarriage. At 8 weeks I could see the heartbeat and be fairly certain...
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    Congrats Janna! Looks like we are on this road together. I got a positive last week too (been trying since April)! I also have had one miscarriage (more than 5 yrs ago), so it is easy to understand your apprehension. It will be hard not to tell our families while we are with them for the...