Search results

  1. W

    Mobility Work

    Or a recovery day DVD, with segments for mobility, stretching, foam rolling, maybe some balance work. My absolute favourite combo would be Cathe, a Bosu and a TRX but I cannot see that happening anywhere but in my very vivid immagination.
  2. W

    Video Clip so freaking excited

    I cannot wait to have these in my hands. From the clip, this series is going to be everything I hoped for and more.
  3. W

    Spin Bikes

    Now that I am going to have to get a spin bike as I will not be able to resist spinning and Cathe together. Who has advice on spin bikes? Do you have one you love? Hate? Sort of love except for one or 2 things> Thanks Wisp
  4. W

    Difficulty with service.

    Hello Cathe Please contact me regarding customer service issues I am having with shop Cathe. It has been suggested to me that you may not be aware of the problems I am having. I have PM'd you once and asked the customer service rep to forward my complaint but I am not sure if you recieved...
  5. W

    Adding Official Rotations

    Hope this is the right place to post this. Could someone add Cathes official beginner and intermediate workout rotation to the workout manager. Please. I tried to do it myself but I can not find how to add the add ons. It would be very helpful to those of us who are new.