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  1. S

    Shrinking Violets 9/10

    Good morning Violets! I maintained control at the pizza joint and the Twins game. It's the first time in a while that I haven't eaten when someone asks if I want more :) I did Pure Strength Back, Biceps and Abs. My legs were too sore from my run yesterday to do anything else. I had...
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    Shrinking Violets 8/16

    Hey all! I'm back from vacation and came back 2 lbs lighter. Maybe it was lost muscle, but I think a lot had to do with getting adaquate rest, doing different activities (hiking, mountain biking, playing catch, going to ESPN zone and taking on an interactive boxing game ;)). Just thought I'd...
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    Distance sports and Cathe :)

    Hi Cathe, I've been toying with the idea of setting a goal to do an ironman by before I'm 40 (I'm 24 ;)). I plan to do a sprint distance this summer (450 meter swim, 13 mile bike, 5 k run) and was wondering if you had any thoughts on including your workouts in my training regimen (I think...
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    Weekly Meals

    I have made so many attempts to plan my weekly meals but rarely stick to them without snacking on things I don't really NEED. So I'm going to write my plan "for public record" for the week and update as necessary. Mon B = scrambled eggs w/tomatoes, mushrooms and some cheese(and coffee) Sn...
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    strengthening exercises w/out weights

    Hello, Cathe! I'm spending the semester studying in London, England and don't have access to weights. I brought a green bungy chord thing with me, but I'm really getting bored with it and not sure I'm making the most efficient use of my time. What exercises would you recommend without...
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    Vacation workouts

    I'm studying abroad in London and getting bored w/ my rountine, so I'm looking for ways to spice things up I don't have access to a gym (too expensive) so here's what I do: 6 min running stairs followed by 20 min strenght MTW before internship 30 min run Thurs 45 min run Friday 45 mins run...
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    I'm going to Italy from the 1st-8th of March and was wondering if anyone has been there and has suggestions of fun things to do. I am on a very tight budget=college student=hostels, but if there is something incredible to do, I'm up for it. Any fitness suggestions while I'm there would be...
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    staying warm

    Hello all! Merry Christmas--and have a blessed 2002! I'm living in MN---soon to travel to London to study abroad! I have a horrible time staying warm and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. I have enough body fat, but just can't stay warm. I drink tea, coffee, or cappucino now, but...
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    Clean eating for college student

    I like to eat healthy, but I just went to the grocery store and bought a bag of grapes for $5!!! I just can't afford to do that all the time. Bananas are cheap, along with apples and pears, but I'd like some fruit and veggie variety. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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    Target Videos

    Just wondering if any of you have been happy with the purchase of any of the videos that are at Target stores. This college student *needs* more variety ---and if I can get it cheap, great! Still, I plan to splurge on a few more Cathe's in the near future---maybe next paycheck :) Thanks in...
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    New Music?

    Sorry if anyone has asked this quesiton, but will there be new music in these videos---each one being different? Any response would be appreciated. Thanks!
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    I am currently in college and have been doing videos for 8 years. I am noticing now that I eat at night to keep me focusing on my homework and was wondering if any of you had helpful hints to keep me going without going to the fridge. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!