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  1. B

    Question about my new DVDs

    I just got the new Cathe DVDs and Low Impact Step says "From the Total Cardio Step Series" And "From the total Muscle Sculptingn Series" are these new Cathe workouts "in the works" that she's going to be filming in the near future? Beth
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    Help with getting in shape for my 4 day hike.

    I have 3 months to get in shape for my 4 day Inca Trail hike to Macchu Piccu, Peru. Can you guys give me ideas of what cardio excercises to do (Cathe tapes. I don't belong to a gym. ). My lungs can't take alot of cardio as it is and with the high altitude in Peru, I really need to biuld them...
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    OMG The Step is HUGE!!

    Well, after doing Cathe workouts for a few years, I finally bought a full size Step and Holy Cow, this thing is huge. I already know this is going to intensify my workouts especially when I do those cardio moves that require you to jump lengthwise over the board. Oooh what fun! Beth
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    Yeah, just got my Hardcores. Which ones did you do first?

    I can't make up my mind which one to try first. Both cardio or weights sounds appealing. Which ones did you break open first?
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    Need a career change. Question for nurses

    I'm at the top of my pay scale as a bookkeeper and keep hearing about the nursing shortage so I thought about looking into becoming a nurse. I have a BA, but I think the college is not accredited and I do not want to go back to school for 4 years. Can I become a nurse in less time? What is...
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    CTX - Step & Intervals

    I hate to admit I've had this tape for awhile and just did it for the first time last night. I was so worried that I'd be stumbling over my feet and I wouldn't get a good workout, but I had a really easy time doing this. Not that I didn't sweat, but I was smiling during the workout because I...
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    Low fat cookbook suggestions

    I really enjoy cooking and hate to admit that my diet isn't very good. So I am going to make a strong effort to stay away from the center aisles at the grocery store (hamburger helper & hagen daaz ice cream). I am thinking of ordering: Betty Crocker's Low-Fat, Low-Cholesterol Cooking Today...
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    High Step Circiuit Beg/Int. ?

    Is this workout a little more advanced than Beginning Step/Body Fusion?
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    What's this P90 workout I keep hearing about?

    How are they similar or different than a Cathe workout?
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    Different step benches in Basic Step & Body Fusion

    The step in Basic step looks like the Club Step, but what is the step in Body Fusion & why the difference. I need to get a new step because the one I have is just a box. Is one better over the other? The step looks smaller in Body Fusion. Beth
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    Do I feel out of shape!!

    I spent the weekend in Yosemite National Park. If you haven't been there, I HIGHLY (with capital letters) recommend going! We spent the whole weekend hiking and I was so soar after the first day, but I kept going like the energizer bunny! I just can't believe that I have lived in California...
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    What are the differences between the steps sold at Walmart?

    On their website there are about 4 step benches that look the same, but have different names and varing prices. There is The Step, The Step Workout System, The Step Home Trainer Bench System, The Original Health Club Step Bench System. Here's the website...
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    pilates workout suggestion

    I got Pilates for Dummies on the suggestion for a beginner to this type of excercising. Deep down I thought it was going to be too easy for me since I had done similar type of excercises when I was in high school. Well, I was right and I'd like some suggestions for something more advanced. I...
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    PUB/PLB premixes question?

    which do you find easier pyramid up or pyramid down on the premixes or are they both as intense? This is for both upper and lower body workouts. Thanks! Beth
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    What are your reasons for preordering the new workouts?

    I'm still on the fence if I should order these or not. So I need help deciding. Thanks! Beth
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    Slip locks?

    Does anyone know where to get those sliplocks for barbells so you can remove the weights quicker? Thanks, Beth
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    Timesaver Kickboxing section

    I was looking at the timesaver dvd last night and said, oh, I could use a light workout tonight. I've always been able to do most of her CTX kickboxing tape and thought this would be similar. WOW, was I wrong. It kicked my butt! But of course in a good way! My jury is still out about the...
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    Can I make a confession?

    I haven't worked out since before Thanksgiving. I am hoping to start getting back into it this week since I have the last part of the week off. I guess the good thing is that I don't own a scale so I can't weigh myself, however I don't think I gained any weight. Beth
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    My timesaver is waiting for me at home.

    I can't wait to try it!! I just hope it plays on my computer's DVD
  20. B

    I haven't worked out in 2 weeks due to relatives in town!!

    UGH! The last ones leave tonight and I can't wait to get back into the workout routine. I must have gained a few pounds with all the eating I've done the past week. Beth