Search results

  1. kristen

    inflating mini yoga ball

    Thanks and I’m glad it’s not just me!
  2. kristen

    inflating mini yoga ball

    Hi all, I just got one of the small yoga balls, and I think I must be missing something. It's easy to inflate, but when I remove the inflation tube, I can't for the life of me get the plug into the ball quickly enough to avoid serious deflation of the ball. Any tips or suggestions would be...
  3. kristen

    I broke down today and bought the STS Dip/Pullup Bars

    I would love to know how you did this if you are comfortable sharing. Are you just letting your grays grow in, or are you doing something different? I am ready to do this myself!
  4. kristen


    I feel like this must be a dumb question but can you tell me how you play your own music? How do the beats, rhythms, etc., synch up? Thanks!
  5. kristen

    shoes in Step Synch

    thank you!!
  6. kristen

    shoes in Step Synch

    Can anyone tell me which specific Nikes Cathe and the crew are wearing in this workout? I like Cathe's, with the black swoop, the best, but the others are great too. Can't find them based on a quick search based on how they look so am hoping you get the actual model name. Thanks!
  7. kristen

    dvd contrast question

    Hi--hoping someone else might have encountered and resolved this! I have a new DVD player, and I'm finding that the menus on some of Cathe's DVDs don't display legibly because the color contrast is a problem. It seems so far to be menus where the background is a bright yellow and the menu type...
  8. kristen

    Question about tipping...

    I wouldn't think the price of the service has anything to do with whether or not you tip. If I eat in an expensive restaurant but can't afford to tip on top of the cost of the meal then I eat somewhere less expensive. I like the idea of just asking the person performing the service if a tip is...
  9. kristen

    Brenda's posture on dvd's

    I love Brenda. She is strong and fit and always inspires me. She's always smiling, looks great, and from what I can tell, keeps the whole crew laughing and smiling (it often looks to me like she is making wisecracks during the workout). I've often thought she would be a blast to work out with in...
  10. kristen

    recommendation for strength training w/o for seniors?

    Thanks for these great responses--I appreciate it! And you are right--my Mom is awesome!
  11. kristen

    recommendation for strength training w/o for seniors?

    Hi, My mom is 80, and thankfully, very healthy and vibrant. She hikes every day and her legs are strong. But she is noticing that she has lost a lot of strength in her upper body--she had some trouble recently lifting sort of an average bag of groceries. I can work with her on some good starter...
  12. kristen

    suggestions on strengthening tendons?

    Clare, thank you so much!! Really appreciate it. I think I will skip the blue one. :)
  13. kristen

    suggestions on strengthening tendons?

    Thank you, everyone, for the great info!! Clare, when you do the torquing/wringing action, do you hold something--a cloth, or a resistance band, or something like that? Or just make a fist and do the movement and then reverse the motion? I bet I have that same imbalance situation going, so I...
  14. kristen

    suggestions on strengthening tendons?

    I don't even know if it's even possible to strengthen tendons, but...the tendons in my forearms are very injury prone. I recently developed a bad case of tendonitis in my left forearm, and it was from lifting heavy. I've done the same to my right arm several times in the past. Obviously now I am...
  15. kristen

    ? For Users of Retin A or Renova

    Island Rose, I'm surprised that your insurance won't cover it if the prescription is for adult acne. Typically insurance will cover it for that, but not for "cosmetic" issues like wrinkles. So if your doctor is indicating in the prescription that it is for adult acne, it might be worth having...
  16. kristen

    Another "Name that XTRain song"

    You rock, literally!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
  17. kristen

    Another "Name that XTRain song"

    Jesse, would you be willing/able to post the names of all the original songs in Hard Strikes? Don't know how you find these-you are amazing!
  18. kristen

    Purple shoes in new workouts?

    Thanks, everyone, much appreciated!
  19. kristen

    Purple shoes in new workouts?

    Hi Cathe, I know these are Rykas, but which Ryka shoe is it, please? The workouts are so awesome--thank you!
  20. kristen

    All DVDs have now been shipped!

    should I be concerned that I haven't received a shipping notice? I did pre-order. thanks.